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a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039838 added October 28, 2022 at 12:53am
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Market Definition and Narrative Voice Synopsis
"General: Market Definition and Narrative Voice Synopsis" ▼
(1) Identify your story type from this list of story types or define it with your own nomenclature.
(2) Describe your target audience. Identify a demographic profile of your ideal reader (try using your character profile template!) Explain in detail what aspects of your novel will appeal to this particular audience and why. Please read this blog post to understand the importance of marketing, and why targeting ""mass appeal"" or ""all readers"" isn't good enough: "Building Your Brand"
(3) Write a synopsis of your novel using the same narrative voice you will use to tell the story.

1. Christian Fictional Drama

2. Christian adults - Raising awareness of missions and how they need help. Adults who can help in real life situations.

3. Joal Burnett is caught between his family's expectations of him and the true calling of his heart. Where can he do the best? Does he take over the family construction business or does he take over and run a city mission full-time. How can he choose between a secure future or taking a risk to help others? What does he go through to make that decision? What causes him to finally make the decision?

He ultimately chooses to follow his heart, but will his heart lead him astray and betray him? He will fall in love, will she share his dream? What will be the cost of this decision?

Joal will face trauma, injury, emotional situations, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and will face many obstacles to get where he is going. How will he respond to these things when they happen? He will remain a Christian but will face real-life struggles. He won't always make the most Christian decision. He will make mistakes and have regrets. We will see his walk with God along the way. We will see his doubts, fears, tears, prayers, and beliefs as we walk this journey in the book with him.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1039838-Market-Definition-and-Narrative-Voice-Synopsis