Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1013611-Chapter-4
by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Adult · #2254644
Rebecca’s desire for power leads our heroes back into a familiar hell.
#1013611 added July 14, 2021 at 5:10am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4
Jake stared at the black mercedes that Pam had pulled up in for a moment. He was starting to regret his decision to insist on skipping out on the insurance for the rental. He shifted his bag on his shoulder and walked up to the window, “Do I even want to know how much this thing cost?”

“I told you I was going to get something nice,” Pam replied, “Get in, I’m ready to get this over with.”

He opened his mouth to reply, but closed it in favor of just getting into the back seat. The black leather was nice, but he couldn’t stop himself from wondering about the overall costs of this ride. He set his bag down and opened it up to double check he had everything. He’d packed his suit, plenty of birdarangs, his upgraded staff, some surveillance equipment, communicators, and some additional things he’d been working on. Today was the big day, and he would have been lying if he said that he or anyone else in the car was looking forward to it. Rebecca hadn’t said much when he told her he was leaving, but instead had given him a long and lingering hug. It was a bit odd for her, but he didn’t question her. She had whispered how much she loved him in his ear and told him to come back to her with prize in hand.

“Hey!” Beth’s voice broke his thoughts, “What was that for?!”

“I’m driving, so I pick the music,” Pam replied.

The sound of an acoustic guitar followed by a bassy voice flowed from the speakers. He recognized the voice and the song instantly, but he furrowed his brow and leaned his head up towards the center console to ask, “Johnny Cash?”

“Seriously?” Beth asked.

“What?” Pam asked, “It’s good traveling music. I used to listen to him while I was on the streets.”

“I just kind of figured we’d be listening to some thrash metal or something heavier not…” Jake trailed off as the seasoned folk singer began to lay down the opening lines to I’ve Been Everywhere.

“Because I dress like this, that means I have to listen to metal and dark music exclusively?” Pam asked, mildly offended.

“That’s not...okay I see your point, sorry,” he replied.

Beth just stared at her girlfriend as she hummed the tune, “Apology accepted, now be quiet unless it's something important," she said just before jumping into the rapid lyrics listing different parts of the country.

She looked back at Jake and couldn't help but smile, "You never stop surprising me," she said with a laugh that earned her a nod as they took off.

Above them, unknown to the heroes but watching closely, was Rebecca. She stared down at the car that Jake had climbed into and watched as it pulled off. She nodded to herself and tried to assure herself that this was the right decision. She stepped away from the window and back to her chair. She sat down and tried to push down the feelings of worry and dread that rolled around inside of her. In the past, her ends had always justified the means, but now she was playing with the life of the one man she cared for. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was sending him to his death.

She knew that Pamela would do her best to keep them safe, but the stories she'd heard from both Jake and her own followers about Raven Falls were horrific at best. The things that Abigail did to people made even her skin crawl. Knowing that she was powerless to help her beloved had her feeling sick to her stomach. If anything were to happen to them, if they got captured and couldn't escape, the guilt would lay squarely on her shoulders. She told herself again and again that they would be fine, that they had endured and survived countless encounters, but those thoughts did little to wash away the growing fears. She reached over and picked up her book in an attempt to stave off the gnawing anxiety building within her. Even as she turned to her marked page, however, she knew it was a vain attempt. She read the words, but none of them registered. Try as she might, her mind continued to wander to dark scenarios and horrid what ifs.

Pam pulled the car over on the outskirts of a dirt road about a mile from Raven Falls. As great as the car was, they didn't need to pull up in such a conspicuous vehicle. Stealth was their only advantage, and it was one that all three of them wished to maintain for as long as possible. She'd enjoyed the drive quite a bit, but in the back of her mind there was a sense of unease that pervaded her senses. It was amplified by Beth and Jake's anxious feelings the closer they got. Outside of her music, the ride had been as silent as the grave. She hoped that wasn't an omen for what was to come. She waited for Jake and Beth to exit the car before casting a cloaking spell on the vehicle. It disappeared as the air around it shimmered for a brief second.

"That is neat," Beth said, admiring her girlfriend's handiwork.

"Thank you, Kitten, it's a simple trick though and nothing more," she said.

"How are we supposed to find it once we leave?" Jake asked as he adjusted his utility belt and boots.

He'd gotten changed in the car about a half hour ago. None of them particularly cared about modesty by this point, it helped that both Pam and Beth had seen him vulnerable and nude before. "I can trace my own magical signature back to it," Pam explained, "Come on, let's not tary out in the open longer than necessary."

