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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1054032-Why-Cant-I-Have-It-All
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #2258138
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#1054032 added August 13, 2023 at 4:08am
Restrictions: None
Why Can't I Have It All?
I ask this question in a philosophical, rather than a selfish and whining way.

Why does every positive have to have a negative? Newton's third law of motion may be correct...but why? In a physical sense, I get it. Push something away and we are pushed back with the same amount of force. Set your feet in place, add a wheel and industrialisation soon follows...along with overall general wealth, and by chance (or by law), pollution.

One example of this positive/negative effect happened in Queensland in late 2003. A twelve-year-old boy named Daniel Morcombe went to catch a bus to his local mall to buy his mother a Christmas present. He never made it home because a man, who doesn't deserve to have his name mentioned, abducted, raped and killed him. It took until August 2011 before the police located his remains and charged the perpetrator of this heinous crime. In the years that followed, his parents set up the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, which tours schools to educate kids on the dangers that are out there and how to avoid becoming a victim. No one knows how many children may have been saved from a similar fate to that of Daniel, but I think it is fair to say that his death, although tragic, was not in vain.

I can't think of anything that escapes this law of physics. Even unconditional love is, in my opinion, more ideological or conceptual than it is a reality. I'm sure that many would argue this point, especially those who are parents. But we all have a set of values and conditions that we NEED others to adhere to (even, or especially, our kids). Otherwise, we run the risk of becoming doormats and by doing so, teach, or don't teach, our children how to behave in society.

From my own experiences with this, yes, I still love my kids (due to a chemical attachment from the moment of birth), but I don't like them very much. And if that is what unconditional love is, then it sure doesn't feel like it.

Turning the other cheek is possibly the greatest example of unconditional love, but Jesus (or the principles behind the story of Jesus) was perfect, and we are not.

If I choose to do drugs, the high will always be followed by a low...and the more drugs I take to try to avert it, the lower it will become. If I win lots of money, there will be positives, but also plenty of negatives that will come from suddenly becoming wealthy.

But why does it always have to be like that? Evolution may provide an answer. Trial and error, in search of a perfection that can never be attained, is so unfair, and yet, it is what it is, and no one can escape from this fundamental reality.

On a subatomic level, each atom has both a positive and a negative charge...and to me, it sure seems strange that these tiny particles, that make up all matter, govern every action we do, with an equal and opposite reaction.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1054032-Why-Cant-I-Have-It-All