Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1013607-Chapter-1
by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Adult · #2254644
Rebecca’s desire for power leads our heroes back into a familiar hell.
#1013607 added July 14, 2021 at 5:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
Pam sat in the living room of her and Beth’s apartment reading. She'd been staying with her girlfriend while she recovered from her time spent in captivity. She'd enjoyed her time with her pet. The first week had been spent keeping Beth in bed, mostly cuddling and watching her play her games. She didn't mind watching her play, most of the games Beth played were story driven or at the very least were entertaining go watch. They'd started more physical activities after that first week. Beth had been restless, and while their sex life helped she had wanted to do start training again. Pam honestly didn’t mind, it was a chance for her to hone her body as well as her mind. She’d picked up quite a few new and interesting techniques that combined her magic with martial abilities.

Beth had been in their room playing one of her games for the better part of the morning, but Pam had recently picked up new series that she hadn’t been able to put down. She heard Beth stomping into the room and marked her place in her book. She looked up to see her girlfriend sporting an annoyed scowl. She smiled at her and asked, “Something the matter, Kitten?”

Beth threw herself down on their couch and crossed her arms. She was cute when she was upset, “I’m bored,” she huffed.

“Don’t tell me you’re out of games to play,” Pam said, “I thought you had just downloaded several new ones last night.”

“Stupid thing has to update!” Beth yelled, throwing her arms in the air, “I was in the middle of a quest when it happened!”

“You could try reading a book,” Pam offered and received a glare from her pet.

“All we have are your books in foreign languages,” Beth argued, “You’re reading the only one in english. Can’t we...I don’t know, do something together?”

Pam grinned as she asked, “Is someone feeling neglected?”

Beth blushed as she stammered out her defense, “N-no, t-that isn’t what I meant! I just meant...oh my God, get your mind out of the gutter!”

It was always adorable when Beth got flustered. She was a temperamental little thing, but she adored that fire in her. She closed her book and sat it down, “What did you have in mind, Kitten?”

“We could do some training,” Beth offered.

“Do you really want to lose again?” Pam asked confidently.

“You got lucky last time and you know it!” Beth argued, “Spar without using your magic and we’ll see who comes out on top.”

“I think we both know that I always come out on top,” Pam countered and earned another blush from Beth.

“Would you stop?” Beth asked.

“Why?” Pam countered, “Tell me I’m wrong.”

“Please, mistress, can we just…” Beth trailed off with a pout.

Pam rolled her eyes as she relented. Not for the first time, she wondered just how this little woman was able to play on her emotions so well. Something about those eyes and that puffed out bottom lip just played on her heart strings. She laughed as she mused aloud, “What happened to me?”

Beth looked at her confused and asked, “What do you mean?”

“Once upon a time, I’d have ignored your protests, had my fun, and put those pretty lips of yours to work until you passed out,” Pam explained, “Now, I find myself undone by a simple pout. Sometimes I feel like a literal shadow of my former self. Don’t misunderstand me, Kitten, I love you and I wouldn’t trade you for anything, but there are times I feel like I’ve become too easily ruled by my emotions.”

Beth frowned, hating to see her mistress like this, “If it’s any consolation, we did actually do that the other night, and I can kind of understand what you mean. I used to be a confident hero of this city, but now I bend a knee and bow just from a look from you. I never in a million years would have guessed that I’d be willing to submit to someone, let alone another woman, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy…”

Pam smield, sensing Beth’s mild distress and deciding to indulge in an old hobby of hers, “I have an idea for something that we can do together. Take off your clothes.”

Beth’s eyes widened at the request, “I thought I said I wasn’t looking for sex!”

Pam rolled her eyes at her, “Did I say anything about sex? No, I didn’t.”

Beth eyed her suspiciously, but started removing her clothes. “So, if this isn’t a sex thing then what is it?” Beth asked.

“I’m going to do something that I haven’t done in a long time,” Pam answered, “Relax, and just do as you’re told.”