"Yeah, the sooner we get this stupid book the sooner we can get the fuck out of here," Beth agreed.

The trio started walking down the dirt path as Jake commented, "Magic has a signature? So it's like handwriting then, that is pretty cool."

"Indeed, the signature is unique to the caster and the energies used in it," Pam explained as they walked, "Different schools and people will have varying energy signatures and nuances when they cast. Rebecca, for all her faults, was an excellent teacher and made sure that I knew the ins and outs of spellwork. Identifying one's own signature, as well as another person's, is what separates a mage or sorceress from a magician."

The three of them continued to make idle smalltalk as they headed further down the dusty dirt road. It primarily revolved around the odd question about Pam's abilities and her past. It was more of an attempt to ease the growing tension that everyone felt as they walked. Beth was doing her best to put on a brave face, but Pam could feel her pet's nerves buzzing around. She resisted the urge to try to comfort her. None of them could afford to be distracted, and they didn't have time to spare.

Eventually, the vision of a town came into view. The further they walked, the worse the road they were on appeared. There was a palpable stench in the air, one of decay and rot that twisted their stomachs. The closer they got, the stronger the smell became. In an attempt to combat the smell, Beth pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. Pam frowned once she heard the lighter and reached back after Beth had taken a couple of puffs. She pulled it from her pet's lips and took a long, slow drag for herself before dropping it to the ground and stomping on it. Jake looked on with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Hey, I was smoking that!" Beth cried.

"It's a disgusting habit, Kitten, you know how I detest it," Pam replied without missing a beat.

"Then why the hell did you take a drag?!" Beth demanded.

"Because this area is rotten and I needed to get the stench out of my nose," she replied.

"That's exactly why I was smoking!" Beth exclaimed.

Jake smiled at the two as they bickered back and forth. The way they argued almost made it feel as though they were back home. He cleared his throat to throw his two cents in, "It's probably better for us if you don't smoke, Beth. We don't need anyone noticing your cherry."

Beth grumbled as Pam flashed him a smile, "Thank you, Jake, I'm glad somebody in our little group has some sense besides me. If the smell is so bad then put your helmet on, my love."

Beth was about to respond when she froze and stared ahead. Pam noticed the sudden shift in her girlfriend's attitude. She had gone from her petulant self to a shocked and horrified, so she turned her head to see just what caused such a dradtic shift in her mood. There in the distance, disguised as scarecrows, were three bodies saturated in dried blood. To anyone driving by, they would have appeared as nothing more than innocent scarecrows, but being this close it was clear these were once men and women. Their bodies had been mutilated and cut to fit into the tattered clothes, now stained with gore. It was clear that the stench of death was coming from their bodies, and the crows that hung around them pecked and picked at the guts that spilled out.

"Good God," Jake said as he stepped forward.

"What in the nine circles of hell has been going on in this God forsaken town?" Pam asked.

"Those weren't here the last time we came through," Jake said, "I'm guessing those are reporters that came looking for answers…"

Beth sucked in air through her teeth before putting her hood on. Her voice cracked, even through the modulator, as she spoke, "Come on, there's nothing we can do for them…"

She moved past the two of them at a slow drudge with Jake following behind. Pam's eyes lingered on the mangled bodies for a moment longer before she moved to catch up with them. Clearly the people of Raven Falls didn't take kindly to visitors. It was evident as to why neither Jake or Beth wanted to linger here, but from what Jake had said things had escalated since their last visit. Perhaps Rebecca's influence had spread further than any of them had realized, but then again this was more barbaric than anything. Admittedly, she couldn't help but wonder what someone with this sick of mind would look like. From what Rebecca had described, the woman was supposed to be some sort of filthy hillbilly, but the more she heard and saw the more she began to suspect something else. This sort of brutality was more in line with a literal femme fatal, and she was curious to see the sort of person capable of such barbarous acts of depraved hate.

She caught up to the pair of them relatively easily just as a sign saying Welcome to Raven Falls came into view. The wood of the sign had been battered by the elements, and if she didn't know better she would have thought the town abandoned. They had finally arrived. Jake pulled them to the side and reached into his utility belt to retrieve a set of binoculars, "Alright, from here on out we are going to have to keep a low profile. Beth, I know I authorized lethal force, but we don't need a trail of bodies leading right to us."

