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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1058912 added November 4, 2023 at 8:57pm
Restrictions: None
day 4 pt 5

When Kristin woke, Darrel was gone. She walked sleepily out to the kitchen. Shawn was slumped over at the table. Dean was frying bologna and had coffee brewing in a large urn.

“Morning Kris. Breakfast?” asked Dean.

“Bathroom,” said Kristin.

“Over there,” said Dean, pointing to the opposite corner of the kitchen.

Kristin used the facilities then sat at the table by Shawn.

“Morning Krissy,” mumbled Shawn.

“Dry toast and black coffee Kris?” asked Dean.

“Ice cube in the coffee.”

“I remember. Darrel’s in the living room.”

“Coffee would be better if we had some cream,” said Shawn.

“We’re going t o need more than that if we are going to stay here and eat,” said Dean.

Darrel entered the kitchen. “We’ll have to make a supply run. We just got to be careful about the van. People know the green hulk well.”

“At least we got the garage here,” said Dean.

“I need to go to my house and get things. I need female supplies and my boots are killing my feet.”

“Fine. Shawn and Dean can go for supplies and we’ll go to your place,” said Darrel.

“No way,” said Kristin, “I won’t risk you getting nailed.”

“Well let’s check the news and see what they got,” said Mitch from the living room.

Mitch sat in a recliner next to a lush couch facing a 32” flat screen TV. The entertainment center had a DVD player and a collection of movies. On one wall was a large stereo system with a stack of CDs.

“Nice,” said Kristin.

“Not bad for pocket change,” said Mitch.

“The news is calling it a robbery,” said Tyrel. “They had a list of valuables that were taken. They think there might be a serial with other robberies in Waterton. You know how the cops always leave stuff out.”

“Wish we had a computer here,” said Kristin. “I could look up what they are saying on the net.”

“We need to figure out what we are going to do about this whole situation,” said Darrel.

“I think we need to solve Rick’s murder and get proof,” said Kristin.

“We’re going to have to be careful doing it,” said Mitch. “The cops pick any of us up and we’re done.”

“I can look up stuff on my comp when I pick up things at my house,” said Kristin.

“All right so let’s go to town,” said Darrel.

“Darrel we talked about this.”

“You talked, I’m going. End of discussion. You all should hit the market during afternoon rush.”

“We can fix up the house when we get back,” said Dean. “Can’t keep using that small generator of Tyrel’s. It’s a gas hog.”

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