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#1037367 added September 5, 2022 at 9:24pm
Restrictions: None
Rustic Stew
I was hesitant about this recipe at first but once I bit the bullet and tried it, it became a keeper! You CAN cook this on the stovetop but I cooked mine in my crockpot. Measurements are approximate and you should modify them to your preferences.

You Need:

one med size boneless roast- cut into small chunks (any kind will work, I used a pork roast in mine}
one green bell pepper chopped *PepperGreen*
one yellow onion chopped *Onion*
1/2 pound baby carrots *Carrot*
1 small head of green cabbage chopped *Cabbage*
3-4 turnips chopped
1 12oz package of mushrooms *MushroomBr*
4 ribs of celery chopped
1 "bunch" of turnip greens chopped
1 "bunch" of mustard greens chopped (you can use any other green of your choice as well)
1 cup dry lentils
Garlic & Onion powder
black pepper
water - enough to cover everything in the crockpot
**original recipe calls for salt. I don't use salt in mine.
**original recipe calls for pre-made stock. I used water in mine.

I placed everything in the crockpot EXCEPT the greens! Let that slow cook on high for 5-6 hours or longer if cooked on slow. Typically, I put this all together the night before and let it slow cook ALL night & into the mornings. When everything is nice and tender...add the greens and let them cook until they are wilted and tender but NOT soggy!

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