"Copy that," she said as she checked her safeties, "I'm not planning on going on a killing spree unless it comes down to us or them. Any casualties I acrue will be stashed and stowed as to not draw attention to us. What do you see?"

Pam listened to the two of them fall into a professional rhythm. She'd never seen the two of them work together, and it was impressive how quickly they synced up. She'd watched from afar when they were still in Citiville, but she'd never gotten to witness them up close like this. She chose to remain silent and let the two of them devise a plan. "Movement up ahead, I'm guessing about forty clicks give or take," Jake said, "I'm certain there are people in the houses along the way, but it looks like there's a grouping near the square. What are they...oh my god."

"What is it?" Pam asked, concerned by her friends disgusted and surprised reaction.

"They're hauling bodies into the square," he said, "I'm guessing whipping girls or those that didn't take to Abigail’s food supply...they're burning them."

"Fucking savages," Beth said, with clear disgust, "So they're occupied, but they've clearly stepped up their brutality. Best to avoid the main streets."

"Agreed, we can cut through the fields to try to avoid detection for now," he replied, "We might still encounter some stragglers, but if we neutralize them and use the brush-"

"Then we don't have to worry about them being discovered by these freaks," Beth finished before turning to look at Pam, "You going to be alright trekking through the overgrowth?"

"I'll be fine, Kitten," Pam said, gesturing to her attire, "There is a reason I chose this style of clothing."

Beth nodded to her and then to Jake. The followed his lead as he stalked towards the wrecked fence line to their right. Pam looked down at her outfit, a modified version of her training garb from her time with Dilatrix. She wore a long sleeve white shirt with a dark leather courset over it, and leather straps keeping the flowing sleeves from blowing in the wind. A pair of jeans tucked into leather boots adorned her bottom, and the darkness of the denim complimented the pitch of the leather. Finally, she had on her hooded cloak as a means of comfort for herself, she viewed the garment as a sort of safety blanket in times of strife and turmoil.

They had to rush across somebody's property to get to the fields. Pam could feel her own anxiety levels starting to brim along with her friends as they stalked across the dead yard. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement through one of the windows. Without thinking, she flicked her fingers and sent a sleep spell at the visage of an older woman peering through her curtains. She knew her spell had hit its mark even without looking, and she decided not to call attention to their wouldbe onlooker. Instead, she chose to continue running with the people she cared about.

As they ran, Pam kept her empathic senses outstretched in hopes of detecting any malicious intentions. She had to filter out the dread and fear coming off of Jake and Beth. Fortunately, managing her empathy was something she had plenty of experience with. The three of them fell into a crouch as they cut through the remnants of what was once a corn field. She could feel a mixture of confusion, lust, and hate radiating in several directions as she dashed through the overgrowth, but not a single thought or feeling seemed to be directed at them. Something felt off, though, as many people as she was sending there wasn't anyone actively looking for them. It was possible that they had managed to avoid overall detection, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Jake held up a hand to signal them to halt, "Movement up ahead," he warned, "Hold position for a moment, let's see if we can avoid confrontation."

Pam readied a spell in her palm as a means of eliminating their potential threat, but to her surprise they veered away from them. What caught her by surprise was the frustration she felt from them. It lasted for only a second, but she was certain they had at least an inkling of an idea about their presence. "Something isn't right," she whispered.

Beth turned around to look at her, "What's wrong?" she asked.

She shook her head, "Whoever that was, they knew that we were here," she explained.

"They might have thought it was an animal," Jake reasoned.

"Maybe, but they deliberately changed course and weren't happy about," she replied, "It's like they were told to vacate the fields...I don't like this."

"We have to keep moving," Jake said, "We've come too far to turn back now."

"Jake, she might be onto something," Beth said, "I'm not saying we turn back, but I think we better keep our guards up."

"You're right," he said, "Better for us to be prepared than to get caught off guard. Let's get out of this field and see if we can't get into the tunnel system below Abigail’s house."

"Great, love nasty and spooky tunnels," Beth said sarcastically.

"Do you want me to hold your hand, Kitten?" Pam asked with a smirk.

"Focus, you two," Jake said, "Beth we get in, we get out, and we call it a day. We aren't going to stay longer than we have to in this horrid place."

"Aye, aye cap," Beth replied sardonically, "Let's get on with it."

With that, the three fell back into hurried trek across the field. Pam continued sweeping the area, and she even considered casting a detection spell. She decided against it, however, as it would mean expending unnecessary energy. It would be better for her to save her power in case things took a turn for the worse. So far, she hadn't sensed anything outside of the occasional bit of frustration and anger that spiked in the distance.

