Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1031867-Glen-Beck-and-Buck-Sexton-aborted
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2256536
Are we all crazy or saved?
#1031867 added May 3, 2022 at 4:08pm
Restrictions: None
Glen Beck and Buck Sexton aborted...

Should a woman be forced to give birth?
That is the question the Supreme Court should ask.
Instead, they have been outed asking if this is a question for the states.
Buck Sexton and Glen Beck are against abortion.
Because there are not enough people in the world.
It is their Christen duty to make women give birth!

I am silly to want women to decide if they give birth.
The baby has a right to live...
What if the mother doesn't want to give birth?
Send them to Oregon!
Abortion is murder!
A woman should, therefore, be executed if she has an abortion.

Isn't that what the Supreme Court is saying?
Buck Sexton and Glen Beck want you to outlaw abortion.
Oregon will still support crushing the skulls of the unborn!
Abortion will be decided by State law!
So, abortion isn't murder in some States...
I'm confused...
Would Jesus force women to give birth?

Jesus didn't comment on abortion, but he did suffer the children unto him.
The Republicans are not happy about this becoming a thing before the fall elections.
They want a federal investigation into who spilled the beans on the Supreme Court.
Somebody is in trouble!
Do Republicans have abortions?
I better stay tuned to Buck Sexton and Glen Beck.

Bob County...Confused!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1031867-Glen-Beck-and-Buck-Sexton-aborted