Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1040232-Chapter-5
by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2284509
In the aftermath of The Raven saga, our heroes past comes back to bite them… literally.
#1040232 added November 4, 2022 at 5:38am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Jake had been the first to awaken from Courtney's nightmares. He felt groggy and dazed as he got to his feet. He could feel something crawling on the back of his neck too. When he swatted whatever it was, he looked at his hand to see what looked like small larvae squirming on his palm. The basement of Blackridge Tower was eerily silent as he looked around. He waited for any more of Courtney's followers to show, but they were alone. The only sounds came from his friends and the poor girl Courtney had tortured. Jake couldn't help her while in his suit, but he could help Beth and Pam.

"It's a safe bet that they're experiencing something equally traumatic," he heard Ashley say as she knelt down beside Pam, "Whatever horrors they're going through, we need to wake them up before they lose themselves to madness. You only barely managed to escape yourself, Jake."

Jake nodded and rushed over to Pam. She was the closest to him, and he hoped that she could use her powers to help Beth. He knelt down beside her and Ashley and rolled her onto her back. Pam's eyes were closed, but he could see where she'd been crying. He gently lifted her body up and placed her back on his legs. "Pam," he said, trying to rouse her from her torment, "Pam, wake up. Come on, Beth needs you."

She didn't respond beyond a shudder and a whimper. "It's not working," Ashley said as she peered around to look at the back of Pam's neck, "I've seen these little insects before, but that was a long time ago. They're Romanian in origin, and they were responsible for a rather gruesome turn in the village that unearthed them."

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, lightly smacking Pam's cheek in hopes of getting through to her.

"Stop that," Ashley said, glaring at him, "That's not going to do anything to help. These little things are a form of parasite, the infant form to be specific. They latch onto a host, enslave the mind, and bend to the will of whomever is the controller. They eat away at the flesh, and eventually the mind. We couldn't extinguish them, so we locked them away beneath the ruins of that village almost two centuries ago. These appear to have mutated, though. The bile they're excreting is meant to be a bonding agent, but the coloring is different than I remember."

"You remember these things from that long ago?" Jake asked.

"When something causes a mother to murder her children, or a husband his wife, it's hard to forget," Ashley replied, closing her eyes as images of dismembered bodies flooded her mind and Jake's, "I may have been a creature of the night, Jake, but I was never that much of a monster. I subjected and brought order to a lawless world, but I would never do something as horrific as what these things could do. I'm not the monster that others see me to be."

Her words held a slight venom to them, and Jake couldn't bring himself to look at her as he spoke, "I'm sorry, Ash, I didn't-"

"We can discuss it later," she cut him off tersely, "We need to worry about helping them right now."

"What can I do?" he asked, trying to ignore the hurt in her voice that she masked with concern.

"Start by trying to remove these nasty little things from her neck," Ashley instructed, "Make sure that your gloves are on tight, though. If they get on your skin again, then they may try to slip you into another nightmare."

"Got it," Jake said as he tilted Pam's neck and started to pull the parasites from Pam's neck, "You said these things look different from when you last saw them. Did they not do…whatever we just experienced last time?"

"I never felt the wrath of their grasp, but I witnessed it through my soldiers," Ashley replied, watching him carefully as he worked, "They still put their victims into a deep sleep, but the color of their bile wasn't this sickly green. It was clear back then, and my soldiers who recovered never reported visions of terror and pain. I suspect that your ex is using a chemical that your rival was working on to alter their DNA. Once we get out of here, you'll need to consult with a chemist regarding their genetic makeup, the nature of the chemical, and try to isolate whatever is causing the infection to spread as well as these nightmarish visions."

"Please tell me you don't mean who I think you do," Jake whined as he continued to remove the parasites.

"You've been avoiding her, and she's easily the most skilled chemist in the city, Jake," Ashley said, "It will be good for you to try to clear the air with her, anyway. Besides, I know that she'll have a better chance at figuring out this chemical mystery. We can take a few of these things as samples for her to experiment with."

"I mean, you're not wrong, but that doesn't make me like it anymore," Jake sighed.

