Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053254-Social-Media
by jaya
Rated: E · Book · Contest Entry · #2289848
Contest entries
#1053254 added August 13, 2023 at 10:36am
Restrictions: None
Social Media
Vivek, a cousin of mine enjoyed playing an online game. It was fun to start with but soon changed into an endless misery. What started as fun became a means to be blackmailed. Now, he is just a heap of nerves not knowing what to do.

On the same platform, a nephew learnt a skill, which fetched him a highly-paid job. It is all in the way we use social media comprising, twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and many others. People use social media to stay in touch with friends, family and various other communities.

I use WhatsApp in a limited way. It provides me with quick news, entertainment, awareness of social and political scene in the country and outside world.

Advantages apart, Social media is also a means to evil propaganda, cyber crime and several undesirable issues pertaining to life in general.

Young people become addicted to using the social media platforms and soon they are misled into committing things which they never wanted. This is where one has to exercise control and practise discriminate use of the available technology.

Or else, social media will turn into another Frankenstein.

Word Count:189
Written for The Forum Micro Articles Contest hosted by rupali July 2023.
Winner in the above contest.
Thank you Rupali.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053254-Social-Media