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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1059038 added November 6, 2023 at 3:04pm
Restrictions: None
d6 pt 7
Kristin went back to the room and grabbed her boots and jacket. The crumpled note fell on the floor with the bloody cellphone and knife. The note was on expensive stationery and had a number 4 on one side and an ornate infinity sign on the other. She took all the items back to the living room.

“Darrel, this isn’t your cell phone.”

“No, I have mine. Must be yours.”

“Mine has a case. I left it at Rick’s.”

Kristin slumped down on the couch, pale with the gravity of her last statement. Mitch took rags and took the phone and knife from Kristin. He wrapped them up and separated them inn zip lock bags.

“we need to get moving.” Said Darrel.

“I found this at Rick’s too,” said Kristin, holding up the note.

Mitch took another plastic bag and sealed up the note.

“I stick out in Crescent Pointe,” said Tyrel. “So does the van.”

“We can walk from the dirt road that cuts off about a mile outside the Pointe.,” said Kristin, “It is not that far from my house. You can drop the boys in Bixby on the way there. Everyone needs to be careful.”

“Kris and I will be able to move swift so don’t dawdle,” said Darrel.

Kristin was thankful for the light traffic. She and Darrel walked as though out for a normal stroll, holding hands and traveling at a moderate pace. They ducked up the driveway at Kristin’s Colonial and she used her key on the back door.

The two-story colonial that Kristin lived in was not that far away from Rick’s. She lived with her mother, Constance Fiisher, a workaholic lawyer and cocaine addict. Constance frequently disappeared for days at a time and recently lost her job with the firm. The only reason they were still together was Kristin’s great-aunt, Linda Shelby, had taken them in and assumed custody of Kristin. Linda was independently wealthy and belonged to many of the charitable committees and societies of Carrol County. Neither Kristin’s mother nor her aunt seemed to be home.

“Why don’t you grab some things from the kitchen that the boys might not think of,” said Kristin,
“and I’ll grab my things and check my computer.”

“Good idea,” said Darrel, “I know they aren’t going to think of getting a few of the standard things.”

Kristin went to her room, packing a small duffle bag with some clothes and feminine items before changing from her boots to her sneakers. Then she went to the computer and pulled up an article from The Crescent Pointe Chronicle on Rick’s death…..

Our rural town was rocked by the senseless death of one of our citizens. Eighteen year old Rick Hall was found late last night in his family’s kitchen. Sheriff Dan Downing reports that state and federal agents are following up on several leads. Some jewelry and cash were taken from the residence, but none would comment on whether this case is linked in any way to the robberies t hat have taken place across the river in Waterton. Sheriff Downing did say that Seventeen year old Kristin Fisher and twenty-two year old Darrel Michaels were wanted for questioning in the case,

Kristin panicked for a second when she thought she heard the big front door open and shut. She waited, but there were no other sounds. She went back to the job at hand. Kristin wanted to know more about the robberies in Waterton . She found an article from six weeks ago in the Waterton News…..

Our town was devastated when the body of local resident Mark Latham was found behind his home on Summerson Lake, the victim of a senseless robbery. Local police have no leads at this time but want everyone to be on the lookout for these items that were taken from the residence……

Kristin found another article dated ten days after the Latham robbery……

Our town was shaken yesterday when the body of Julie Norton was found in her family living room on Red Nipper Bay. Apparently Miss Norton was the victim of another robbery in our sleep burg. Finally state and federal authorities have become involved. What follows is a list of what was taken from the Norton home……..

Kristin decided to look one more time and found something about two weeks after Julie Norton…

Our burg was shocked when a robbery turned murderous last evening. Seventeen year old Charles Grayson was found stabbed to death in his parents dining room. Grayson was a promising young man who worked for his high school newspaper. Sources report Grayson might have been bound with duct tape before his demise…..

Kristin printed off the articles and stuffed them in her bag. She was coming down the stairs when Darrel stopped her

“Kristin freeze,” he said in a hushed voice. He was hiding just out of sight in the kitchen.