"Jake," Ashley said sternly.

"Let's just focus on getting out of here," Jake said, cutting her off before she could reprimand him.

He pulled another one of Courtney's parasites off of Pam's neck, and she shot up without warning while gasping for air. She nearly headbutted Jake in the process, and she scared him half to death as she rose. "Get away from me!" she screamed as a gust of energy shot out of her and sent Jake flying backward.

He hit the ground with a thud and rolled while Ashley remained beside Pam. "I believe she managed to overcome whatever she was facing," Ashley remarked as Jake pushed himself back to his feet, "Try to be a little quicker next time, Jake. I'd hate for something to happen to you, contrary to what you might think."

"Ash, I'm sorry," Jake said with a sigh, "How many times am I going to have to apologize?"

"Jake?" Pam asked, looking around as her breathing began to regulate and return to normal, "Is this another dream, or am I back in the real world?"

"Help her," Ashley ordered, crossing her arms as she stood up, "We can discuss the details of everything else later. Unless, of course, you are afraid she'll turn on you too."

Jake didn't respond as he got to his feet to try to comfort his friend. "It's not a dream," he said, approaching her and offering a hand, "We're back in the basement of Blackridge Tower. Whatever Courtney hit us with, put us into some kind of weird alternate state of mind."

"My memories," Pam said as she accepted his hand and got to her feet, "That explains what I saw, and why things were so different than before. I'd hoped to never relive those moments again…are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he lied and pointed at Beth, "Beth is still under the influence of these things. We need to help her. How did you manage to break out, by the way?"

"I made a choice," Pam replied, purposely being vague as Goth's last words echoed in her mind, "I thought it was an illusion, but it felt incredibly real. Black hells, I can't remember the last time I felt terror like that. We need to get her out of whatever hell she's trapped in. I won't lose her again."

They hurried over to Beth to check on her. Pam removed her helmet after checking to ensure they were alone, and both of them looked down at her with wide eyes. There was a cut on her neck. It was small, but it hadn't been there when they'd first arrived. Jake could see more of Courtney's mutated parasites crawling on Beth's neck, and some of them were trying to get into the open wound. "Get those things off and out of her," he said, gesturing to them, "Hurry, they don't need to get into her system more than they already have."

"Ugh, what the hell are those?" Pam asked as she focused on one and studied its energy.

"The cause of what we've just been through," Jake answered.

"She gassed us, though," Pam said as her hand began to glow, "How in the hell did these things get on us from that?"

"Airborne spores," Ashley answered, "It's a theory, of course, but my guess is that whatever chemical she's using creates a sort of marinade that accelerates their growth once they're in the air. Their genetic makeup was already horrifically fast, but they've taken root and grown at a remarkable rate."

"We can figure it out later," Jake said, "Ash thinks that she's seen these things before, but we'll have to do some research on them to be certain. All you need to know now is that those things can infect and kill Beth if we don't act fast."

"Not if I can help it," Pam whispered as she turned her hand over and moved her fingers upward.

Jake watched as the parasites began to rise off of Beth and into the air. Their tiny bodies were encased in a white energy as Pam removed them. He could see thick strings of slime coming from the bottoms of the strange creatures. It looked like they were using the slime as some sort of bonding agent to attach themselves to Beth. He heard a shrieking noise as Pam clenched her fist and crushed them in one swift motion. He looked up at Pam and asked, "Did that get rid of the ones inside of her?"

"I can't sense anymore of them, so I'd say yes," Pam replied, sitting down beside Beth and touching her forehead, "She's terrified right now and…angry? She's furious about something, but there's an underlying sense of fear and hurt behind that anger. I haven't felt anything this strong from her since that night at the cabin. Beth, come back to me. Come on, Kitten, follow my voice."

Jake lightly shook her and tried to call out to her, "Beth, Beth, come on. Wake up, Beth!"

