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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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February 21, 2024 at 1:15pm
February 21, 2024 at 1:15pm
Got up at 7:30 am and figured I might as well get ready to go to my appointment. Got dressed and took care of a couple of necessities only to have them call me at 8:00 am to say my appointment was cancelled. I even dyed my hair last night getting ready for this. I guess I could have gone to Clubhouse or something but I didn't feel like it.

Spent the first half of the day working on my two paintings and a new diamond painting (DP) but that is just really busy work. Am on here long enough now to answer a couple emails and leave a couple of snarky remarks here and there. Now I'm going to take a nap..... or finish cleaning my room if I can't sleep......

February 21, 2024 at 1:15pm
February 21, 2024 at 1:15pm
Got up at 7:30 am and figured I might as well get ready to go to my appointment. Got dressed and took care of a couple of necessities only to have them call me at 8:00 am to say my appointment was cancelled. I even dyed my hair last night getting ready for this. I guess I could have gone to Clubhouse or something but I didn't feel like it.

Spent the first half of the day working on my two paintings and a new diamond painting (DP) but that is just really busy work. Am on here long enough now to answer a couple emails and leave a couple of snarky remarks here and there. Now I'm going to take a nap..... or finish cleaning my room if I can't sleep......

February 20, 2024 at 6:10pm
February 20, 2024 at 6:10pm
What do you write about when you can't/won't write about what is going on in your life? Right now what is going on is too stressful and complicated to talk about.

Life is peachy. I have been painting for two days. The first one is Snoopy on top ofo his doghouse I am doing for my brother. it was looking poorly until Terry pointed out I was trying to use too much paint at once. (I would make a lowsy doctor, I have no patience) So I have to slow down. The second painting I started out just slopping paint on the canvas. I had a few paint tubes I needed to see if there was viable paint in them. It came out looking like someone slung mud on the canvas. I went to my room and flipped through the net until I looked up "painting for beginners" and found one showing how to paint a full moon. Okay so its not coming out as good or anything but I am using some of the techniques. ... anyway I've been painting......

......and not doing much else. I sit around and look at my room (which is crime scene worthy chaos again) and complain to myself about the memory foam that is too big for the mattress so it is hanging three-quarters of the way off the bed. I can't do anything else about it until I clean the room. I need to put away my clean clothes that have been in my room for four days. my birds need cleaning again...... and I'm depressing myself even more because I can't get myself to do these things because I'm depressed... or actually because I'm apathetic.... I could care less.....

February 18, 2024 at 9:45pm
February 18, 2024 at 9:45pm
I wrote my novel!!!! Okay so it was only like a third of a page but I did write on it.

Put a goal in NaNoWriMo to write 20,000 words in March. Hopefully I'll do at least half that.

Had a guy in painting the dining room and hallway. It's nice to have that done finally. It was supposed to be done before Thanksgiving. He's still got to do the trim tomorrow.

Terry's been working on a paint by number and I've been doing DP bookmarks. I'm on my last one then I've got to decide if I'm going back to my large picture or going to do the small and medium pictures I bought. Don't know what I'm doing.

Right now I barely understand what I am typing. I am so tired. I guess I'd better quit and go to bed.
February 17, 2024 at 10:11pm
February 17, 2024 at 10:11pm
About the closest I know about serial killers is that I watch "Criminal Minds" a lot..Now if you want to talk about that, I can go on forever.......
Okay, so you mentioned Jeffrey Dahmer. wasn't he the real Hannibal Lecter? Or was he the one that was the Zodiac? I just don't remember. Okay so I cheated and looked him up. He was a cannibal.

I have spent some of the past two days writing drafts of chapters and notes on for my novel "Nezoom"....What I got so far is in my port and I would love just some opinions..... no formal ratings, just whether or not you think it is good and if it works. Are there places where I need to explain better? Just opinions.

I have been thinking about writing for a couple of contests, but I don't know. They're not really inspiring me.

I just did a review. I want to do enough to possibly become a preferred author. That would be cool but I'm not that worried about it. No matter. If I do it will be great, but I am good with where I am.

Been using my laptop to do the writing and I tried to wipe it. It didn't do that, but it did speed it up whatever I did. It is fun using it but I keep forgetting it is not a touch screen. I think I may sell it and get a better one, but I don't know if I really want to do that. It is a Star Wars collector's edition HP. It has a light up keyboard. Like I said, I don't know.

February 16, 2024 at 6:53pm
February 16, 2024 at 6:53pm
I was a dark witch at one time who did black magick. I'm not proud of it. It is just a part of who I was and has shaped who I am. Just like being an addict, which I was at the same time.

Why I am bringing this up now is that we have Terry's cousin, Bill, living with us. I don't know why but he is bringing out the sarcastic, evil side of me. I want to do things to him just for the heck of it. He's fun to tease and play pranks on, or threaten to play pranks on. Terry keeps telling him to stop encouraging me. She knows what I was like, though not completely. She knows enough though.

I want to work on my writing. I told myself I was going to do that today. I also told myself I was going to fix my bed. The memory foam on it is too big for the mattress and the excess is hanging off the side away from the wall. Needless to say my bedding and everything else keeps sliding off the bed.

Back to wanting to write. As usual I have too many irons in the fire and don't know what I want to work on. I know what I feel I should work. I'm about ready to take them out of my port so I stop feeling so obligated. I probably will. I have everything that's on here printed off in hard copy, except for Nezoom, and there isn't much of that in there.

Another reason I am not writing is because I keep having the plague of the typo fairies when I type on my tablet. That and I can't type on it for very long because the writing is so small. I do still have my laptop however and I've fired it up a couple of times to see how it felt and how it is working. It's slow. Its awkward because I'm not used to the large size of it. It's not a touch screen so I have to use the finger plate mouse. It feels like it is ancient.

