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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2305530
.....five people are offered $25,000 each to spend 4 days at a haunted manor
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#1056491 added October 3, 2023 at 6:51pm
Restrictions: None
10/1 What if???? & 10/2 Premise
A bunch of acquaintances are invited to stay at an exclusive manor for the weekend??? What if the manor is rumored to be haunted????

Carl, Angela, Tim, Judy, Don.

What if they each have reasons to want to get away for the weekend?

What if Angela is a reporter sleeping with her informant? What if her informant is a dirty cop?

What if Tim is in witness protection? Is being hunted by the mob?

What if Judy is not who she says she is? What if she is on the run from her abusive husband? What if she once went to the mob boss for help? What if they helped her but now want her to pay them back?

What if there is no one at the manor when they arrive? What if they find a dead body?
What if the body is Angela's twin brother who was a deep undercover detective in the Drug Cartel?
What if Angela used to date the Drug Cartel boss?

What if Carl is the illegitimate son of the Mob Boss? What if no one knows, including Carl? What if his grandfather has been trying to find him all these years?

What if Don is an award winning author? What if he is working on his next novel and it is about The Lunch Crew????? What if what he writes comes to pass?

10/2 Premise:

Acquaintance accept a weekend invitation to stay in a haunted manor.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

Thank you Ledgerdemain for creating this wonderful signature.
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