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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1018456-Paying-it-ForwardFor-Real
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #2258138
This is my blog & my hope, writing daily will help me see my progress and log supporters.
#1018456 added October 1, 2021 at 12:42am
Restrictions: None
Paying it Forward...For Real.
I have a plan...an ultimate goal if you will.

Being from Australia, SE Asia is right on my doorstep and will be my home one day. I am a Buddhist at heart...giving is what makes me happy...be it my time, my ideas, my knowledge and eventually, my assets.

You only have to see a Westerner walking down the street anywhere in SE Asia and holding hands with a child to feel a wave of anger and a deep desire to bring change. To save just one girl or boy from a life of degradation and shame and to bring these individuals to justice in their own countries, might serve as a deterrent, and a way to dry up demand...would make my life worthwhile...REALLY paying it forward

I feel very passionately about this...and about the plight of animals that are abused and neglected anywhere in the world. Human encroachment robbing them of the habitat they need to survive outside of zoos...which in the end, only robs us of a balanced ecology.

We have to face facts though... that individually, we can't save the entire world...as much as that would be nice. There is so much wrongdoing...injustice and tyranny...corruption and greed. These are the things that attract the attention of the media, and to a degree, are presented as the norm. But, there is so much good also happening...people who care and see the truth...people who are willing to act...be that by physically going and trying to make a change, or by supporting organisations and foundations that are willing to do that work all across the world...to educate...to make a difference.

I want to make a difference. I thought it might come from my writing and perhaps one day it will help...to share with anyone who feels as I do...that apathy and an attitude of 'it's no use trying' just isn't good enough anymore. To sit and watch TV and hope that the world will change is only looking at things through rose coloured glasses...and if that is all some people can do, then so be it...but that's not what I'm going to do.

I'm going to make a difference, maybe I already have...but there is always more that can be done...that should be done.

One day...that young girl or boy, whose destiny was to be sold...by parents who had little choice because the money they would get could feed an entire village for however long it does...to make better someone's life by showing these parents that alternatively, giving these children an education and choice of career can bring so much more, and far outweighs any short term gain from selling their children into a life of prostitution...now that sounds like something I want to be involved with.

Today I feel some regret at the time I wasted...but I will use this regret as a learning tool for what not to do in future.

Today, I wouldn't use meth if you paid me.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1018456-Paying-it-ForwardFor-Real