Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1044349-Elephant-Years
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2249896
Book of poems written for the second and third years of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
#1044349 added March 15, 2023 at 5:42am
Restrictions: None
Elephant Years
An old elephant bowed down by a lifetime of work.  Good grief, he sounds like me!

Elephant Years

Don’t speak to me of your old age -
my wrinkles wrote the book and page.

Though your hair may be grey and ever so thin -
I’m grey all over and bald as a pin.

When you talk of the past and the days you call yore -
I remember it all and have forgotten much more.

You’re weak and you’re feeble and once were so strong -
I’ve worked all my days and still carry on.

Thine eyelid so saggy and vision so weary -
my eyes are the same but even more bleary.

Your nose is so huge and ears have gone flappy -
to compare them to mine would only be sappy.

You say that your aches and your pains multiply -
mine are the same but by size magnified.

It’s true that you’re old, but your years have been kind -
the fact is I’ve laboured for time out of mind.

Line count: 16
Rhyming couplets
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 31 2023
Prompt: As per illustration.

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