Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1037262-For-the-Attention-of-King-Hades
Rated: 18+ · Book · Philosophy · #2227028
Entries to The Daily Poem Contest.
#1037262 added September 3, 2022 at 11:03am
Restrictions: None
For the Attention of King Hades
For the Attention of King Hades

Dear Boss

Been a while
since our paths did cross
(it’s all on file);
I thought it better,
in our busy days,
to write a letter
the old fashioned way,
this being by designation
my letter of resignation.

So, by way of explanation,
and after long contemplation,
this matter of souls
has worn me thin,
I’m growing old
can no longer grin,
increasingly my clients ask
about the shadows in my eyes,
and the daily task
gives no cheer but only sighs.

Retirement beckons,
few millennia remain to me
my doctor reckons,
and I’d like to see
these aching bones
in Bora Bora,
not to usher home
some other sainted snorer,
but to lie upon the beach
and catch a tan from tropic sun,
some cooling cocktail in my reach,
all tasks complete and races run.

So pity me, my age old friend,
and grant me this, a needed boon,
pronounce my work at final end,
let leisure take me real soon.
(here’s the keeper)

Yours, G. Reaper

Line count: 38
Rhymed abab
For The Daily Poem, September 3 2022
Prompt: Death has decided he hates his job. Write his poetic resignation. You must use at least one of the following poetic devices somewhere in your poem: alliteration, assonance or consonance. You must not use: death, dead, dying or any variations of these words.

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