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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2279759
a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1040061 added October 31, 2022 at 5:57pm
Restrictions: None
Plot: Literary Devices
"Plot: Literary Devices" ▼
(1) Brainstorm possible solutions to your conflict and complications using the list of literary devices below or your own ideas.
Funding will come from donations and fundraisers and sometimes from Joal's own pocket.
He will use his construction background to build and fix up the facilities.
His aunt will help with Kitchen needs.
His girlfriend will get involved with dental needs.
He will start a medical facility with the help of a Dr friend from college.
The city council will be won over when the mayor's run-away daughter is helped and rescued by Joal.
The gang members will be won over with kindness.
The Wiccan people will respect him and his cause when they see all the good, he is doing.
There will be lives changed, people who get off drugs, become Christian and volunteer at the mission, homeless people are sheltered, the poor are fed, sick people get help, and the community gets involved.
The family will be upset at first, and then they will eventually support him when they see his passion.

(2) Identify a mentor or helper who aids the protagonist(s) in achieving their goals.
Joal's Pastor helps him pursue his dream of running a mission.

(3) Identify any other literary devices from the list you could use to enhance your writing.
I am not sure I will use any of these. I intend to just let the story flow from my heart and see what happens.

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