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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1059319 added November 11, 2023 at 4:28pm
Restrictions: None
D11 pt 11
Dr. Solanum reported that Mary Cartwright had been beaten and sexually assaulted. It was the same as Julie Norton in Waterton. She had put up a good fight from the condition of her living room. There was evidence that there was more than one assailant, and multiple DNA samples from her assault. She managed to scratch one or more of her assailants.

"The tissue under her nails didn't match any in t he system. Neither did the DNA left inside her."

"I doubt they put all the males here in the system," said Tom.

"Darrel Michaels is in the system but there is no match."

"We suspected there was more than one unsub from the beginning," said Galloway. "Some of thhe victims were a good size and it would take one of equal size or several of them to take them down."

"Thhe pieces are starting to fall into place," said Tom.

"I just wish someone would invent a lipstick that didn't smear on my cigarettes," said Dr. Solanum. She tore the butt off and dropped it in the trash.

Tom Ferguson ran the profile of the unsubs by Galloway before giving it to the press. The team sat down in the conference room to reqroup and go over what they learned.

"We finally have the records of Darrel Michaels and Kristin Fisher whom we can place at the murder scene of Rick Hall," said Galloway.

"We also gathered the rrecords of their assoociates. Seems they are all in t he system for various petty crimes." said Tom.

"All of their DNAs are in the systtem but none match up with the samples found at any of the crime scenes." said Dr. Solanum.

"We still have little information on the notes found at the scenes. They weree written on high quality paper with gold embossed trim and the ink is also a high grade," said Joe.

"Students at the high school pointed us toward the Auto Club as friends of Rick Hall," said Anna. "Also that Mike Austin, one of Hall's friends, had contact with Timothy Karson."

"We have yet to connect Rick Hall directly to Karson except for Karson's blood smeared inside Hall's jacket," said Galloway.

"Has anyone talked to Mike Austin or Mrs. Karson yet?" asked Tom.

"The Austin family is in search of a lawyer and Mrs. Karson was ill the last time we checked," saod Anna.

"Let's follow up. We can offer to provide a representataive for the Austin's if they'd bee willing to come in," said Tom. "Let's use alll sympathy but express to Mrrs. Karson the importance of the situation."

"I'll take the Karson interview," said Galloway. "I think Joe should help Dr. Solanum go back over the physical evidence from the scenes."

"Anna and I will handle the Austin's and see about interviewing some of the other associatess of Rick Hall." said Tom.

They each jotted notes about their assignments then gathered their folders.

"Kory, can I see you a minnute?" asked Tom.

Galloway stopped what he was doing. Tom looked soleemn, He followed Tom to one of the interview rooms.

"There's no easy way to say this."

"Then just spit it out, Tom."

"Your boys were positively identified on the security tapes of a grocery store in Bixby>"

"Bixby? What made you look there?"

"We gpt an anonymous phone tip from a booth in Tunning. Further investigation also found a report of two boys being stopped by a state trooper just outsiide of Bixby. The trooper said they seemed harmlesss and gave himm a chuckle with the ruse they put on. He thought they were gay."

"This must of been before we put the bolo out on them."

"Yes it was."

So what do we do now?"

"Hope for a break in the case."
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