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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2264643
The world is born and ends in many ways
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#1031145 added April 21, 2022 at 6:49pm
Restrictions: None
That’s it folks
Authors notes

First of all, if you made it this far thank you for reading. I appreciate it from both people who I shared this with, and people on this website. But I think as unsatisfactory as it might be this story ends here.

Kind of weird because when I came up with this concept back in 2016. Yes, this story’s been on my mind for years now. Jarric was supposed to lose and be thrown into hell. But things change and wen riding this. A different idea entered my mind.

You see I’ve been talking to a friend who watches a lot of Tick-Tock‘s. He who I shall refer to as Fred had told me about a video. In this video, somebody floated the idea that what if instead of going to hell. God just obliterated you on the spot. No hell just nothingness and so the idea of Jarric, and friends being wiped out of existence was born.

I got to admit I like the idea it’s fitting like how Jarric died and went to The Garden Of Eden. To begin our story and how he did not know how he died. He would die a similar way at least for now. I am not sure if I will continue this storybut Jarric was never supposed to be killed off finally.

He was supposed to be like Roland from Stephen King's Dark Tower. To exist endlessly and forever never finishing his story.
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