“Don’t I always?” Beth asked as she slid her panties down.

“Depends on if you want to be punished or not,” Pam answered, “But you’re right. For the most part, you are a good girl. Go to the table and fetch me the notebook and the pencils that are sitting in the center. Be quick and then I want you to pose for me.”

Beth did as she was told and walked into the dining room, “Pose, mistress?” she asked.

“Yes, Kitten, pose,” Pam answered, “Hurry now, I’m not in a patient mood today.”

Jake walked up the stairs to Beth and Pam’s apartment. He’d been debating on the best way to bridge the subject of his newest orders to the pair. There was no way that he could let them know that it came from Goth. If they told them that it would be a hard no, and there was no telling what sort of colorful string of words Beth would have for him. He’d come up with a bit of a weak story, but he was confident that he could spin it in a way that would be convincing enough for the two women. He stood outside the door for a second before taking a deep breath and knocking.

“Come in,” Pam’s voice called out.

He opened the door and was greeted to the strangest sight. Pam sat in her usual chair while Beth stood stark naked with her arms spread out and her legs slightly crossed. She looked like she was getting ready to be sculpted and was as still as a statue. He stared at his friend for a moment and inadvertently drank in the sight. He’d seen Beth naked several times both out in the field when they’d been in compromising situations and then there were the handful of times they’d hooked up. He’d almost forgotten the curve of her bust and how shapely her butt was, the pants she’d been wearing lately hid her ass much better than the old spandex she used to wear. He blushed and turned his attention back to Pam who looked both uninterested and impassive to her girlfriend’s complete nudity.

“Uhm...hey?” he said with more of an upward inflection than he meant, “Is...should I come back later?”

“No, you’re fine,” Pam said without looking up from her book, “I will, again, advise calling ahead in the future, but there’s no reason to rush off. Please, have a seat.”

He wasn’t completely comfortable with this, but he did as instructed and took a seat across from Pam. He tried to avoid looking over at Beth and proceed like everything was normal, “Okay then, I have some news that you might be interested in.”

“I’m listening,” Pam replied as she turned the page.

It was almost unnerving how silent Beth was being right now, but he tried his best to just ignore it as he continued, “Right, so about a week ago I got word from a few lowlives that Goth’s old castle had been raided.”

“Shocking,” Pam remarked indifferently, “It was a massive stone castle that was easily one of the largest structures in Citiville, Jake, it comes as no surprise that it was ransacked.”

He ignored the snarkiness in his friend’s voice as he spoke, “The library was raided and I heard that...I’m sorry, but Beth what the hell are you doing?”

Beth didn’t look at him, but she replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “I’m posing, duh.”

“Posing?” he repeated.

“Yes, posing,” she clarified.

Finally, Pam looked up from her book almost surprised and asked, “Whatever for, Kitten?”

Now Jake was more confused than ever, and apparently so was Beth. His friend looked over at Pam and said, “Because you told me to!”

“What are you talking about?” Pam asked.

Beth’s face flushed, but Jake knew that look in her eyes. This wasn’t embarrassment, this was her temper flaring to life, “You told me like three hours ago to pose so you could draw me!”

Pam mouthed an ‘oh’ and sheepishly said, “That...right, I finished that an hour ago, Kitten.”

“And you didn’t bother to tell me?!” Beth almost yelled, “Why the hell not?!”

Jake’s eyes went back and forth between the two as Pam closed her book and set it down. There was a look in Pam’s eyes that he only saw on rare occasions as she spoke, “I will remind you to watch your tone with me. Frustration be damned, I will not have you speaking to me with such disrespect.”

That should have been the end of the escalation, but Beth was clearly upset, “I’ve been standing here for three hours in the fucking nude and for what?!”

“You’ve been brightening the room, sweetheart,” Pam said with a grin before getting another stern look, “I’m not going to tell you again, reel your attitude in or else.”

