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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1002646-A-Simple-Project-A-Major-Headache
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1002646 added January 23, 2021 at 1:28am
Restrictions: None
A Simple Project, A Major Headache
We made today an easier day, lounging around some and then taking measurements and looking at options for shelves above the washer and dryer. We need to create a lot of storage space, and that's one area that is really wasted.

This afternoon we looked online at some options to get some more ideas and then drove into town to make our purchases. Of course, what was supposed to be easy became more challenging when once again what was available online and what was actually in the store didn't match. On a side note, I really don't understand how so many stores can be off so much on inventory. Of course, I looked for an item a few days ago they were supposed to have but didn't have any on the shelf. I asked and was told if the shelf is empty, they are all gone. I then left but decided to get the next best thing to finish my project and the same person who told me if there are none on the shelf, they're all gone had a cart full of the item I had asked about.

Anyway, we had to change our design because the shelving we had first thought of getting wasn't there. However, the item we had originally wanted, but they didn't have, was there. Well, at least enough for the two full shelves. For the bottom shelf, we need to stay within 8 to 10 inches, with 8 being the desired width. But, we also need a shelf 4 feet long and the 8-inch shelving was only 2 foot. So, again we had to adjust the design and go with a 10-inch shelf for the bottom. Finally, we have a 15-inch shelf above the laundry but it's fixed in place and we are going with adjustable shelving, so we needed brackets for that one. But, they didn't have any; that's why we ended up going with two 12-inch shelves instead of 2 more 15-inch shelves. They also didn't have another 12-inch shelf to replace it, so we have to put that shelf on top and fix it in place, then put adjustable shelves under it.

I know, it's sounding very confusing, and that's when my headache started, trying to figure it all out in my head while at the store. The only other option was to go to a different town, and see if we could find everything there. However, having been to the different stores in even the bigger towns, I find the same situation everywhere. Inventory and what they have in stock do not match. I discussed it with my wife and we decided together that we would very likely face a similar situation where ever we go, so let's just redesign it and make it work.

I didn't do any more with it after making the changes and purchasing everything; I hope. I was going to gather up the tools I need, make some more measurements, and put all the changes into place to make sure it's going to work, but unfortunately, when I went to put the shelving in the car, I hit my head. It's a lift-up hatch and with the cold, it didn't go all the way up. Me, with a baseball cap on, didn't see that it hadn't gone fully open and as I stepped and bent forward, I ran my forehead into the edge of the gate, very hard.

I thought for a moment I was going to go all the way down, but I managed to lean into the car and support myself as the world became very waving and unstable. I really couldn't see anything, just darkness swirling for about thirty seconds, then my vision returned, but not very stable, I had a hell of a time trying to focus. I also managed to jamb my neck up real bad, so it's painful to turn to my head as well as lift it up or down more than a little bit. My ears are still ringing, and I still feel a bit unstable. It took a while for my vision to stabilize, but that seems to be normal again. I'm hoping everything will be back to normal in the morning, well, except for the tennis ball-sized bruise on my forehead, that will be there for a while.

As for my mental state, I told the girls that I knocked myself goofy. They said I was already goofy before I hit my head. I had to agree so I changed it and told them I had hit my head so hard I probably knocked the goofy right out and I'd be normal now. They both gave me the look and told me not to even joke about anything like that.

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