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a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1040059 added October 31, 2022 at 5:44pm
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Plot Background Story
"Plot: CONTEST ROUND: Plot Background Story" ▼
Write a story that sets up your plot. EXAMPLE: The Lord of the Rings story revolves around the One Ring, its significance, and how it's destroyed. But how did Frodo get the One Ring in the first place? We learn that in The Hobbit. You obviously can't write a full-scale novel in 15 minutes, but you could write the scene where Bilbo encounters Gollum and stumbles across the ring. That would be a background story that sets up the plot in Lord of the Rings.

Joal Burnett had almost completed his college education. He sat in his dorm room studying for finals. He knew his dad wanted him to take over the family construction business. However, there was another desire burning deep inside Joal's heart.

Just a few years ago, his friend had been killed in a drive-by shooting while he was right next to him. It had haunted him like a bad dream. Then he met this guy who volunteered at a homeless mission. The guy had talked to him about how he was able to help the people on the streets of the city. Joal couldn't stop thinking about that random meeting in the coffee shop. What if he could help people get off drugs and have better lives so they didn't end up dead like his friend had? It was the first time he had felt any sense of hope since his friend had died.

Joal couldn't help but daydream of running his own mission someday, but how could he do that if he had to take over the family business? He didn't want to disappoint his family, but what good could he do in the construction business all of his life. It really wasn't what he wanted to do. He just never thought he had a choice in the matter. Now all of a sudden, he had this dream, this idea.

One thing he did know, he had to finish his college degree for the time being. There would be plenty of time to plan and dream later. This degree in business management would be beneficial either way.

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