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a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1039926 added October 29, 2022 at 4:59pm
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Character: Protagonist Interview
"Character: Protagonist Interview" ▼
You are a journalist. The story of your novel is complete. Interview your protagonist and ask the following questions:

(1) How is life for you now, compared to life prior to these events?

I have grown as a person because of these events in my life. I have learned a lot and my faith in God has been strengthened. I feel so blessed. It is a privilege to be able to poor my heart and soul back into the community in which I grew up in.

I know my family was disappointed at first because I didn't agree to take over Dad's construction business, but I just had to follow my heart and I feel this is where God wants me to work. This is where I can make the biggest difference in other people's lives.

I am so glad my wife decided to marry me and work by my side at the mission. There is so much need on the streets in the city of Chicago. Together, I hope we can make our city a better and safer place for everyone! I couldn't be happier.

(2) How did the events of your story change you?

Through the trials and tough decisions, I had to make, my faith in God has increased. I have become my own man. I don't feel like a puppet on a string. I have found my freedom in Christ and now I get to help others do the same.

I feel like my life is full of purpose now. Before, I found the prospect of running a construction business mundane and boring. It just wasn't for me. I felt a higher calling on my life. I am glad I have found it too.

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