Her body jolted up, and she raised her pistol and fired it blindly. Jake and Pam winced at the close proximity of the gunshot as it deafened them for a split second. Beth squirmed and kicked in Jake's grip until she broke free and scrambled to her feet. Her eyes locked with Pam's and she kept her gun trained on her. "Kitten, lower your weapon," Pam said calmly as she slowly got to her feet and held her hands up, "It's me, you're alright. Deep breaths, love, you're safe now."

Beth's hand shook as she kept her gun trained on her lover. "P-Pam?" Beth asked, her voice trembling, "Is it you? Like, is it really you?"

"Who else would it be, Kitten?" Pam countered offering a small smile, "I'm here, and you're safe. Please, lower your gun."

"Beth, you're back in the basement," Jake said, "It's me, and it's Pam."

"My Pam?" Beth asked, her hand trembling more as she struggled to grasp her reality.

Pam took a chance and stepped forward. "Pam, wait!" Jake exclaimed, afraid that Beth might shoot their friend.

Pam held a hand up at Jake and continued towards Beth. "Don't!" Beth yelled, stepping back once again.

"Shh, it's me, Kitten," Pam said softly as she took two steps closer to Beth, put a hand on the barrel of her gun, and gently pushed her arm down, "This isn't a dream, or an illusion, this is real. Kitten, Beth, relax and look at me."

Beth stared up at Pam for a solid minute. Her body trembled and shook as she stood there. Pam waited a moment before slowly reaching out and wrapping her arms around Beth's neck. She could feel Beth's tension, and she was reminded of their first weeks together. It took a moment, but Beth eventually wrapped her arms around Pam and hugged her back. "Pam," Beth said, letting out a shuddering breath, "I thought…I mean, I just…"

"Shh, none of it was real, Kitten," Pam whispered, running a hand through Beth's hair, and kissing the top of her head, "Whatever that was, it's over now. It's me, I'm here, Jake's here, and we need to get out of here."

"Jake?" Beth asked, still feeling confused from the effects of the parasites and the toxins, "He's…he's alive?"

"Yeah, I'm here," Jake said softly, joining his two friends, "Pam, you need two need to get out of here. Get somewhere safe, and somewhere you two can rest."

"What about you?" Pam asked, "I'm not going to argue about us needing rest, but don't pretend you didn't go through your own hell."

"I'm fine, Pam," Jake assured her once more, "Whatever Beth witnessed hit her hard. You two go home. I'll finish up here, and fill Zoey in on what's happened. The city needs The Feral as she was, not as she is now."

"What aren't you telling us, Jake?" Pam asked, eying him suspiciously.

"Pam, I'm the only one of us that's not been severely affected," Jake argued, "Trust me, I'm fine."

"Fine, but this discussion isn't over," Pam finally conceited as she turned her attention back to Beth and cupped her chin, "Can you handle a teleportation spell, Kitten? We can find another way out if you can't."

"Promise we'll go straight home?" Beth asked, still shaking slightly.

"I swear," Pam replied, "One quick trip, and we'll be back home."

Beth nodded, "I can handle it."

Pam gave her a reassuring smile as she held up a glowing hand, "Hold on, Kitten, this won't take long," she said before shooting Jake a serious look, "We are talking about this later, Jake."

Jake waited until Beth and Pam had sunk into the ground and disappeared before scoffing, "You'll have to get in line for that."

"There's no need to be callous with them, Jake, they're only worried about you," Ashley remarked as he pulled out his phone to call Zoey, "These things have a rather traumatic effect, and given the state Beth was in, I'd say Pam had a right to be concerned."

"So you'd rather me talk to her first before talking to you?" he countered as he prepared to dial out.

"You don't get to be defensive in this situation, Jake," she hugged bitterly, "We share a body and mind now, and I know what you saw. Pam is concerned about you, and you can't hide that you were shaken from her. She's an empath, and a good one at that. Don't withdraw into yourself again, Jake."

He knew it was a bad idea, but Jake ignored her and held the phone up to his ear. It didn't take long before Zoey answered, "Raven, what the hell is going on in there?!"

