Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051327-Daisy-Dear
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2222258
A poem a week for a year.
#1051327 added November 2, 2023 at 6:54am
Restrictions: None
Daisy Dear
A daisy releases red and blue pollen against a black background.

Daisy Dear

Daisy dear, what have you done?
Now the night has hidden sun,
wake you thus upon the darkness,
so the witching hour to harness,
breathe you deep of unknown magic,
deaf to consequences tragic,
release the poisoned pollen horde,
into the chilly breeze it’s poured,
smoky reds and billowing blues,
these the colours that confuse,
and drifting on musk-scented air,
search the souls of creatures there,
turn their minds once bright and strong,
to an evil, vile and wrong,
grim their faces, bereft of sun.
Daisy dear, what have you done?

Line count: 16
Form: Trochaic tetrameter rhymed aabbccdd
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 50
Prompt: As per illustration.

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