They exited the field near a large house that looked more like a manner than anything. The house was marginally nicer than the rest of the buildings, and upon further inspection she noticed it looked similar to a plantation house. The area around the home was more maintained than the surrounding parts of the village. This must have been Abigail’s home. She pushed her empathic field out once again to try to detect anyone close by. Surprisingly, the whole of the landscape surrounding the home was empty. There were faint signals coming from within the house, mostly lust and despair, but the outside was barren. She guessed that the misery she was sensing was coming from the whipping girls Beth and Jake had mentioned. She felt a pang of pity for them. She had taken, abused, and broken her share of women while serving Rebecca, but that seemed like a lifetime ago now. A sting of regret pooled up behind her pity as she remembered the cruelty she used to harbor, and she swore to herself that if given the chance she would help these girls.

They made their way towards the back of the house as quickly and stealthily as possible. There was a set of doors that were rusted from overexposure to the elements rising out of the dirt a short distance from the back of the house. She took note of the latch that was on the doors and the absence of a lock. Strange, considering there was clearly a place for one and one would have thought a need as well. Then again, if what Beth had said was true then the entire town served her. If that were the case, then maybe there wasn't a need for a lock after all. Still, given everything else her gut was telling her this seemed more and more like a trap. She was about to voice her concerns when she felt a similar skepticism and concern from her comrades. She once again chose to remain silent and follow their lead in spite of her better judgement. After a second more in the open, Jake bent down to open the doors and enter into the bowels of Raven Falls.

A foul wind carrying the scent of feet and filth wafted out of the darkness. Pam turned her head to the side in an attempt to avoid the stench, but it did little good while Jake outright gagged. It defied all logic, but one by one they climbed down into the darkness before Jake closed the doors and sealed them in the rotting catacombs. There was something else in the air, something fouler and more sinister than the moldy smell. The smell of death and rotting flesh danced behind the curtain of filth, and Pam had a thought that made her skin crawl and her stomach turn. It was dark, so she raised her hand and let a small orb of light float into the air around them. The shimmering ball cut through the darkness and confirmed what she had feared. Mashed into the stone walls and floor were body parts and shreds of flesh.

"What the actual fuck has been going on around here?" Beth asked, "These were not here the last time we came through."

"First the bodies in the fields, then the burning in the center of town, and now this…" Jake said, "We need to get that damned book and get out of here, now."

As if in response to his urgency, torches along the walls sprung to life with blazing fires. The amber glow cast their shadows in ominous light and showcased just how repulsive the corridor had become. "How did that happen?" Beth asked, slightly alarmed.

Pam frowned and walked over to one of the torches to inspect it. Her suspicion was confirmed as she examined it and explained to the two of them, "These are gas powered and remote controlled. Someone is trying to frighten us and draw us further in. Jake, I know we can't go back now, but this is clearly a trap."

"I know," he admitted, "I've had a feeling since we made it out of the field. There should have been guards around the house, at least a few, but the property was empty. Even if she didn't know we were coming, she's smart enough to know that book needs protection."

"So what are we supposed to do now?" Beth asked.

"We press on, but we stay prepared for whatever fight we're walking into," he replied.

"We really need to figure out plans for traps," Beth said with a sigh, "We always end up walking right into them, but we never try to avoid them…"

"We'll work on that when we get out of here, Kitten," Pam said, "If I'm going to be accompanying you two anymore then we will need to make better preparations in the future. For now, however, I'm afraid Jake is right."

"Goddamnit, fine," Beth groaned, "Let's get on with it."

The three slowly made their way through the disgusting maze of corridors. Pam was surprised at the amount of branches and the expansiveness of the system. Despite the labyrinth they found themselves in, the path was relatively clear and easy. They simply followed the torches that were lit. She guessed that each corridor had its own switch associated with it, and she wondered just how recent they were. She also couldn't help but wonder just what type of government work had been going on here to warrant such a massive network of tunnels. It was clear that this town held more than just the mystery of Abigail and her bizarre powers.

A figure cut a silhouette in the flames, and all three of them readied themselves for an attack. A young woman, covered in what Pam hoped was dirt, stepped forward with her hands in the air, "P-please don't hurt me," she said.

"Give me one reason not to drop you," Beth demanded.

"I can help you!" the girl said.