"It's tough to explain," Jake replied, "The place is a literal bloody mess right now, though. Send a team in and down to the basement. We've got a survivor here, but she's absolutely terrified. You might need to restrain her, but try not to hurt her. If anyone encounters any resistance, tell them to shoot to kill. There's no saving anyone who's been infected."

"Infected?" Zoey repeated, "What do you mean infected, and how do you know the survivor isn't?"

"She would have turned by now," Jake answered, "Whatever she was dosed with has affected her mind, but she's more of a danger to herself. Tell your team to be gentle with her, and secure a wing at the hospital to have blood drawn. I need to analyze a sample of it if I'm going to figure out if we can cure her."

"Are you really just going to ignore me?" Ashley asked, perturbed.

"You've been down there for almost an hour," Zoey said, "What about the woman from the video?"

Had it really been an hour? Jake hadn't even stopped to think about how long he and the others had been out. He shrugged off the alarming sensation as he replied, "She escaped, but not before drugging us. We're fine, and The Feral is trying to track her as we speak."

Zoey was silent for a minute, and Jake began to wonder if she could sense his deception. If she could, she didn't comment on it, "Alright, damnit, this week just gets better and better. I'll send a team in, but you go ahead and get out of there. We'll handle things from here, and I'll be in touch with any updates. Dr. Murray is still out there, and now we've got a second lunatic on the loose to boot. Contact me if you come across anything on the mystery woman or Dr. Murray."

"Will do, commissioner," Jake said as he hung up the phone and prepared to leave.

He looked around at the carnage that Courtney had left, and he couldn't help but wonder if they were really to blame. Was their presence in the city more of a hindrance than a help? No, he couldn't give into that thought. Doubt was what Courtney wanted, and he wouldn't let her win. The three of them were all that stood between people like Courtney, Dr. Murray, and others seeking to cause chaos and mayhem. With this in mind, Jake bent down to grab a handful of the disgusting little insects that had terrorized them. He dropped them into a small evidence bag before disappearing into the shadows to make his escape.


Pam and Beth had materialized in the living room of their loft, and Pam could feel Beth's anxiety still spiking. She'd stopped shaking, but her emotions were running rampant. Pam took her hand and guided her towards the couch to sit her down. "Beth," Pam said, putting a hand on Beth's thigh, "We're home, our home. Do you want to talk about what you saw?"

Beth shook her head, "I don't…it was just so…it felt real, Pam. It felt so real, and I don't know whether I'm still trapped or not."

"Look at me," Pam said sternly, cupping her chin, "You're not trapped anywhere, and you're right where you belong. I'm here, and I swear that I'll keep you safe. I promised you that when you first came to me, remember?"

"Yeah," Beth said quietly.

"Do you mind if I try something?" Pam asked, "It's a little invasive, but it should help."

Beth tensed as she asked, "What is it?"

"I've done it a few times before without telling you," Pam admitted, "It's nothing bad, but it does involve a touch of telepathy mixed with my empathy. I won't pry, but I can send you something that is real. Words only go so far, but I can share what I'm feeling with you."

"You want to touch my mind?" Beth asked, not hiding her discomfort at the idea.

"You can say no, Kitten," Pam quickly said, "Tonight, I swear not to push any of your limits. I only want to help you."

Beth hesitated for a moment. After what she'd seen, the thought of anyone, even Pam, peering into her mind was terrifying. Trust was the cornerstone of their relationship, though, and she knew that she needed to trust Pam to be able to move forward. "Okay," Beth said after a moment of contemplation, "Just…promise me you won't look at my memories, yeah?"

"You have my word," Pam replied, putting a hand over her heart, "I do want to hear about what you saw, but only when you're ready to talk about it. Close your eyes, and give me your hands."

Beth did as she was told, and waited for whatever was about to happen. She was tense, but she told herself repeatedly that she could trust Pam. It wasn't long before she could feel something touching the corners of her mind. It was strange, and it was difficult for her to remain calm. A gentle shushing from Pam put her slightly more at ease, and she gave herself to whatever was to come. It started small with a twinge of warmth radiating through her. Then she felt something different, something she couldn't quite explain. The security that she felt whenever her and Pam laid together washed over her, but there was more to it than those moments. She didn't have another way to describe the feeling outside of love. Comfort, concern, and care all hit her at once. Beth felt a sense of calm overtake her for the first time since she'd awakened.

