Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/awesomeone1427
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Happy 12th WDC Anniversary!
Project S.T.A.T.I.C: Book 3 is now live! Feedback welcome and appreciated!

"SSV: Project STATIC Part 3: Game Over
  •   1 comment
Cool! Congratulations!!!
Book 2 of Project S.T.A.T.I.C is live!

"SSV: Project S.T.A.T.I.C.- Part 2

For those of you who were disappointed in the lack of fetish content present in some of the previous SSV long form novellas, We threw ya a bone in this one. Enjoy! Feedback as always is greatly appreciated!
Who’s been your favorite villain to show up in The Raven/Project Static series so far? Who are you hoping to see more of?
Can you do story where The Amazon squash,Crush, and Flattene bird boy to her various body parts?
see above.

Happy 11th!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Took a little longer than expected, but the The Raven sequel series, Project S.T.A.T.I.C. Is finally live!

"SSV: Project S.T.A.T.I.C. Part 1
Hey guys! Just an update, the start of the sequel project to The Raven series is going to (hopefully) come out in the next week! Keep an eye out.
Finally done! Took much longer than previously expected. Ended up being much longer than previously expected. But "The Raven Part 6: End of the World is finished. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. Hope everyone who was waiting for it enjoys it, and I hope it ends up being worth the wait.

Now onto the sequel project.
Hope to have The Raven: Book 6 finished sometime next week/this weekend at the absolute earliest. What’s been your favorite part of the series so far?
I haven't read it yet, but I see you have quite an extensive fanbase. Well done! *Delight*
why did you delete Tortured by your smelly sibling?
Proud to announce that The Raven: Book 5 has just been completed and released!

"The Raven Part 5: Hell On Earth

Sorry that it took so long, but as you’ll come to find, it’s considerably longer than the previous books in the series. As always, please enjoy, and your feedback is always greatly appreciated!
I haven’t gotten the amount of feedback on The Raven series that I’d hoped to up to this point. If I offered a substantial amount of gift points for a review of all 4 novellas, would anybody take me up on the offer?
Has anybody gotten the chance to read through The Raven: Book 4 yet? I’d love to know what you think!
Hey guys!

"The Raven Part 4: Devil of the Falls is now out! I’d love to hear your feedback if you’ve been keeping up with the series. This book is a little darker than the previous ones, but I’m super happy with how it turned out.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/awesomeone1427