Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1042830-Week-2-Character-Bio
Rated: 13+ · Book · Paranormal · #2288000
This house wants to hurt those that Kristin loves.
#1042830 added January 8, 2023 at 3:15pm
Restrictions: None
Week 2 Character Bio
Character Bio –
Kristin Fisher
Female 26 Single
Black hair, dark brown eyes. 5’4” tall 170 lbs
Dresses somewhat Goth/has a way of looking professional and eccentric all at once

Attitude: “I don’t have to associate with those who don’t approve of me.”

Has some college education at New York University.
Current Occupation: Magazine Columnist “All Living Magazine”
Makes less than $30,000 per year.

Kristin’s favorite thing to do is write. She keeps journals and other notebooks on a constant basis. Her obsession is reading and learning new things.

Kristin was ridiculed when she was young for her mother being an addict and her living with her aunt, “that crazy old lady who is probably a witch” .

Kristin has a knack for being able to calm others’ fears.

Kristin has a passion for keeping her freedom to be herself.

Kristin’s biggest want is to be done with her past and has realized the only way to do that is to confront it.

Kristin’s fear is that she will be labeled as a freak and lose everything she has built for herself.

“Kristin is genuine but she only share’s what she wants to.”

“Once you get to know her you can’t stop liking her.”

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