When Pam removed her hands, she felt a touch of sadness and longing. "Was it too much?" Pam asked.

"No," Beth replied, her voice finally ceasing its quivering, "I feel…better. You're really you, and I'm really awake, aren't I?"

"I am and you are," Pam said, leaning back on their couch, "You had me worried sick for a while there. Whatever those things did, they're nothing if not potent."

"Are you okay?" Beth asked.

"I'll be fine, as long as you're here and safe," Pam assured her as she closed her eyes, "What I saw…I thought I'd lost you because I'd lost myself."

"What do you mean?" Beth asked.

"I was forced to relive some of my most painful memories," Pam replied, leaning her head back and rubbing her temples, "The night my mother died, the death of my closest friend, and the ritual chamber where I learned to use blood magic. They were different, though, altered and distorted to hurt me more."

Pam spent the next half hour recounting what she'd experienced while under the influence of Courtney's parasites and toxin. Beth listened intently while her girlfriend spoke. She never interrupted or asked questions. What Pam described shook her, but it also gave her a strange sense of hope. It wasn't until Pam spoke Goth's final words that she felt a sense of dread. "Courtney said she wanted to see what we were afraid of," Beth said once Pam had finished and asked, "Is that what you're afraid of? Turning into Goth?"

Pam sighed as she sat up and opened her eyes, "Rebecca was my friend and mentor, but I watched as she spiraled into something that wasn't human. She gave everything that was human for the sake of gaining power, influence, lust, and passion. I owe my powers and abilities to her, but what if I become something else while trying to get stronger? What if I lose sight of myself? What happens if I go too far and eventually hurt you? That thought haunts me, but what terrifies me more is the fact that it's a real possibility. I love you, but Rebecca loved Jake and she still turned to darkness."

"That fear means more to me than you know," Beth said, earning a confused look from Pam, "I know that sounds weird, but…I didn't relive memories when I was under. I fell into some warped reality where you…where you started trying to be more like Goth. You, uhm, you used me to murder innocents and our friends. It was me, but there was some other version of me that a different you had broken. You had that me kill Jake."

"There was another you?" Pam asked.

"The you in the dream, or whatever it was, told me I was from another reality," Beth said, bringing her knees to her chest, "You kept saying that even if I managed to get out that you'd eventually turn into her. It was like you mixed with Goth and Aurora. That was just the end of it, though. God, it all felt so fucking real. Sally, Jake, me, you, and even that Goth apparition."

"That was why you were so angry," Pam said, putting the pieces together, "What the other me said infuriated you, and you killed me, didn't you?"

"I didn't have a choice," Beth said quietly, "You were going to torture me until I was nothing but an empty shell."

"Are you comfortable telling me the rest of the details?" Pam asked, and continued when Beth shook her head, "Another time then. For what it's worth, you did the right thing killing that me."

"Really?" Beth asked, "Why, because it ended whatever that was?"

"No," Pam replied, putting her hand on Beth's knee, "Because that's what I'd want if I turned into that. That's why I love you, one of the reasons, anyway. I can trust you to do what needs to be done, even if that means going against me. If I ever did anything like that to you, I'd want you to bring me down."

"You're messing with me," Beth said, rolling her eyes, "You don't have to try to make me feel better."

"I'm not," Pam said, scooting closer, "I'm simply being honest with you. You're stubborn, strong-willed, and full of conviction, Kitten. Some people might say that it's grating, but those qualities are what drew me to you. It's inspiring, in a way, and you make me want to be better."

"Stop," Beth said, her cheeks flushing.

"Why don't we turn in for the night?" Pam asked, resisting the urge to continue embarrassing her pet, "Jake can handle things for one night, and we can regroup in the morning."

"I need to be out there helping," Beth argued weakly, "He was under the same influence as you and I, and it's not fair to leave him out there alone."

