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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034424-Career-Conflict
Rated: 18+ · Book · Music · #2231553
Fictitious and delicious!
#1034424 added June 28, 2022 at 9:07pm
Restrictions: None
Career Conflict
Ray: Hey, Felicia. Are you still on?

Felicia: Yeah. What's up?

Ray: I have a possible job opportunity that
I'm looking at and want to know what you think.

Felicia: Sure. I mean, I'm no engineer,
but I can at least listen (well, read).

Ray: Haha.

Felicia: So what's the job?

Ray: Aside from our offices in Connecticut,
the firm has a rotation down in D.C. It's
sort of a government liaison role.

Felicia: That sounds interesting. You said it's
a rotation. How long does it last?

Ray: About a year and a half.

Felicia: That doesn't sound very long. Are there
other roles with your firm there?

Ray: Some, but not many. Thing is after the
rotation there's no guarantee that you'll be
able to get another job at the firm.

Felicia: Well, that kinda sucks.

Ray: It does, but I'm also not
totally nuts about my firm, so it
might be an upside to taking this job.

Felicia: That's one way to look at it,
I suppose. What would you actually do?

Ray: It's engineering related, but I
wouldn't be involved in the design aspects.
I'd review government contracts and
budgets, translate plans for
the public relations team, things like that.

Felicia: Sounds like you'd get to do something
a little different for a bit, anyway.

Ray: I would.

Felicia: So what's keeping you from taking
on this rotation? Moving to D.C. from further northeast?

Ray: Actually, I'd like to get out of Connecticut.
Ray: My issue is why I really want to take this job.

Felicia: Oh? Is there a personal reason?

Ray: Well, I'd probably spend a fair
amount of free time in D.C. looking into
security jobs.

Felicia: DHS?

Ray: Maybe. I'd prefer the State Department,
but if DHS has a spot for me, I'll at least consider it.

Felicia: Are you think about a career change?

Ray: Kind of. I haven't really thought too much
about it, but a part of me wants to get out of
engineering and do something else.

Felicia: Trying to use all the military history
you learned in high school in some capacity?

Ray: A little bit, I suppose. I think I'm just
kind of tired of engineering, even though I've only been
in the field for just under a decade.

Felicia: Well, I have read that people in our
generation are likely to have 3-4 careers in our lifetime
and a whole ton of jobs in between all
that. Sounds like you're on that path.

Ray: Thing is, so many people know
me as an engineer. I don't want them to know
I'm thinking about moving to a different field.

Felicia: I'm guessing there's never been a
moment to drop hints about it?

Ray: Not really.

Felicia: Not even to friends
outside of work? Or the dance studio?

Ray: No.

Felicia: Ah. There's the rub.

Ray: Yeah.

Felicia: I'm not sure I should be
telling you what to do.

Ray: Well, what do you think of the role?

Felicia: I mean, I'd pay big money to move to D.C.
and work in some capacity. I haven't worked in the world
of housing for a while, but I'm sure I could try to get
a job with FHA. FHA stuff was kind of fun. Anyway, I'd
go for the change of scenery. Of course, D.C. is
expensive, so the rotation better pay well.

Ray: It'd be about a 15% pay increase.

Felicia: Without knowing what you make but
understanding that engineers tend to get good salaries,
that kind of increase might be sufficient,
depending on what your living expenses are now.

Ray: I might take a hit there, but
it's just me, so it's not that big a deal. Less
money to spend on penguins and Star Wars Legos.

Felicia: Hehheh. Well, it seems like
you could use a fresh start in a new location. At
least give it some more thought before
you lunge at it. When do you need to make your decision?

Ray: The next rotation starts in early 2016.

Felicia: Hmmm...sounds like you have about
six months. I'd probably think about it for maybe a
third of that time then make your decision. It gives you time but not
too much time. You know what I mean?

Ray: Yeah, that makes sense. I'll at least
give it a bit more time. Thanks for letting me ramble.

Felicia: Anytime!

Entry 9 in "The Bard's Hall Contest June 2022

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