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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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July 24, 2024 at 2:24am
July 24, 2024 at 2:24am
While at Clubhouse yesterday (Monday), Mike (staff) roped me into helping him put T-shirts in the display case I also had Sean (staff) hook me into helping with the newsletter. We did his article and I came up with something else for another part of it. We put in Clubhouse Facts. It was fun working on it.

Today I didn't help with anything today (Tuesday). I brought in an article from Psychology Today,. It was about writing being therapeutic and gave exercises and examples. It was good reading for that part of me that is always seeking knowledge. I wanted to file it but I left it laying on the table. Oh, well. I can find it and print it again.)

So far, my HPink account is still printing. I wasn't able to pay the bill this month.

I haven't written my novel recently as I was working on contest entries. It was fun. I'll get back to writing on "Rage of Envy" tomorrow I'm staying home to get things done around here. I got told I need to clean around by the birds, and my room needs a good straightening. The cage needs to be cleaned really good. Hopefully I'll get it all done and have some time for diamond painting too.

Things have been on edge lately in the house. David seems to be mad at himself for letting things get as bad as they were..and he's taking it out on us, mostly Terry.... The tension has been getting to me bad. My whole body hurts when I'm here especially the small of my back, my hips and legs. I should have kept the appointment with Neurology on Thursday but I didn't get the paperwork they said they would send me and the appointment was actually too early in the morning. I'll have to try calling them again tomorrow to get it rescheduled and let them know I didn't get the paperwork.

Being so busy is great and I'm going to add more to it soon. I want to take more groups at CMH while the weather is good.
Right now I need to work on getting some sleep.
July 22, 2024 at 10:57am
July 22, 2024 at 10:57am
I'm at Clubhouse and I keep getting ousted from where I was sitting. If this is how they are going to notice me I'd rather go back to being invisible.

I'm bored out of my mind and don't have anything with me to work on. I don't know what to do with myself. I should go find something but I don't know what. I feel weird and can't really see.
Lorna is being a dictator. Just because I wasn't in the Snack Bar ...... she took me off the list and is telling everyone I'm not participating. ..... I wonder what's for lunch......

I'm tired too. I need to stay awake though instead of going home and sleeping all day.

July 21, 2024 at 1:50am
July 21, 2024 at 1:50am
It's 1:25 am and I'm up working on entries for contests. It's actually fun. The stories keep wanting to run away on their own and tell a totally different story. Problem is they won't stay on prompt. I think I'm going to have a few notes for my "pieces of string too small to save" box.

Saw Jacob (caseworker) yesterday. He kept asking what he could do for me. Good question. I had no clue. It's like how I don't know what Sally (peer support) and I should do any more. There's just really nothing to do without a decent amount of money on you. I told Jacob I want to look into going to more groups. He checked and everything was in the middle of session. This probably means I will hear back from all of them at the beginning of the month (possibly). What I really need is WRAP. (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). I don't have any sort of protocols in place should something incapacitate me to the point I can't make my own decisions. after my time with Jacob, I went to the cafe and had a turkey sandwich then went to crochet class. Left early to come home. Was nodding off in class.

I'm getting tired now but I know if I lay down I'm not going to be able to sleep.
Maybe I should go back to watching my Criminal Minds DVDs. I don't really feel like it even though all it would take is pushing a couple of buttons on the remotes.

I am so bored is what I am. I know that because I don't want to do anything. If I was interested in doing something I wouldn't be bored.

Prince (our little chichiuaua) was not right today. He would shake like a vibrating chair, he was laying around all day (mostly in his bed in the kennel) he didn't eat, he hardly drank and he was even refusing treats. David (nephew) thinks he just caught a stomach bug; then we got into thinking we all got it because we were all making frequent trips to the bathroom.

I'm going to work on those contest entries.......

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

I am a mouse and a witch.....
July 16, 2024 at 12:19pm
July 16, 2024 at 12:19pm
Went out with Sally yesterday morning to have coffee. Ted from Ted's Coney Island passed on the 11th. The restaurant looked like a deserted wasteland. No cars. No activity inside. We ended up at Nick's Four Roses as per usual. We decided to make our meetings every two weeks. We just aren't doing anything when we meet but coffee and BS.

Was going to go to Clubhouse afterward but changed my mind right before Sally got here. Was going to go today, but when I got up it was pouring rain and the weather said it was supposed to be that or hot out all day. Besides, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Still can't keep my eyes open. Got a sinus headache. Feel like I'm going to be sick. Oh well. I've got writing and reviewing to do if I'm going to reach my weekly goals.
July 14, 2024 at 4:40pm
July 14, 2024 at 4:40pm
I wrote a descent blog entry on Saturday at 3:00 am and it didn't post for some reason. Oh well.

David is getting on Terry saying that she takes too much of her medications and that she is acting like an addict. To tell the truth she kind of is. She has been hoarding some of her meds and taking more and more (though not according to her) as the weeks have passed. I want to stay out of it but of course I can't because David wants ME to babysit Terry while he works on the yard.....

I am kind of tired right now. First time I've felt this way since 9:15 am on Friday. I haven't been to sleep since then. I really need to crash. At least for one thing: a contributor to keeping me up is I've been writing. Working on Rage of Envy has been a joy again. My characters have come home and are talking to me again. I love it.

Finally had to lay down and got a couple hours of sleep. Definitely no coffee tonight.

I did a review. Yay,me. I had to. That number 89 just looked off. 90 is much better but hopefully it won't deter me from reviewing more. I'd like to shoot for a goal of 95 by the end of the month. That may not sound like a hard task to you, but I am constantly trying to get myself to review more.