“We have company and you didn’t tell me you were done drawing!” Beth yelled, “You didn’t even let me see it!”

“Beth maybe do as she says…” he tried to diffuse the situation.

“Fuck off,” she spat at him before turning back to her girlfriend, “You do realize that I’ve been trying to ensure that you’re the only one to see me naked, right?”

“That is enough!” Pam said standing suddenly and instantly getting a reaction from Beth, “You will show our guest some respect, you will lower your voice, and if you don’t lose that attitude then I will personally bend you over my knee and beat your ass until it is red. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?”

Beth swallowed and took a step back, and Jake felt himself tense up from the overt dominant tone that Pam was taking. He hadn’t heard her talk like that in a long time, and it was clear that Beth hadn’t either as she looked down and spoke meekly, “I-sorry mistress...please don’t punish me…”

The tension was intense for a moment, and he swore that if someone were to drop a pin he would be able to hear it. After a moment, Pam sighed and relaxed, “Go put your clothes back on and get back in here,” she said and when Beth didn’t move she added, “Now, Kitten, before I decide to make good on my word!”

Beth was gone in a flash and it was just him and Pam left in the room. He cleared his throat and earned a terse look from his friend, “You two...you two alright?”

She sighed and sat back down, “We’re fine, honestly better than fine,” she replied.

“Want to explain what that was all about?” he asked.

“Not particularly,” she answered honestly.

“Pam, you’re both my friends and if something is going on then you can tell me,” he offered.

She closed her eyes and debated on whether or not to open up to him or not. She decided to take a more defensive stance that she knew he didn’t deserve, “Like how you open up to us? What do you want, Jake?”

He faltered and tried not to appear hurt by her comment, “Right, sorry,” he said.

She sighed and put a hand to her head, “Ugh, what is wrong with me?”

Before he could answer, Beth walked back into the room fully clothed and her head bowed. She walked over to Pam and got on her knees before her. It felt like he was witnessing something more personal than he was comfortable with. Beth didn’t look up as she spoke, “Mistress, please forgive me for letting my temper get the better of me...you deserve better than that.”

Pam was silent for a moment before putting a hand under Beth’s chin and tilting her head up. She stared down at her with hard eyes for a moment before they softened, “Nothing could be further from the truth, Kitten, I accept your apology. Stand and sit in my lap.”

Beth’s eyes lit up with relief as she rose and gently seated herself in her mistress’ lap, “I don’t deserve you…”

Pam smiled and pulled her pet back right before planting a kiss on the top of her head, “Yes you do,” she said before turning her attention back to Jake, “Pardon my little episode, Jake, what were you saying?”

The air in the room seemed to lighten as both women fell back into their typical behavior. He made a note to speak to Pam about whatever that was about later. Whatever that was about, he suspected it went beyond just Beth’s temper flaring up. He shifted his focus back to the task at hand and cleared his throat, “Right, I was saying that I got word about a certain book from Goth’s private collection that went missing. Old stuff, ancient even, the kind of thing that someone could use to do some serious harm.”

“If it was one of her personal tomes then the likelihood of someone being able to decipher it is low,” Pam countered, “Do you happen to know which one it was?”

“I didn’t get a title, but I did get a description of the cover,” he replied, “Worn leather, not your typical hide either. This one was reported to change in certain lights, almost like a sort of prism. The leather itself feels like...well it feels almost like flesh.”

Pam frowned at this. She knew the book he was talking about, and she knew the dangers that something like that held for mortals. It was one that she had seen only a handful of times, but the spells and knowledge within it were enough to raise the level of a mortal to a mage and a mage to a full blown sorcerer. “A necronomicon,” she clarified, “Not just any one either, this one was one of Rebecca’s original texts.”

“A necro-what?” Beth asked.