"I know, but he swears that he's fine," Pam said, "He's more concerned about you right now, though, and I fear you'd be a hindrance tonight. Not to say you're not capable, but he would be distracted if you were out instead of resting."

"I can still fight," Beth tried once again to protest.

"Sometimes its better to gather your strength with a strategic retreat than to continue charging headfirst, Kitten," Pam said, "Besides, I believe he's going to be running tests tonight on the parasites that Courtney used on us. If we're going to win, we need every advantage we can get, and we need to make sure we're rested enough to fight on."

"Fine," Beth huffed, crossing her arms and sulking.

Pam rolled her eyes but smiled, "You are too adorable."

"I am not," Beth huffed before quietly asking, "Do you think Jake is actually okay?"

"Honestly?" Pam asked, and Beth nodded, "No, I think he's putting on a brave front. You know how he is, though. He'll talk when he's ready, and not a moment sooner."

"He's a stubborn idiot," Beth corrected.

"Coming from the girl who was just trying to go back into the field," Pam pointed out.

"Hush," Beth said, sticking out her tongue at Pam, "Seriously, I'm worried about him. After everything he's been through, I don't think it's a good idea for him to bottle shit up."

"I know, and I agree," Pam said solemnly, "You can call him if you like, but I doubt he'll be willing to open up. Go wash up first, though."

"Ugh, too much effort," Beth whined, "When's the last time you showered, anyway?"

Pam rolled her eyes as she answered, "A few days, but you never seem to mind a little sweat."

Beth's cheeks turned beat red as she tried to articulate a response, "I don't…I mean, that's…shut up!"

Pam laughed as she voiced a compromise, "What if I shower with you?"

"That's just code for sex," Beth argued.

"I'm not hearing a no," Pam said slyly, "I've already said that I'm not going to push you, and I still intend to hold true to my word. If you want it, I'll be more than happy to sate your appetite."

"Just…come on," Beth said, unsure of just what she wanted, "Let's just see where it goes, yeah?"

"Of course, lead the way, Kitten," Pam said, standing and helping Beth get to her feet.


Jake had gone straight from Blackridge Tower to his home. His phone hadn't stopped buzzing since he'd turned it back on. Messages, missed calls, and emails about what happened were bombarding the little device. Once he'd entered his bedroom, Jake quickly changed out of his suit, and started planning a response to the night's mayhem. Everyone would have the day off, hell they might have the week since Courtney was targeting his company. First, though, he needed a drink. Something strong to take the edge off and help him forget about the horrors he'd seen.

He walked into his kitchen, opened his liquor cabinet, and searched for a bottle of scotch he'd tucked away for a night such as this. Ashley sat on the counter behind him while he grabbed a glass for himself. "Tell me you're not going to drown yourself yet again," she said, still clearly agitated, "We've got work to do, and I won't stand for another night of mindless sex and debauchery."

He rolled his eyes as he poured himself a drink, "And you'll do what if I do? Steal my body again?"

"Jake, it was one time, and I gave it back once I did what I needed to do!" Ashley snapped defensively, "Do you really think I'd do that to you?"

"I don't know what to think anymore, Ash," he admitted as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass, "Maybe it's been in the back of my mind, but until tonight I never realized how much it worries me. We can talk about it later, but right now I've got an email to draft, and I've got to start analyzing these little bugs."

"You can work and talk, Jake," Ashley argued as he left the kitchen and she followed after him, "This is something that we need to discuss!"

"Later!" he yelled at her, "I've got a serial killer on the loose, and a zombified ex who has lost her mind. Combine that with everything I just went through, Rebecca's death by my own hands, and trying to restart my company, I've got more on my plate than I can handle!"

"Then open up to somebody!" Ashley yelled back, finally losing her patience, "You sit around here carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, pretending that you're alone, but you know you're not! I am always with you, your friends are willing to help, but you choose to go it alone! How can anyone help you if you won't let them in?!"

