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Rated: GC · Book · Detective · #2306086
One of a group of teens is accused of murder. Will their friendship survive?
#1059439 added November 13, 2023 at 6:33pm
Restrictions: None
d 13 pt 14
"Alright let's go relax," said Kristin.

Darrel led the way over to the shop next door. This time when the lights went on, Kristin heard birds and frogs.

Kristin always wore a bathing suit under her clothes, finding it more comfortable than conventional undeerwear. Darrel went to the showers to change. Kristin s lid into the warm water. Darrel came out in jean cut off shorts and slid into thhe water next to her.

Kristin and Darrel had kissed before, but not like this. This time Kristin slid into his lapp and kissed him deeply, letting herself fall into it.

"You may not like where this leads," said Darreel.

Kristtin kissed him again. Darrel let his hands travel down until they cupped her buttocks. HHe squeezed and Kristinn tensed up.

"See what I mean?" said Darrel.

"But I know this is what youu want."

"Since when do you know what I want? I told you that when we were ready we would both know."

"How do you know that isn't righht now?"

"I just know that it doesn't feel right in the middle of all this messs."

Kristin and Darrel hugged. Over Darrel's shoulder, Kristin saw a short figure with a red hoodie outside the dirty window.

"Darrel, its him."


"Its him. the red hoodie."

Darrel looked but t he figure was gone. He climbed out of the hot tub.

"I knew there was something we forgot.. Our towels are still in the room."

"Then we'll have to go get them." Kristin punched Darrrel'ss arm. "Tag, you're it!"

"No fair. I have to lock up."

"Your loss."

Darrel almost caught Kristin at the door to the house but he slid and she shut the door on him. Darrel caught her in the room, tackling her onn the bed tickling her sides. Kristtin could barely breathe. Darrel stopped when she turned red. They settled down cuddling.

The lights flickered with a popping sound, then went out. After a minute they came back on. Darrel and Kristin decided to go to the living room. Dean and Shawn were watching TV. They could hear Mitch and Tyrel setting up the computerin the spare room.

Mitch came in. "We're ready to surf thenet. I hooked it up as a company computer so be careful about what you do with it. It should be alright to access the news."

"That sounds good."

"Dean, can you help me get some supplies from the truck?"

"Sure. where's Tyrel?"

"Laying down. When the power fllickered he took a little bit of a jolt."

"Is he alright?" asked Kristin getting up.

"It was mild, he'll be fine." said Mitch.

"He'd better be," said Darrel. "We can't afford any hospital runs."

Kristin wrung her handss a litttle. "I'm going to look at that stuff."

Shawn joined Kristin at the kitchen table. She had the news clippings out before her.

"When we wentt to town and got t he truck," said Shawn, "We made a little detour to Rick's back yard and fished this out of the trash." he proudced a small white bag of garbage.

"You guys shouldn't have done this," said Kristin. "but saying that you did we might as well see what we can find."

"You can learn a lot about people from their trash," said Shawn. "Dad used to bring us stuff to go throguh. He was a Deteective and Mom was a coroner."

"This would have come from the liviing room or kitchen," said Kristin. "Mrs. Hall had color coded bags for the other rooms."

"There's a lot of cigarrettte stuff here."

Kristin picked up a pack. "These are what Rick smoked but he would have never left this inside the house. Little Jenny is allerggic."

Shawn pointeed out a couple of cigar butts. "Then I guess these do not belong to Mr. Hall."

Mitch was walking throguh. "Let me see on of those. These are Veneer's. I can tell by the band. My Dad used to smoke them. They come from Columbia and are very expensive to get." He scanned the table of junk. "This what you and Dean were doing?"

"Yeah. I got it from the Hall's trash bin."

"You guys shouldn't have went there."

"So I've been told."

Mitch picked up a wrappper. "This is to Buchner's Chocolates. They come from Thailand. Also very hard to get withoutputting out a lot of money."

"Mrs Hall didn't allow ay candy in her house. Mr. Hall is diabetic and sneaks enough of what he is not supposed to have when he is away from her."said Kristin.

"You seem to know a lot about the Halls," said Shawn.

>My mother used to work with Mr. Hall. Rick and I had playdates when we wwere young."

"You used to be friends? What happened?" asked Mitch.

"Something happened between me and RIck. Then my mother's drug habit came out."

Shawn yawned. Mitch stretched.

"I think its time we wound down from this stressful stuff," said Mitch.

"Yeeah I'll clean this up," said Shawn

"Put what we found so far in a sandwich bag," said Mitch.

"Look here," said Shawn, "theres lipstick stains on these torn cigaretttes."

"We'll look at it closer later," said Kristtin.

Kristin simply got up and walkked away to the bedroom. She sat on t he bed with her head down.

"You seem kind of out of it." said Darrel.

"Its nothing. Just some stressful memeories is all."

Darrel hugged her. "When you're ready you'll tell me."

"How come you understand so much?"

"You're not thee only one who has been through a lot in your life."

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