“It’s a grimoire of sorts that holds secrets that are usually quite personal for the individual,” she answered, “There are typical grimoires and spell tomes, but a necronomicon is something else entirely and this one is particularly unique. The story that goes with it dates back to the legends of Morgan Le Fey, allegedly an alias that Rebecca held long ago, and the secrets that she made her the legend that she was. The pages are written in blood and require a translation spell that is beyond the capability of most who walk in this modern world.”

“That’s fucking disgusting,” Beth said with a shudder, “Sorry, I don’t mean any disrespect, but seriously what the actual fuck?”

Pam laughed at her pet’s palpable disgust, “It isn’t for the faint of heart, love, but it’s old magic and is equally sadistic and barbaric. You still haven’t said your point, Jake. If someone has this book, then reading it would prove near impossible and could drive them to insanity.”

“I did some homework on it, not easy stuff, but I figured you might want to get your hands on it,” he explained, “What you’re saying matches what I found out and then some. If something were to happen and Goth got her abilities back...I’d feel safer knowing that we had someone who could match her magically.”

She studied him for a minute before stating the obvious, “You’re wanting me to help you retrieve the book. Where is it?”

He sighed as he prepared to give the answer that was sure to get a reaction, “Ravenfalls, Abigail has it.”

“What?!” Beth said jumping off of Pam’s lap and onto her feet, “No way, no fucking way in hell!”

“I didn’t say it would be easy,” he said.

“Jake, are you fucking stupid?!” she demanded, “There is nothing on this planet that is worth going back to that...that nightmare!”

“If I might ask, who is Abigail?” Pam interjected.

Beth turned to face her mistress and composed herself before explaining, “The single most disgusting, sadistic, and outright creepy woman to walk the earth. Hell, she gives Goth a run for her money! The last time we faced off against her Jake ended up brainwashed by her nast toejam tentacles, she tried to turn me into a whipping girl, and we barely escaped with our lives and sanity!”

“Calm yourself, Kitten,” Pam said trying to push some soothing emotions through their shared link, “I was unaware of any of this, and what, pray tell, is a whipping girl?”

“Think like a slave from the castle,” Jake explained, “Only somehow worse. Abigail has this weird ability to control whoever eats her foot gunk, but the whipping girls only get enough to not be able to resist. If you get a whole serving then it’s like you’re brainwashed and get hypnotized, but it’s like a drug and if you don’t get more you start to withdraw. Whipping girls only get enough to not be able to fight back, but they’re used by Abigail and the whole of her sick village. Fart slaves, foot worship, human toilets, and basically any other sick and depraved thing you could think of.”

Pam tensed at the thought of her pet being used in such a deplorable way and by a community no less, “They did this to you?” she asked Beth who nodded, “Then it wouldn’t be wise for me to journey with you to retrieve this, Jake.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because I’m likely to raze the entire village, town, or whatever the hell it is as recompense for any harm they’ve done to Beth,” Pam replied coldly, “She may not have always been mine, but she is now and I will not tolerate anyone inflicting any sort of pain or humiliation on her besides me.”

“Awe, that’s so sweet,” Beth said and hugged her girlfriend, “Should I have asked permission before doing this?”

“I’ll allow it this time,” Pam replied, “I can feel how distraught you are just talking about this vile place.”

“I know there are a lot of risks involved in this, but don’t you want to get stronger?” Jake asked, “This could be your ticket to ascending to the next level of power.”

Pam narrowed her eyes at him and pulled away from Beth, “Kitten, head back to our room for a minute, I need to speak with Jake.”

“Yes mistress,” Beth said, “Will you call me back?”

“Of course, now go check on your updates,” Pam replied and waited until Beth was down the hall before addressing Jake, “This sounds like something that Rebecca would say. Either she’s rubbing off on you, or she’s somehow put you up to this. Which is it, Jake?”

“Pam, I just want to make sure you’re able to protect Beth in case anything happens,” he tried to argue.

“Really?” she asked, sounding skeptical, “And you just happened to learn of one of her prized possessions from a lowly thug? Do you take me for a fool, Jake, or are you truly that naive?”

