Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1037365-Dressed-Pork-Chops
Rated: E · Book · Food/Cooking · #2220161
A place for me to keep all my recipes
#1037365 added September 5, 2022 at 6:25pm
Restrictions: None
Dressed Pork Chops
This is a recipe I've enjoyed for years...but last year I had to convert it to a lower sodium version and now that September is on the way, I am chomping at the bit to make this comfort food style recipe.

Note: The original recipe uses boxed Stove Top Stuffing mix and onion soup mix and calls for canned yams and canned cream of mushroom soup. My version does not.
Also Note: Measurements are not exact. Modify to your own preference

You Need:

4-6 pork chops - (I use the thick cut no none)
2-3 sweet potatoes (fresh, not canned)- diced
1 Granny Smith green apple
2 Red Delicious apples
1 cup chopped pecans
1 onion chopped
2 celery ribs chopped
5-6 slices of bread - toasted and cut or torn into small pieces
Few tablespoons of flour
few tablespoons of veg oil
seasonings of your choice

First, lightly dredge your chops in flour and season to your own tastes. Then, in a skillet brown them in 2 tablespoons of oil. When they are lightly golden brown, place them in a deep baking dish and set aside.

In your skillet, add a little more oil if needed and saute your onion. Add in diced sweet potatoes and let cook until they start to get crisp, then add the apples and celery. Cook this until it is tender.

Next, remove veggies and fruit from the skillet and if needed add more oil. Add flour and let cook for a few minutes then begin to make your gravy by slowly adding milk. Only about 1 cup. (the mission here is NOT to soak everything in gravy...only to give the dressing enough moisture so it is not dry and crumbly)

When your gravy is starting to thicken return your veggies and fruit to the skillet. Slowly stir in your bread cubes until everything is nicely coated but not soggy. Spoon the dressing mix over your chops. Sprinkle with chopped nuts...and bake on 375 for about 30 minutes. Depending on how thick or many chops you are cooking.

This is really a whole meal in one...but I tend to make a nice green salad and cranberry relish to go with it :) You can also make this easy low-sodium dressing to go on top of your turkey or chicken.

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