"What am I supposed to say?!" Jake snapped, wheeling on Ashley and glaring at her, "Hey guys, I know we've just saved the fucking city, but I'm feeling really depressed and stuck in a loop. I don't know how to even begin to bring it up, Ash, and you saw the state Beth was in tonight! I might have gone through my own shit, but so did they! I tried a support group, but they tried to fucking murder me! We don't have time for me to sit around and complain about my troubles right now, and you know I'm right!"

They stared at each other for a minute, neither of them willing to bow to the other. The sound of Jake's phone ringing broke their heated staring contest. "Answer it," Ashley said after the third ring, "It's Beth, and she's probably worrying herself sick about you."

Jake sighed and shook his head before composing himself. "Hey, everything alright?" he answered.

"Yeah, I'm…well, I'm not good, but I'm better," Beth replied, "I was calling to check on you, actually. How are you feeling?"

"Don't worry about me," he replied, hoping to sweep her concern under the rug, "You seemed to have the worst of it. Those things Courtney used had managed to get into a cut on your neck."

"Yeah, that's what Pam said," Beth continued, "Still, Pam said she experienced some pretty messed up stuff, though. She was pretty shook up, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine, I swear," he lied, "It was tough, but Rebecca put me through worse when we were together."

"I mean, I get that, but Pam said that she was put through the wringer," Beth said, "I just don't want you getting worse, Jake."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, more defensive and aggressive than he intended.

"Jake, I'm not attacking you," Beth said calmly, trying to defuse things before they escalated, "I just mean that I'm worried about you. You know I didn't care for Rebecca, but I know you can't pick who you fall in love with. I know I'd be devastated if something happened to Pam, and I probably don't have room to talk, but the drinking, partying, and sleeping around isn't you. I don't know what you went through tonight, but if it was even half as devastating as what mine, then I need to know you're okay."

"Beth, I need you to stop worrying about me," he sighed, walking towards his study, "It happened, I saw what I saw, and that's the end of it. You should get some sleep, spend some time with Pam, and I'll call you tomorrow with an update on these things."

"But Jake, what did you see?" Beth asked, "You can't keep pushing things off like this. Talk to me."

"Why is everyone so interested in talking?" he asked, growing more frustrated by the minute, "I'll talk when I'm ready, but right now I don't have time to get into everything. My company is in a continuing state of decline, Dr. Murray is out there, and Courtney is planning something with these damn bugs and that poison. How many times do I have to tell you? I. Am. Fine! Now, I've got a lot of work to do, and a long night ahead of me. Get some rest, and we'll regroup tomorrow."

"You don't have to put on a front for us, Jake," Beth said quietly, "Be a dick all you want, but don't push us away because you're hurting. We're just worried about you, but if you don't want to talk, then fine. Do what you want, but try not to forget that there are people that care about you."

"Beth, I-" he started, feeling guilty for his attitude, "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but the biggest thing you can do for me is to rest up. I'm on edge enough without worrying about you and Pam."

"If you say so," Beth said, clearly not believing him, "Just…you know you can call us, right?"

"Yeah, I know," he replied, "I'll call you tomorrow to check in, and hopefully with am update on whatever Courtney is using."

"Sounds good," Beth said before adding, "Jake, try to get some rest too. Pam says we can't win if we don't have enough strength to fight back, and I think she's right."

"Of course I'm right," he heard Pam say in the background.

"Noted," he said, smiling for the first time since they'd left the basement, "I'll let you go. I think it's rude to keep a woman waiting, and it sounds like Pam is ready for you. Good night you two."

"Talk to you tomorrow," Beth said just before hanging up.

Jake put his phone in his pocket, turned the hands on the grandfather clock, and pulled the pendulum down. "You're not sleeping tonight, are you?" Ashley asked with a sigh as the wall slowly opened up.

"I don't plan on it, no," he replied as he walked down the staircase, "I'll catch a nap after I'm done down here, but I meant what I said. There's too much to he done tonight."

"At least take one of those awful energy drinks you're so fond of," Ashley pleaded, trailing behind him, "If you insist on going this route, then you need to be at least somewhat focused."

"Funny, I recall you mentioning you didn't mind the cherry ones," he said, "I've got a fridge down here with some inside. Are we good?"