“Pam, I’m telling the truth,” he lied.

She stood up and circled him, “I can sense your unease, you know this right?” she asked, “Your anxiety spiked the minute I mentioned her name and the possibility of her involvement. I know, better than anyone, how far her influence can go, but are you really willing to put your best friend at risk for her?”

She had him on the ropes and he knew it. He sighed and accepted defeat, “Just think about it, okay?” he replied, “I’m not going to force either of you into this, but I think that the three of us could pull this off. Just...call me if you decide to reconsider.”

“You’re evading my question,” Pam said, “She put you up to this, didn’t she?”

He looked away and finally admitted, “She’s the one who told me about the book, yeah, but I’d rather us get it and you have it then for Goth to get her hands on it. What’s worse is if Abigail can somehow manage to use it then we might all be screwed. Hell that woman could get desperate enough to go to Goth about it for help, and if that happens then we would all be in trouble!”

“I’ve heard mention of Ravenfalls from Rebecca before,” Pam said, “I hadn’t heard the name Abigail before, only that it’s inhabitants were merely backwoods serfs. If my understanding is correct, there is no love between either party and I doubt that one would seek help from the other.”

He sighed as he gave up, “Fine, but if you change your mind reach out to me. I’ll be around and I’m willing to help you. I’m gonna go ahead and go.”

“I think that would be for the best,” Pam replied, “Anymore talk about this is liable to upset Beth further, and I don’t need that right now.”

He turned to head towards the door, but stopped and turned back around, “Pam, whatever is going on with you two...you know you can talk to me, right?”

“It isn’t anything between the two of us,” she replied, “It’s only me, Jake, but yes I know and I appreciate the offer. I’ll speak on it when I’m ready and not a minute sooner. Please don’t be afraid to drop by, just don’t come on behalf of your caretaker. You are always welcome here.”

“Fair enough,” he said, realizing that she’d seen right through him, “Call me if you change your mind about Ravenfalls or if you just want to talk. I’ll be around if you need anything.”

“Oh I’m sure you will, and tell Rebecca to keep Beth and I out of her schemes,” she said, “She and I are done being pawns in her little games. Run along now, I need to attend to my beloved pet.”

Jake paused for a moment and considered his friend’s tone and demeanor. Something was going on with her, but he wasn’t empathic like her or Goth so he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. He was, however, an experienced detective. It was only a theory, but from her outburst at Beth and that almost dismissive tone it seemed like his friend wasn’t quite as happy as she had previously let on. He couldn’t help but wonder why, though. She’d been ready to rip Ashley, her club, and all of those people to shreds just to get Beth back, so why then did she suddenly seem upset? She wasn’t unhappy and she clearly still loved his friend, that much was evident from her little interaction when Beth had asked forgiveness.

“Jake, are you going to stand by the door or use it?” Pam interrupted his thoughts, “Did you forget how to use it? Place your hand on the handle and give it a turn.”

At least her dry wit and sarcastic disposition hadn’t disappeared. He rolled his eyes, but grinned as he replied, “I’m going, I’m going and I know how to use a door.”

“Then show me,” she replied, “Be safe out there, for your sake and ours.”

His face turned serious for a moment, “Take care of Beth for me,” he said just before he turned to the door, “Call me if you need anything, either of you.”

She shot him an almost incredulous look before it softened, “I always take care of her,” she said, “Thank you, Jake, I appreciate your offer and I’ll be sure to let her know.”

She waited until he was gone to leave the room. She decided to go check on Beth. She sat her book down and picked up her notebook. She opened it to her drawing of Beth and smiled to herself. She’d never had any formal training, but once upon a time she had dreamed of becoming an artist. She had always been critical of her work, but her little portrait of her lover was some of her better work. She considered the possibility of having Beth pose for her more often. There was no guarantee that Beth would agree to it, but if needed she could always put her foot down on the matter.

