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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2279759
a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039714 added October 25, 2022 at 7:01pm
Restrictions: None
Settings List
"Setting: Settings List" ▼
(1) Create a list of settings in a format easy to edit and expand.
(2) Add brief descriptions, drawings, images or Google Maps coordinates (find the location on Google Maps/Earth and record the URL) for each.

NOTE: You can revise this list at any time, so this revision is not expected to be fully accurate or complete.
Joal's father owns Burnett Construction Company.
-Located at 10317 S Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, IL 60628

The mission will be called Damen Avenue City Mission.
- Located on Damen Avenue

The church that Joal attends will be Victory Baptist Church.
- Located 9907 S Crandon Ave, Chicago, IL 60617

The college that Joal attended will be University of Illinois.
Located at 1200 West Harrison St. Chicago, Illinois 60607

The Hospital Joal will be treated at is Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Dentist that treats Joal is Chicago Dental Studio
-Located at 443 W Huron St Chicago, IL 60654


City council building

construction job sites

Joal's Home location

Joal's family members' home locations

preaching locations

Homeless meal serving area

gas station


A park or place Joal can go to pray or think

cemetery maybe - where a friend is buried

thrift store

movie theatre


grocery store/Walmart

beach on Lake Michigan

a couple tourist's attractions

a friend's home or place of work

a signature image created for Marvelous Friend
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1039714-Settings-List