"No, but I'll concede to your point for the time being," Ashley replied honestly, "I'd like to tall about what happened, but you have a valid argument, loathe though I may be to admit that. I was a ruler once before, and I understand that some things take precedence over personal matters. If you promise me that we'll talk once we have some time, then I can be patient with you."

"You have my word," Jake said, "If that still has any value, that is."

"I believe you," Ashley said before adding with a grin, "Although, that may be because your alcoholic and idiotic choices are imparing my judgement."

"Haha," Jake faked a laugh and rolled his eyes, "I know I've made some bad choices, but I'm trying to do right now."

"I know, but try not to lose yourself in your quest for atonement, love," Ashley said, "You have a tendency to throw yourself from one extreme to another."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jake said, "All I can do is try, right?"

"Yes, that's right," Ashley agreed, "That, and rely on someone other than just yourself. Let's get to work."


Beth put her phone on the charger, and sat down on her side of the bed. "He wouldnt talk, would he?" Pam asked.

"Kept saying he was fine," Beth replied, laying down on the bed, "I don't buy it, but he started acting like a dick when I pushed. I don't know what to do, Pam. I don't want him to pull further away from us."

"We give him time, and remind him that we're here," Pam said, sensing Beth's confusion and disappointment, "He'll talk when he's ready, but we can't force him to do anything. Come here, Kitten."

Beth looked over at Pam who's arms were spread wide and welcoming. "I guess you're right," Beth said, scooting closer and letting Pam wrap her in a calming embrace, "Mm, you're warm."

Pam smiled as she found the small of Beth's back and gently rubbed it, "I'm always right, or did you forget that?"

"Certainly humble, that's for sure," Beth said as she yawned.

"I'll be sure to remember that comment the next time we're playing," Pam remarked.

"Just make sure you use that balm this time," Beth said, closing her eyes and curling in closer to Pam, "Last time you didn't I couldn't sit down for two days."

"It was your decision to not use it, if I recall correctly," Pam countered.

"Well I learned my lesson," Beth said and changed the subject, "Do you think Jake will be okay?"

Pam was quiet for a minute before responding, "He's stronger than most, Kitten. It's what drew Rebecca to him, and we've seen that he can endure more than any person should be able. All we can do is wait, and try to be there when he needs us."

"Pam?" Beth asked.

"Yes, Kitten?" Pam replied.

"You smell nice," Beth said softly as she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Pam held her girlfriend tight as she fell into a relaxed slumber. She didn't know what awaited them in the next few days, but she knew one thing. Courtney had tried to use their fears against them, but it had only brought the two of them closer together. She felt confident that they could weather the storm on the horizon well enough, but she feared that Jake might break if he continued to keep to himself. However, there was nothing she or Beth could do other than wait. For now, she would savor this moment of peace with Beth while it lasted. She wondered what, if anything, she could do to ease Jake and Beth's burdens.

She laid awake for some time with her mind continuing to wander. Perhaps it was time to refocus her magical efforts and studies. Whatever Courtney was, she was filled with hate, rage, and a desire to hurt the people Pam cared about. The school of restorative magic was one she'd studied just enough to learn a handful of healing spells. There was more to it than just that, though, but it hadn't been part of her arcane curriculum. Rebecca insisted that slaves were meant to be abused, and if their bodies and minds couldn't handle it, they could be replaced. Pam had almost forgotten that sadistic mentality until tonight. She could heal physical wounds, but what about psychological? Was that possible?

Pam's mind raced with different possibilities of ways to utilize this school. Magic wasn't as concrete as science, so maybe she could bend and alter spells to suit her needs. Her train of thought was broken when she felt Beth nuzzle into the crook of her neck, tighten her grip on her, and let out a contented sigh. She could figure it out in the morning. Pam let herself relax, rested her chin on the top of Beth's head, and closed her eyes. She needed to take her own advice and rest. Pam smiled as she could practically hear Beth repeating her own words back at her. She fell into a deep sleep still smiling and clinging to Beth. They could face tomorrow together, but right now, they needed to sleep.

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