Although, that was something that she had been struggling with lately. It was becoming, admittedly, more and more difficult for her as of late. Where once she had been a powerful, decisive, and mistress she felt that she had turned into little more than a cheap imitation of herself. She often wondered just what exactly had happened to turn her this way. That question was answered when she watched her beloved pet walk into the room wearing a tanktop and pajama bottoms. It was Beth. Beth had been the start of her transition into this new state of self. There were times it felt amazing, but then there were times where she felt her strength weaning and her control slipping. It wasn't Beth's fault, she knew this deep down, but she'd caught herself getting frustrated more lately. More than once she'd found herself taking this frustration out on her beloved, and she was always wracked with guilt shortly thereafter.

"Penny for your thoughts, mistress?" Beth asked.

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to her girlfriend. She stood at the edge of the hallway with a look of concern. Pam gave her a small smile as she walked over to her, "Just thinking about how much I've changed is all, Kitten, nothing to trouble yourself over."

"Is it that bad?" Beth asked, looking more guilty than she should.

"No," Pam said after a moment of consideration, "I have an adorable and obedient little pet who is as devoted as she is stubborn, and that is an admirably high level of devotion."

"I'm not stubborn!" Beth defended and received a look from Pam.

"You are one of the most stubborn people I've ever met, but that isn't always a bad thing," Pam replied as she walked over to her, "You're set in your beliefs, but you are still open to change. Sometimes it takes longer for you, but you always come around to me. That stubbornness is what kept us together, though. If not for it then you never would have come to my rescue when we ran from Rebecca."

"Okay so maybe I can be a little stubborn," Beth admitted, "But that's only for people and things I care about. For what it's worth, I love you just the way you are."

Pam smiled and wrapped her arms around Beth's waist. She pulled her close and kissed her. Moments like this were what solidified her choice for her, whenever she felt the smaller woman literally melt in her arms. There was something to be said about the feeling of power and adoration that came from it. She pulled away and looked into Beth's brilliant blue eyes, half lidded and slightly foggy, "And I love you as you are as well, Kitten," she said as she took her lover's hand in hers and pulled her towards their room.

"What are we doing, mistress?" Beth asked.

"I've reached a good stopping point in my book and I wish to retire to our room," Pam replied.

"It's only four in the afternoon," Beth said.

"I didn't say we were going to bed," Pam said, "I'm feeling a bit playful and I figured you might like to see the finished drawing. You were quite upset that I didn't show you."

"I was upset because you were done and Jake got to see my tits," Beth clarified, "Sorry again for forgetting my place…"

"You're not sorry yet, dear," Pam said with a mischievous tone in her voice, "But since you did apologize I'll lighten your punishment, if only slightly. I think twenty spanks should suffice and some time tied will help remind you of your position."

"Twenty?!" Beth repeated.

"Mm, I suppose you're right," Pam said with a twinkle in her eye, "Twenty five is more appropriate, such a good girl you can be. Now, before we begin I want to know what you think of your portrait."

Beth suppressed a groan at the increase. She really should have known better than to call attention to it, but she couldn't help it. Sitting down was going to be difficult after her punishment. She closed the door behind her as they entered the room and prepared herself for her first look at the drawing. Admittedly, she wasn't looking forward to it. She was self conscious about her body and the both the shape and scars that adorned her flesh. When Pam presented her with the picture she was surprised. She'd never seen her girlfriend draw before, but she was good, really good. She'd captured the subtle curves of her breasts, her wide hips, and even managed to define her muscles. She was impressed as she studied the portrait before her, and even the scars that were outlined on her body looked good. She wondered if this was how Pam saw her whenever she looked at her.

"Wow," she finally said, "This is amazing! Did you ever consider something like art school?"

"Once upon a time, I dreamed of becoming a famous artist," Pam admitted, "That dream was taken from me along with my mother years ago. Before I met Rebecca I was little more than a con artist who practiced with an old tarot deck that I'd stolen. The most artwork I ever did was graffiti in Citiville, but that was more of a means of expressing myself than anything."