I think I am going to go fire up the laptop now and see if I can do some writing.......
February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
Today was a long day with almost nothing accomplished, as per usual.

I had a technician come today to evaluate me for my insurance. She called me at eight am and says "My eight oclock appointment is in the hospital so do you mind if I come in about ten minutes?" Mind you, she woke me up. I did a ten minute flight of the bumble bee throwing my hair in a pony tail, taking my meds, cleaning up dog poop, grabbing some coffee and trying to wake up. I was there at the door to let her in. Everything went fine but she couldn't answer my questions because she was outsourced by my insurance, she doesn't work for them. Oh well. I found out my health is semi-fine anyhow.

David went out for the night and I need my meds done so I guess I got to do them myself. Loads of fun. Hopefully I'll be able to make sense of his system and I won't screw it up too much.

Let Cindy try to a DP bookmark yesterday and she totally messed it up. I had to start over from scratch to fix it which meant scraping off the diamonds that she put any where she wanted because she couldn't see the numbers. Oh well. We'll deal with the fall out later. I did do one bookmark and a wind chime before that.

I haven't taken time to write other than scratch a few notes for 15 minutes twice today. I really need to take a day to write instead of spending most of it in the craft room. It just seems like when I take time for crafts it is okay but when I take time to write I'm violating some code that says that isn't important and other things are more important like hanging out in the living room watching TV. Go figure. Maybe I should sneak my writing into the craft room.........

Right now I got to go work on my meds and then go to bed.
February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
February 15, 2024 at 7:37pm
Today was a long day with almost nothing accomplished, as per usual.

I had a technician come today to evaluate me for my insurance. She called me at eight am and says "My eight oclock appointment is in the hospital so do you mind if I come in about ten minutes?" Mind you, she woke me up. I did a ten minute flight of the bumble bee throwing my hair in a pony tail, taking my meds, cleaning up dog poop, grabbing some coffee and trying to wake up. I was there at the door to let her in. Everything went fine but she couldn't answer my questions because she was outsourced by my insurance, she doesn't work for them. Oh well. I found out my health is semi-fine anyhow.

David went out for the night and I need my meds done so I guess I got to do them myself. Loads of fun. Hopefully I'll be able to make sense of his system and I won't screw it up too much.

Let Cindy try to a DP bookmark yesterday and she totally messed it up. I had to start over from scratch to fix it which meant scraping off the diamonds that she put any where she wanted because she couldn't see the numbers. Oh well. We'll deal with the fall out later. I did do one bookmark and a wind chime before that.

I haven't taken time to write other than scratch a few notes for 15 minutes twice today. I really need to take a day to write instead of spending most of it in the craft room. It just seems like when I take time for crafts it is okay but when I take time to write I'm violating some code that says that isn't important and other things are more important like hanging out in the living room watching TV. Go figure. Maybe I should sneak my writing into the craft room.........

Right now I got to go work on my meds and then go to bed.
February 14, 2024 at 10:48pm
February 14, 2024 at 10:48pm
Didn't realize clubhouse was doing anything for Valentine's Day until I got there. We had cafeteria style for lunch (spaghetti, which was free) and played Bingo. I won a Sally buck in Bingo and everyone got a little baggie of candy and goodies. I can't say it was fun but it was fair.

All I wwanted to do afterward was come home and sleep. No such luck. Cindy showed up just after I did. The mail came in and I got the DP bookmarks and pictures I ordered. We all went to the craft room and I got crowded in by Cindy and had to rearrange my space to accomodate her. Not fun at all. She was trying her darndest to do a bookmaark but I think she might of screwed it up. I haven't taken a close look at it yet. Oh well. I told myself it is hers now so iif she wants to do it other than the way it is plannned then sobeit.

There is so much I need to do but I am just too tired to moove. Not to mention I keep getting the hiccups and every inch of my body is hurting. I forced myself to do too much today and now I'm paying for it.
February 13, 2024 at 5:39pm
February 13, 2024 at 5:39pm
Valentine's Day. Let's get this over with, both the day and this blog entry. V day is just another of those holidays made up by the greeting card and commercial society industries to get us to spend money on another nothing holiday. Okay, so it is supposed to promote love and rememberance of the feelings two people have for each other. For me it is nothing but heartache.
When we had those cute little cards in elementary school and you would make this great little box to collect them in..... you know what I got? If I was lucky I got six cards and those were torn in half. Of course the teachers would wag their fingers at the students and talk about how we should care about all of the class members equally.All I got to say is PTTTHHHBBBB!!!!! It didn't stop them from doing the same thing next year or writing vulgar messages and putting those in my box..... Later years didn't change much. I didn't get given a rose on V day. I never got a present.

I told my friend Jersey about my Parkinson's Disease today. He was very concerned. His brother is in the later stages of it. I shake. I wake up unable to move. I hurt all the time. I don't know what else it could be.

Cleaned my room today. I couldn't stand it any more. Still going to be a pip getting to the closet. There's also a bunch of stuff I threw over there. Found the notes and couple of stories for my anthology I want to write. What does that make? IF you count that as a novel, it's about nine. I found the notes to my dystopia story the other day and another novel I can't think of right now. I decided to keep out what is mostly developed into a full story and am sending all the notes I have on writing, my Writer's Digest Magazines, and most of the ones that are just prompts really to the basement.

I have two bins that slide under my bed. One is full of writing things. The other has some writing, but most of it is coloring projects. I have been painting pictures the past couple of days and decided today to turn back to my diamond painting.

Things are getting better. I just hope I can keep it going in a positive direction.

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