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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2292746
Six junior high school girls grow to giant size!
#1047147 added April 2, 2023 at 1:43am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Three: Battle of the Bratty Behemoths!
Chapter Three: Battle of the Bratty Behemoths!

While Lathan and Candy sped off to find Daniel Darnell, Taffy, Becky and Christine stomped their way toward the Dollinger trio. All six girls were over 300 feet tall. The teachers had evacuated the students to the far side of the school onto the playing field, as they had done for emergency drills.

Taffy and Becky were the same age as Lana and Lexi, so they attacked each other. Since Christine was a seventh grader she confronted Storm, who was also in seventh grade. The fight was on!

Some of the kids on the field were rooting for the cheerleaders, while others were rooting for the Dollingers. Lathan had taught his sisters and cousin how to block with karate moves. The cheerleaders could strike and scratch their opponents, but they weren’t as good at blocking as the Dollingers.

Lana, Lexie and Storm had practiced some fighting strategies in the past that were unconventional, and now Storm wanted to try one out. She jumped down behind Taffy and knelt down on all fours. Lana pushed Taffy, knocking her over Storm to the ground below.

The kids who had evacuated who were rooting for the Dollingers cheered, which caused Taffy to sneer at them as she got back to her feet.

Across town, Lathan pulled up to Darnell’s house and opened the door to his car and got out with the duffel bag containing the technology from the future. He went around to the passenger side and opened the passenger door for Candy, and she got out. They ran to the front door, and Lathan rang the doorbell twenty times.

An obese man in his thirties wearing glasses opened the door. “What’s going on?”

“Have you seen the news?” Candy asked.

“There are six giant girls fighting each other at the junior high school!” Lathan shouted.

Daniel Darnell invited them in and turned on the television.

“I just woke up,” said Darnell, “I was up until 2 am working on a story.”

The news broadcast showed footage from the chopper from above the junior high school. The six girls were fighting each other, and the school grounds were collateral damage. Lexi flipped Becky over with what appeared to be a Judo move, and Becky crashed down on the roof of a classroom.

“They remember the moves I taught them!” said Lathan.

“Tell me exactly how all of this happened!” said Darnell.

Back at the junior high school, the fight was going in favor of the Dollingers. Even Storm was a better fighter than any of the three cheerleaders. Taffy tried to slap and claw Lana, but Lana blocked her offensive moves and kicked her in the stomach, knocking her over.

Back at Darnell’s, Lathan had just finished explaining the situation.

“We need to find that woman who gave you the technology,” said Darnell. “I’ll make some calls and find out where she is, then you can drive me over there and I’ll wait in the car while you go in and talk with her.”

“Shouldn’t you go in and talk to her, since you’re the adult?” Lathan asked.

“She spoke to you, I think you should go in. If there’s a problem, you can come to the car and get me.”

Back at the junior high school, Storm was getting the best of Christine. The two seventh graders were going toe to toe, in a much more vicious fight than the one between the other four girls. Lana, Lexie, Taffy and Becky stopped fighting to observe the fight between the two younger girls.

The cheers from the crowd of kids in the field were growing louder.

“Somebody should charge money to watch this fight!” said one of the normal sized boys on the field.

Storm used a Judo move to flip Christine onto Storm’s back, then slammed her onto the roof of a classroom that had been untouched by the fight up until that point. This made Christine angry, but she was no match for Storm. A teacher tried to get close to the fight so he could get a photograph, and Christine grabbed him and lifted him to face level.

“You’re a fool for choosing to dwell among us! We’re like a race of giants!” Christine shouted, then dropped the man into her mouth and swallowed him whole.

“She’s at the inpatient unit!” said Darnell as he hung up his cell phone. “Have your girlfriend stay here to keep us posted on the news report so we know where the giant girls are at, and you drive me to the general hospital. I’ll stay in your car with the tech, while you go inside and talk to her.”

Lathan and Candy looked at each other when Darnell referred to Candy as Lathan’s girlfriend, but neither of them thought it was important enough to correct him and let him know they were just friends. Lathan did as he was instructed. Before long, they were at the inpatient unit at the general hospital. Darnell stayed in the vehicle while Lathan rang the doorbell. He was let in by a nurse. He asked to see the woman who had just been brought in, and she was led to the front area where there were some tables and chairs. The woman and Lathan sat down.

“I used some of that technology you let me borrow on my junior high school sisters and cousin. Now they and their three enemies are all giant sized! We need to figure out a way to return them to normal size. One of the girls who grew to giant size destroyed the device that enlarged them. You’re our only hope of restoring them! They’re attacking the city!”

“Do you remember when I told you I came back to witness a historic event?”

“Yeah,” Lathan replied.

“This is that event! I didn’t realize my own technology would be responsible for this rampage. I can’t do anything unless I can get to my time pod, it’s in another dimension and it can only return to this reality if it detects my unique chromosome pattern. I can’t access it unless you find the woman who really escaped from the mental facility.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Lathan asked. “She could be anywhere!”

“Until she is found and I’m released, there’s nothing I can do to stop those menacing middle schoolers!”

To Be Continued!
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