Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1006431-A-Paean-to-Change
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2222258
A poem a week for a year.
#1006431 added March 15, 2021 at 11:07am
Restrictions: None
A Paean to Change
A Paean to Change

The pills, the day is coming
when I’ll no longer need ‘em.
The pills, the tablets, capsules,
constant companions for so long,
some day they’ll fall away
and I’ll be free
for eternity.

The stream winds its way down
from Inyangani,
brooding horizon hulk.
Chattering in youthful glee,
the water runs and plays,
clawing at the rocks and gone
in a moment,
hurrying down to the gorge,
mighty Pungwe,
where it will leap into space,
a sudden bridal veil
draped to the valley below,
lost in blue forests of distance.

Line count: 20
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry, Week 42
Prompt: Write a poem in two sections about two completely different things. Have the title link both items today in a surprising way.

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