Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1017815-Just-Another-Autumn-Poem
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2249896
Book of poems written for the second and third years of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
#1017815 added October 15, 2021 at 5:19pm
Restrictions: None
Just Another Autumn Poem
Just Another Autumn Poem

What is there to say of Autumn
after all the poets of the free world
have shed their words like trees
creating cascades of golden leaves
in the chilling breeze? Or the days
drawing in as fingers from the cold
clasp in futile search of shelter,
the lawn dies in tawny desperation
and the sky starves to faded grey,
these voices eloquent of the advent
of yet another Winter. Who trumpets
the ambassador of tidings known
yet still unwelcome? Who notes
the pastel colours of his vestments
when the news is but preparation
for the hard and bitter days to come?
Who feasts upon his gifted harvest,
unmindful of the leaner times ahead?

Old hands feel the touch of Autumn
and clench in memory of Winter.

Line count: 20
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry, Week 16. Fourth place in Poetry Topic of the Month Contest, September 2021.
Prompt: Autumn.
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