"What's your name, girl?" Pam asked in a gentle tone.

"Lisa, mam," she replied, "Please, if you can get me out of here, then I'll help you with whatever you three want."

"You're one of the whipping girls, aren't you?" Jake asked.

The girl flinched at the term and nodded, "I-I am, sir, please they...they've taken to abusing and killing us! My sister, Maggie, they...they're burning her body in the square now. Please, please help me."

Pam stepped forward, but was stopped by Beth's hand on her arm, "Pam, don't trust her," she warned, "If she's a whipping girl then that means she has that toe gunk in her system. She's still subject to doing what she's told."

Pam looked at Beth, "I'm not going to let you hurt this girl," she said.

"She's already hurting, let me end her suffering," Beth argued.

"You want to perform a mercy killing?" Pam asked, and noticed Lisa jump, "Are you not better than Rebecca?"

"You don't...Pam, please, I've got a bad feeling about this," Beth argued.

"Jake, what do you think?" Pam asked.

"I don't know," he admitted, "On top of everything else, this seems too convenient. She shows up to play on our conscience, doesn't seem right."

Pam looked at Lisa and stepped forward, "I'm not going to abandon this girl," she said before turning her full attention to the girl, "Know this though, Lisa, if you are leading the people I care about into danger then I will show you what true pain is. Whatever these people have done to make you think them monsters is nothing compared to me. Betray my trust and I will show you what a real monster looks like. Do you understand me?"

Lisa swallowed and nodded, "Y-yes mam, I can be a good girl."

"That remains to be seen, but lucky for you I've adopted a bit of mercy today," Pam replied, "We're looking for a book, a very special book that Abigail's family stole from my former mentor. I want that book, and you're going to take us to it, understand?"

"Yes mam," Lisa replied, "I-I activated the torches for you, I can lead you around the traps too. We have to hurry, though, the defects will be wandering around soon."

"Defects?" Jake repeated.

"Yes sir," Lisa said, "Please, we have to go now!"

Pam knew that neither Jake nor Beth felt this was a good idea. They weren't objecting to her, though, and she hoped that this wasn't a mistake. If Lisa was indeed working against them, then she would make good on her word. She had softened quite a bit since getting with Beth, but she still knew how to draw on her darker side. They followed behind the young woman and heeded her instructions whenever she warned them to step to the side or duck. Sure enough, there had been traps and tripwires set up along the places she had warned. She was beginning to feel as though she'd made the right decision in assisting this girl. She didn't even want to think about what sort of sick traps were set in this horrific maze.

They came to a large room with a ladder in the center. Lisa went up first, followed by Jake, then Beth, and then finally Pam. They came out in a rustic looking library of sorts. The wooden panels on the wall had a thick coating of black filth on them, and the smell of mold and rot permeated the room. There were books on the shelves that were worn and withered, small tables with chairs cracked and battered were scattered around, and there on a pedestal was the grimoire they had come for. Pam's eyes roamed the cracked leather that bound the tome, and a quick wave of her hand revealed that it was indeed the right book. Magic radiated from the pedestal, and she rushed over to it.

"Here they are, mistress," Lisa said, "I did just as you said, and they fell for it like you predicted."

Pam froze and turned to see who Lisa was speaking to. A large woman, slightly taller than her, stood in the doorway wearing a long burgundy robe that accentuated her pale skin and red hair that fell down past her shoulders. Her robe was closed, but it was obvious that the woman was in better shape than most her age. She looked to be middle aged, and her eyes held a look of superiority that twinkled in her amber irises. The look sent a shiver of rage down Pam's spine, and yet at the same time she felt the attitudes of Jake and Beth both drop to a panic. That alone was enough to tell her who this was, this had to be Abigail.

"Very good, Lisa, I'm almost impressed," the woman spoke with a slight drawl, "Then again, this was my plan after all."

"Does this mean I can finally join the rest of the family?" Lisa asked with hope in her voice.

"You were already a part of the family, my dear," Abigail replied, "You've served your mistress well this day, remember that while you're entertaining those more valuable than yourself. Augustus, Michael take her away!"

"What?!" Lisa cried as two burly looking men entered the room with filth covering their bodies and clothes and lust pouring off of them, "Mistress, please, I did everything you said! I made sure that they-"

"Shut up, bitch!" one of the men in dirty brown overalls said, "I've been waitin' all fucking day for you! You gonna help me release some frustration, ain't that right Michael?"

