Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1032063-Sex-its-exciting-and-new
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2256536
Are we all crazy or saved?
#1032063 added May 6, 2022 at 10:14pm
Restrictions: None
Sex it's exciting and new!

"I am not having sex," Angeline Joline said on a talk show.
Maybe she had sex later?
I had a lot of sex in my childhood and teenage years.
But, I had a stroke on August 22, so I am not having sex...

What I learned about sex you could write on a bubble gum wrapper.
There are always consequences.
I like nylons a lot.
And my boss is sexy.
But, there are consequences.

No matter how many contraceptions are used there can still be a pregnancy.
Do you keep the unborn fetus or abort it?
The choice is the women's for now.
If Roe VS Wade is overthrown by the Supreme Court abortion could be outlawed.

That would suck.

Bob County
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