Kristin crouched down on the landing and looked at the front door. Her aunt Linda was talking to someone through the narrow opening as she held the door firmly in p lace.

“I’m sorry, officer, but I have been gone all day. I have no idea where my niece or her daughter could be. There are times when my niece disappears for days at a time.”

“We checked for Mrs. Fisher at her office and they said she was let go several weeks ago.”

“I have no idea about that. If anything happens to Kristin they would contact me, not her.”

“That’s why I’m here. We need to speak with Kristin.”

“Is this about that Hall boy? Troublemaker that boy is. My Kristin is supposed to avoid him. You should be checking the records better instead of bothering an old woman.”

The cop’s cellphone rang. “Yeah it’s Don. Okay. Yeah. I’m off work in a few minutes. Okay, see you there.”

“I’d hate to hold you up,” said Linda.

“If you hear from Mrs. Fisher or her daughter please call the station.”

“Of course, officer. Have a nice night.”

As Linda shut the door Kristin tried to tiptoe her way to the kitchen.

“Now why would you try to avoid me Kristin?”

Kristin sighed and turned around as Darrel came in from the kitchen. Linda Shelby had a mischievvious smile on her face.

“I didn’t think you would approve of where I’ve been spending my time.”

“Approve of a find young man like Darrel? Child you don’t know me very well do you.”

“If I would of known that you were Kristin’s aunt, Mrs. Shelby I would have had her tell you.”

“Oh posh, as if I didn’t know. “ Linda browsed in the box Darrel had sett on the table. “Is this really all you need?”

“The boys are shopping in Bixby,” said Darrel. “Tyrel is going to pick us back up when they are done.”

Kristin felt someone watching them. She looked up to see a crimson hood duck out of sight of the window. She had a quick vision of bandaged hands and red curls. Mrs. Shelby gave her a knowing look.

Darrel picked up the box. “We should be going.”

Kristin picked up her duffle bag and hugged her aunt. She felt Linda shove something in her jacket pocket.

There was a light mist falling that turned into a downpour by the time they reached the edge of town. They were about to cross the main road when a patrol car turned the corner. Darrel yanked Kristin into the ditch just in time. After the patrol car passed, Kristin began to fret about the others. She darted across the road to the place where they were supposed to meet Tyrel.


“I’m sure everyone is okay Kristin.”

Kristin caught a glint of light from the corner of her eye. When she looked again it was the flashing of headlights. She and Darrel ran to the van.

“The boys seemed tto be dawdling so I came back to get you. I texted Mitch on where I would meet them.” Said Tyrel.

Tyrel drove back down a narrow path with woods on either side. They were outside of Bixby but it was only two miles from the grocery store.

The side door of the van slid open and Shawn jumped inside.
“What took you guys?”

Shawn giggled. “We stopped at a gas station to wait out the rain.”

“Where’s Mitch?” asked Kristin.

Dean walked up. “I don’t know but I’m definitely going to kill Shawn this time.”

“What did he do now?” asked Tyrel.

Dean spit. “He convinced some cop that we were kissing cousins.”

Shawn imitated a back woods country accent. “Yess sir Oissifer, my coussin and I is going home. Got to get these vittles back to Ma.”

“You didn’t have to French kiss me,” said Dean.

Tyrel looked serious. “You didn’t.”

Shawn burst into giggles. “I had to make it look good.”

“I swore I’d kill him.”

Darrel spotted Mitch carefully making his way through the woods. When he got to the van he huffed.
“Those two tell you they almost got picked up?”

Darrel grinned. “Shawn had to brag.”

“I almost threw up. I swear I saw Shawn kiss Dean.”

Kristin giggled. “According to Dean it was a French kiss.”

“Ugh. I think I will be sick.”

“Let’s get back to the house.,” said Tyrel. “I don’t like sitting here with pigs patrolling.” He put the van in gear and followed the dirt road. “This connects with a back road into Tunning.”

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