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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1002596-Another-Busy-Day
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1002596 added January 22, 2021 at 12:54am
Restrictions: None
Another Busy Day
A cold day, good for working inside. Yesterday was nice, above freezing, sunny, and just a bit windy. But, the mercury dropped through the day into the lower twenties by early morning, and barely into the teens by noon. Steadily if fell, and now it's at 0 and still falling. The winds were stronger today, but have decreased this evening. By morning we will be sitting about -8 and we will not see more than single digits for a high.

I wish I would have gotten more of the outside stuff done yesterday, but it didn't pan out that way. But, I did get most of what I needed to get done before it got too cold. We had to move our table to storage as well as a few containers of Christmas decorations, empty the recyclables, and do a bit of shopping. By the time I finished the recyclables, the delivery truck was just leaving after dropping off the table and chairs we had ordered online.

The directions for the chairs were simple enough, but they should have labeled the hardware to match the directions. Even so, it wasn't bad to figure out and soon we had all the chairs put together and started on the table. The table was much easier, with just 8 screws to attach the 4 legs and it was finished. The quality was actually better than I had thought it would be; the chairs are comfortable and sturdy. The table is also nice and sturdy and it's the perfect size for our small dining area. I especially like the butterfly leaf built-in. Just unhook the two halves of the table, spread it apart, flip out the leaf and it's big enough for company. Then, unhook and spread, fold the leaf back into the table and it's compact again.

Of course, once we finished, I had a lot of cardboard and packaging to take over to the recycle bin again. I just couldn't, after hauling and sorting in the cold, stand to pile it up and have it sitting around until we need to haul cans and plastic again. By this time, the temperature had dropped to single digits so it was a bit cold getting rid of the cardboard.

With the truck already warmed up, it only made sense to run to the store and pick up a few things for dinner, so that was the final project outside. I picked up a few things we needed and the ingredients I needed for a big pot of vegetable beef soup. Like usually, by the time I had most of it in the pot, I needed more room to add the rest, so we actually ended up with a pot and a half of soup. That will have to be the next item on the list of things to get, a big soup kettle.

Two days of being very busy and I'm shot. I have aches and pains from lifting and doing things I'm not used to, but otherwise feeling pretty good. I do have some sinus pressure and am a bit stuffed up, but not sure if it's a cold or just the dust from deep cleaning yesterday combined with the very frigid, very dry, arctic air that has moved in. I'm hopeful that tomorrow I will feel better.

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