Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1047030-Chapter-Two-Dangerous-Damsels
Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2292746
Six junior high school girls grow to giant size!
#1047030 added April 2, 2023 at 1:42am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Two: Dangerous Damsels
Chapter Two: Dangerous Damsels!

As the Dollinger twins and their cousin Storm approached the junior high school, they stomped on cars on the way there. Standing just under 400 feet tall, to them a six foot tall man would be around an inch tall. By the time they reached the junior high school, the media had been alerted to their presence, and a news helicopter flew toward them.

The bell rang for first period, and Taffy Trollope walked toward her classroom. She looked up and saw the daunting damsels. At first, she stood there in shock, then she grabbed her cell phone and called her sister.

“Candy! Something crazy is happening! The Dollinger girls are all giant sized!”

Lana ripped the roof off the office and reached for the principal, as the news copter caught it all on video.

Back at the high school, Taffy’s 16 year old sister Candy was listening to Taffy on her phone. She could hear the sound effects of the attack. Candy ran to senior hall, where there was a television that was always tuned in to a local news channel. The destruction could be seen from an aerial view; the three teenagers looked like children towering over a model of a structure. For a split second, Candy thought that was what she was watching, then she realized that this was really happening. It dawned on her that her sister’s mortal enemies were now giant sized and on a rampage at the junior high school that her sister attended!

“I’ve got to find Lathan,” Candy said to herself. She knew he was the older brother of the Dollinger twins, though he was a junior and she was a sophomore. She just happened to know the class he was in during first period because she had a friend who was in the same class. She ran to that classroom and found Lathan walking down the hallway with a duffel bag in his hand.

“Lathan! How did your sisters get turned into giants?” Candy shouted.

Lathan spent a minute explaining the news broadcast that morning and the situation at the farmer’s market.

“What if your sisters kill my sister?” Candy asked. “You’ve got to drive me over there and reduce them back down to normal size!”

Lathan agreed. “They have to return to normal size at some point, and I don’t want them catching a murder beef!”

As the two teens ran toward the parking lot, Candy said, “Junior high school girls are the meanest people on the planet, I don’t know why you would give more power to girls that age!”

They found his car, got in, and Lathan drove swiftly toward the junior high school. They passed street after street of crushed vehicles.

“I hope my dad doesn’t have to pay restitution for these squashed cars!” said Lathan.

“I’ll convince my dad to pay for all of the damages,” said Candy, “as long as my sister and her two friends survive!”

“He is the richest man in town!” Lathan replied. “I hope you follow through on that, because if I have to pitch in to pay for all this damage, I’ll be 95 years old before I’m done paying half of it off!”

When they arrived at the junior high school, Lana and Lexie were stomping on some of the classrooms, while Storm had the principal in her hands. Candy took the growth device and looked it over.

“How does this work?” Candy asked.

Lathan explained how it worked, and warned her to make sure the gravitational field attenuator was activated so they wouldn’t be crushed by their increased body weight. Lathan allowed Candy to hold the device, which was something he came to regret less than a minute later.

Candy was on her cell phone, and told her sister to meet her in the parking lot. Taffy and her two cheerleader friends came running out of the school. Candy pointed the device at her sister, and pushed the button. Taffy shot up to over 300 feet tall.

“What are you doing?” Lathan asked, but Candy kept the device away from him.

Candy aimed it at each of her sister’s two friends, and one at a time, they shot up to over 300 feet tall. Now the three of them were on the same size scale as Storm, Lana and Lexie.

“Taffy, grab this device!” Candy held the growth ray device up over her head. “You need to hide this from Lathan so he can’t restore you to normal size!”

Taffy reached down and grabbed the device, lifted it out of Lathan’s reach, and crushed it in her fingers. Taffy dropped what remained of the growth device on the parking lot below her, where Lathan and Candy were standing. The mangled device was inoperable, and probably incapable of being repaired.

“Oops!” said Taffy.

“Candy, what are you doing?” Lathan asked, as he scooped up what remained of the growth device. “You were supposed to use that thing to shrink my sisters and my cousin back down to normal size!”

“I’m just buying my sister and her friends a fighting chance! Your sisters and cousin are mortal enemies of my sister and her friends! The Dollingers might have killed them!”

“Six giant junior high school girls?” Lathan asked. “How are we supposed to stop them now?”

“It’s too bad we don’t know of an expert in this field of knowledge!” said Candy.

“Wait a minute, I know someone who is!” said Lathan.

“Who?” Candy asked.

“Daniel Darnell! He writes giantess stories on the Internet! He even has some comic books about this he has published. He’ll know how to deal with this situation! Quick! Get in the car!”

“Wouldn’t it make more sense to just go to the police?” Candy asked. “If they arrested that lady, maybe we could visit her wherever she’s locked up at.”

“I thought about that,” Lathan replied, “but I’m concerned about the future technology I have in that duffel bag. The police might try to confiscate it! We need the help of an adult, Darnell will know what to do! I know where he lives!”

The two teens jumped into Lathan’s muscle car, and they sped off in search of the friend Lathan knew who could advise them on how to handle his supersized sisters and colossal cousin who were storming the town.

To Be Continued!
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