Hopefully I will do a lot more of everything as I am using my laptop again instead of my tablet. Seems like I get more writing in general done on this.

Right now, I am going to go curl up with a couple of ice packs. We are in the middle of a heat advisory again. Poor David was out working in it and looked like he had been in a pool he was so soaked in sweat. I'll have to remember to check with him that he is getting proper hydration when he works like that.

July 14, 2024 at 10:38am
July 14, 2024 at 10:38am
I asked about writing books on the newsfeed because I am thinking about getting some more. This is what I got so far:

Webster's Instant Word Guide
Oxford American Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus
Webster's New Rogets Thesaurus
The Five Day Novel - Scott King
Stephen King On Writing
Spider Spin Me A Web: Lawrence Block on Writing Fiction
Troubleshooting Guide for Writers
How to Write Short Stories - James Scott Bell
Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy - Crawford Killian
Write for Your Life - Lawrence Block
Just Open a Vein
How to Write an Awesome Novel - Rick Wood
Strunk and White The Elements of Style
The Only Plotting Book You'll Ever Need
The Psychology Workbook for Writers - Dorian Smith
1000 Character Reactions from Head to Toe - Valerie Howard

This is from 20 some years of collecting and losing and finding again.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

I am a mouse and a witch.....
July 11, 2024 at 6:29pm
July 11, 2024 at 6:29pm
Spent most of the day at Clubhouse ......It was alright. I signed up to give tours to new members (hoping that no one would show up) and two did. Girl and a guy (joined at the hip like most of the members. They should fit right in. They should call it Coupleshouse I swear.). Then I volunteered to help out at the snack bar. That was actually fun. They were supposed to have Karaoke after lunch but they said no one signed up for it. I left soon after finding that out. I had been there from 9:45 am to 2:00 pm. I think that was plenty.

Came home and tried to collapse for five minutes but Terry decided she needed 101 things done at that moment. Then she wonders why I don't like staying in the living room. Got done with all that and tried to lay down but got interrupted by David giving me my meds so I decided to go do diamond painting for a while. Came back to my room about an hour later because my muse was nagging at me to do some research (and some extra research for my magiick). I didn't read a whole lot of it, just printed it off.......

It got to bugging me again that I couldn't find my Rage of Envy notes. so I tore my room apart and did some rearranging of things and I found the notes!!!! I am so happy now.. I can get to working on that now instead of pulling teeth trying to work on Biirchwood Manor.

I'm going to start working on it now.........

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

signature image
July 9, 2024 at 1:50pm
July 9, 2024 at 1:50pm
David (nephew) sprayed the house for bugs so Terry (sis) and I had to sit outside and in the craft room for a bit. That's okay. Terry got some phone calls made and I got done with two sections of my diamond painting.

Right now I feel like crap. I don't want to eat which is highly unusual for me. I'm going to lay down for a while.

Yesterday I went to Clubhouse. Ended up writing nonsense journal entry; mostly getting down on myself about how little I have accomplished in my life.

I did do some research on one contest entry I want to do. Wrote a first draft of another contest entry. I guess that is something semi accomplished.

Just not in the best of moods lately. I'm going to try to lay down again. Earlier kept getting interrupted..

Still got interrupted and my legs kept bothering me (RLS)

worked on Diamond painting a little more and typed out a contest entry I had hand written at Clubhouse. Had to add more to it but I got it typed and submitted.

What else is there? not much.
July 7, 2024 at 9:03pm
July 7, 2024 at 9:03pm
let's see how things are going

I've been working on diamond painting a little at a time but the craft room is a bit hot.

I was trying to write snail mail today and got a belated birthday card done for my brother before I got sick.

Been trying to write Birchwood Manor but it doesn't want to work...... Tried writing Rage of Envy but still can't find my notes.

Anything Goes First Drafts

No decent writer or author sits down at their computer (or whatever they use) and writes an elegant first draft. All of us feel like we're pulling the words painfully out of our psyche one at a time. The right words and sentences do not come pouring out like water from a spring. Most of us can only get anything written by allowing us to write first drafts that are messy and allowing anything to go.
This means more than throwing the rules out the window. You let it romp all over the place. No one is going to see it but you.You can start to shape it into something in the second draft.
Just write. Fill the page. Make your fingers move. Soon you'll have sentences, paragraphs and pages. Some of it will be crap but you have to wade through the crap to find the gems. Trust the process. Self-indulge. Let it be long and incoherent. Let it be hideous.
All good writing begins with terrible first efforts. It's a down draft - you just get it down. Second draft is the up draft - fix it up. Then lose that first draft in any way you see fit......

This is something I try to read at least once a week (should do it more) when I sit down to write. Maybe it will help you too.
July 6, 2024 at 12:24am
July 6, 2024 at 12:24am
Why do I feel like working on Birchwood Manor is a cop-out or something; Like I should be working on Rage of Envy which is my first novel and getting close to the end.? Maybe I'll pull out the other stories tomorrow and see if there is any incentive to work on them.

Today was Kevin's (brother) Birthday. He said that he sent me a card at least. I'm going to print off a couple of Happy Belated Birthday clip art tomorrow and I'll write something nice on the back of one and send it out. While I am at it I'll try to write a couple of letters for The Snail Mail Group. I can't wait until I get something to put in them besides a letter.

I always feel like I constantly should be writing one of my novels, preferably Rage of Envy. I have some idea of it floating around in the back of my mind. Right now I'm tired though.

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