"I bet Jake could arrange some kind of gallery, you know, whenever he gets his company back in order," Beth said, "You're really good! I wouldn't mind posing for you more often or seeing what else you could do."

"That's sweet of you, Kitten, and maybe we can revisit another time," Pam said as she took the book from her, "For now, though, there is still the matter of your punishment. Take off your clothes."

"I just got dressed!" Beth whined, "I'm not arguing, I promise, I just wish you would have told me to stay naked…"

"Fair as that may be, I hadn't decided on your punishment then," Pam said, "Hurry up now, Kitten, I'm eager to begin, as I am sure you are as well."

"Yes mistress," Beth replied as she began disrobing.

It had been a few hours since Pam had taken Beth to their room to have her fun. She had taken her time and issued the spankings with a firm hand that had her pet crying out more than once. Despite the cries from Beth, she had performed admirably throughout her punishment. She never tried to get away, buck, or fight back. She'd relaxed considerably when she had applied the gel to her rosy cheeks, and Pam could feel the girl's sheer arousal from the spanking. While her girlfriend denied it, it was a fact that she enjoyed being punished. There were times where she would either act out with the sole intent of getting punished or even blatantly ask for it. It was yet another thing that Pam found endearing about her submissive girlfriend, and something that both of them enjoyed.

Currently, Beth was restrained with various leather cuffs and locks around her ankles and wrists. Her legs were bound together to prevent her from moving away and her arms were fastened behind her back leaving her in a highly vulnerable position. Pam sat with her back resting against the headboard and Beth's head in her lap. She was idly running her fingers through Beth's hair while an episode of something played on the TV screen. "Are you going to leave me tied up all night?" Beth asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Pam replied, "It wouldn't be the first time you've slept bound."

Beth wormed her way closer to her mistress and gave a contented sigh. She closed her eyes when she felt those nimble fingers start to play with her ear, "True, but it's hard to cuddle when I can't move," she said.

"But it's easier for me to have my way," Pam countered with a coy grin.

"But I like to hold you too," Beth pouted.

"Do you think you've learned your lesson?" Pam asked.

"Yes mistress, I'll be a good girl from now on," Beth promised.

"We both know that isn't true," Pam said with a grin, "But it will do for now. You're not getting off tonight, though."

"Damnit," Beth muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Pam asked, knowing full well what she had said.

"I said, yes mistress whatever you say," Beth lied.

"You're a terrible liar," Pam said with a grin, "But you are a good girl. Another hour and I'll untie you so we can get some sleep."

"You...don't have to if you don't want to," Beth said quietly.

"You just said that you wanted to be untied so you could cuddle," Pam reminded her.

"I know, but I really just want you to be happy," Beth admitted, "If that means I have to sleep tied up then I will."

Pam rolled her eyes, but kept her grin, "Keep contradicting yourself and you'll be sleeping with a gag."

"I'd really rather not," Beth said, "I can do it, but my jaw always starts hurting halfway through the night. Plus, I can't worship you properly with a gag."

"Cute," Pam said, "I'm not going to gag you tonight, Kitten, you'd have to do something a lot worse than lose your temper for that."

"I love you," Beth said.

"I love you too, Kitten," Pam replied, "Now be silent while we watch this."

"Yes mistress," Beth said.

The two women sat there in silence watching the end of their shows. Pam continued running her fingers through Beth's hair while she watched, and Beth found herself fighting to stay awake from the soothing sensations. Once it was finished, Pam unlocked Beth's restraints and allowed her girlfriend to stretch. She then stripped down to her underwear and crawled into bed with Beth in tow. She laid on her back and Beth laid her head in the crook of her arm. They laid there talking for a short while later before Beth finally fell asleep.

