Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1020806-Fruitses-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · Philosophy · #2227028
Entries to The Daily Poem Contest.
#1020806 added November 6, 2021 at 10:26am
Restrictions: None
Fruitses 2
Fruitses 2

Aubergine broods in the dark,
dreaming of moussaka and
the bright fields of Greece,
its noble cloak of deepest purple,
a promise to palette and palate.

Avocado shines in mottled shell,
bulge-bellied bounty of the tree,
rough green greeting to the touch,
smooth green softness at the heart,
oils and balms and sustenance.

Apple boasts in rose and golden,
proud of shape and firm of flesh,
thoughts of cinnamon and pastry,
browned and redolent bouquet,
autumn on the eye and tongue.

A-fruits all and just beginning
an alphabet of tastes and savours,
drowning us in sensate wreaths
of hue and feel, tone and scent,
centrepiece of painted still life.

Line count: 20
Free verse
For The Daily Poem, 11.03.21 (placed second)
Prompt: Colours.
Irrelevant note: “Fruitses 2” because I wrote another poem in the language of Gollum of LOTR fame and called it “Fruitses.” It seemed fitting that this one should have the same name.

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