Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1013928-What-I-remember
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2249896
Book of poems written for the second and third years of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
#1013928 added July 19, 2021 at 9:46am
Restrictions: None
What I remember
What I Remember

I know the sound that echoes
down through the corridored years,
high in the heavens, etched
against the canopy of the sky,
transported instantly elsewhere
to the empty distances
of an open shore, the sea insistent,
shell-like in the ear, hissing,
below that mournful cry
of the gulls.

There is no word for that call
as it drags us from the here and now
to another remembered land.
Name it scream or screech,
cry or wail, it wanders free,
escapes from all attempts at capture,
and so retains its hold on us
and drags us ever back
to the lonely sea and
John Masefield.

Line count: 20
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry, Week 7
Prompt: Make the title of your poem "What I Remember" and then let the title inspire you.
Note: John Masefield is the author of the immortal lines, “I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky.”

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