"I want that blonde one, mam," the other man, Michael said pointing to Pam, "Can I have a turn with her once you're done, mam?"

"You know I always share with my family, Michael," Abigail replied, "Once I've had my fill and determined their value then we will see. Run along now, and remind Lisa just where she belongs."

Pam watched with curdled blood as the men drug Lisa out of the room kicking and screaming. The one who staked a claim on her held eye contact and flashed her a yellow toothed smile before closing the door. "You heartless, sadistic bitch," Pam said stepping forward, "That girl may have betrayed me, but she did it for you and that is how you reward her?"

"Hold your tongue, you city slick whore," Abigail said, "You'll soon join her and the rest of your new family. You can tell her all about how wrong she was then, but for now you'll be silent."

"Fuck you, you miserable harlot," Pam spat, "Do you think me some lowly and common girl?! Do you have any idea just who I am?!"

"Pam," Jake whispered.

"No!" Pam yelled, "I'll not be spoken to in such a manner by someone with such pitiful talent! I am the former right hand of the Goth Goddess, I am the last surviving member of her royal court, and I am the farthest thing from a slave. Now, you're going to stand aside, let me and my friends take this tome, and allow us to walk out of here."

"Such a mouthy little thing," Abigail mocked, "Big words and bigger talk from a fearful young thing. I am older than time itself, I am the beginning and the end, and I am the master of your fates. So tell me, why should I bow to your demands?"

"Because if you don't then I'll tear your innards out and burn your soul!" Pam retorted.

Abigail smirked, "Such fire, is she your Beth?" she asked, "Why, you two don't look happy to see me. You came home to me, as I knew you eventually would, so why then are the two of you so scared?"

"Do not speak to her!" Pam cut in as she stepped forward, "She is mine and he is under my protection. You have no claim to them, only to this pathetic little squalor you call a town!"

Abigail's grin widened as she curled her fingers and massive tentacles of sludge erupted from the walls. "No, not again!" Beth screamed as she tried to snap out of her terror and evade the foul grasp of Abigail’s disgusting power.

Two rushed for Pam, but with a simple burst of her power she forced the oncoming tentacles to bend and snap at her will. Her hands warmed as fire encased her clenched fists, but she failed to notice the struggles of her friends in her fury. She was outraged that such a woman could claim such strength, but lack even the slightest compassion. Even Rebecca kept her word when it came to her followers, hell she'd even kept it with Beth whom she hated! She would make this woman suffer, she would show her true pain and dominance. More of the masses of sludge burst from the ground and walls, and they flew towards her as she walked towards the woman in red. Without looking, she halted the tentacles with chains that dug through their center. They began to burn from the inside out and further polluted the rancid air surrounding them.

Abigail took a step back as the mystery woman approached and thwarted her attacks, "You're stronger than you look, my dear," she taunted, "But don't look now, you're precious friends seem to be in a bind!"

"Mistress!" Beth screamed before her voice became garbled and her hood encased in filth.

Pam wheeled around in time to watch both the people she cared about become encased in revolting tombs of toejam, "Beth, Jake!" she screamed and redirected her efforts to free them.

In her haste and distraction, she failed to see a set of six tentacles snaking their way towards her. Her legs were wrapped in what was easily the most repulsive feeling gunk she'd ever felt, and it slowly began worming its way up her legs. She looked down and prepared to blast it, but her arms were wrapped and bound as well. She heard the heavy footfalls of the devil of Raven Falls walking around her and heard her laugh as she mocked her, "Love, for a slave? How pathetic and drole, a pity since you showed such promise. Nevertheless, you'll serve a higher purpose soon enough. I'll make sure to put your talents to good use, my dear."

"Go to hell, you wretched cunt!" Pam screamed before her mouth was filled with the most vile substance she'd ever tasted.

She gagged as it forced its way down her throat and tears formed in her eyes. It burned, it was like having coals poured down her throat, "Not to worry, dear sweet girl, this is a new batch of my special substance. I want you serving me of your own volition, and until then I want you suffering as much as humanly possible! Nighty, night."

Those were the last words Pam heard before her senses were overwhelmed. Pain, disgust, and defeat washed over her as she slipped into a welcome sleep. She cursed the woman mentally as she fell, and vowed to make her pay. Somehow, someway she would make her suffer. If it was the last thing she did, she would bring the Devil of Raven Falls to her knees before her.

© Copyright 2021 Raven (UN: awesomeone1427 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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