Pam's mind raced as she laid in bed with Beth. She lay there, awake and hyper focused, for an untold amount of time. She wondered about her decisions that had led her to this point. There were no regrets when it came to the pinkette in her arms, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing touch with herself. It wasn't Beth's fault, the girl only wanted to make her happy and had devoted herself to that cause. She felt like she was growing soft, though, and that she was losing touch with the woman she once was. In truth, this had started to become the norm for her. Ever since Ashley had abducted Beth, she realized that her emotions were beginning to gain dominion over her actions. While it wasn't the worst thing, it had caused her to act recklessly and harshly during that crisis. Was she truly getting stronger, or was her control slipping and becoming weaker? This question plagued her mind and had been hindering her sleep for the past few weeks.

Part of her hated herself for it, but she couldn’t help but think about Jake’s proposition. She knew that even considering it meant that she’d be helping Rebecca. Jake hadn’t denied that it was her idea, and the last thing that she wanted was to go back to serving her. She looked down at Beth’s sleeping form in her arms and felt a pang of guilt. There was something that she’d kept secret from everyone, her beloved included. Long before she ascended to a true disciple, she spent many nights serving Rebecca on a humiliatingly intimate level. She hated herself for it, now more than ever, but the truth was that some twisted part of her had enjoyed it. All those nights dominating Beth, and yet there was still that clawing urge in the back of her mind to let go and let Beth take charge for a little while. She wasn’t sure if Beth would even be willing to swap roles, but she knew that if she just told her that was what she wanted she would try. The problem was that in opening up she would have to tell her about her past, and she was flat out ashamed of that time in her life.

She tried to push the thoughts and feelings out of her mind and try to get to sleep. Try as she might, though, she couldn’t do it. She felt an urge to get up and pace slowly taking hold of her, but when she was moved she felt Beth’s grip around her tighten. She forced herself to relax and accepted that she was stuck for the night. She was stuck here with her thoughts for another night. There were worse places that she could be, but she wished that Jake wouldn’t have even bothered to mention his little errand. Then again, she knew that Rebecca was simply using him as a mouthpiece. Odds are, it was her former Goddess’ plan to appeal to her need for power. Unfortunately, it was something of a sound gambit.

Eventually, Beth released her hold on her and rolled herself over. She knew that getting up meant that her little pet would most likely experience some sort of terror. Her nightmares had been improving, but she still had episodes every so often. With her luck, if she were to remove herself from their bed then Beth would begin screaming. She debated on at least grabbing the controller and flipping to something to watch. Realizing that the controller was just out of reach, she resigned herself to simply laying there and letting temptation wash over her. It was quite the unfortunate coincidence really, or maybe Rebecca had been able to sense that something was off within her during her last visit. Knowing her it was incredibly likely that it was her plan was to directly target her. The question that now sat in her mind was: should she pursue power or continue as she was, soft and stagnate?

This question replayed over and over again in her mind for some time. Seconds turned to minutes, then the minutes turned to hours. She growled quietly to herself as she finally decided to at least see what this was about, “So help me, if this is some trap I will rip her to limb from limb,” she said to herself.

Beth stirred at her sudden, almost silent, growl, “Mistress, whasshap?” she slurred sleepily.

“Shh, sleep my little pet, sleep,” Pam cooed as she rolled onto her side and spooned her lover, “This is my burden to bear, rest now.”

She could feel Beth’s mind begin to ease back into a blissful slumber as she sleepily uttered, “Yes mam.”

She would do this for both of them. It would raise her power to new heights, but in doing so she would be able to protect both Beth and Jake once and for all. She would leave tomorrow and deal with their own personal devil. She would keep it from Beth, for now, and as much as she hated it, she needed answers and there was only one woman who had them. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but she needed to know exactly what was so special about this book. If it really held the secret to unlocking and raising her potential, and just why Rebecca needed it. One way or another, she was going to get to the bottom of this mystery, whatever it took.
© Copyright 2021 Raven (UN: awesomeone1427 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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