Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1050080-A-Decided-Argument
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2249896
Book of poems written for the second and third years of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
#1050080 added May 25, 2023 at 11:45am
Restrictions: None
A Decided Argument
A Decided Argument

What is it that, with certainty, we know has wings
that fills enchanted ear with what it sings,
that holds expected dreams of places far,
and promises delights beyond all earthly mar?

A bird you say, and yes, you may be right,
it meets all these and flutters in our sight,
sings upon the branch its songs of flight,
of the steaming south and star-filled night.

Yet angels, too, fulfil our stated attributes,
their voices pure and never are they mute,
with heavenly light they fill the empty sky
and speak of what awaits us all on high.

But now the bard awakes and bids us nay,
delay decision until he’s had his say,
and we should listen for he’s known as sage,
what answers all these quests is just the stage.

Line count: 16
Rhymed couplets
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 46
Prompt: Wings.

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