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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #2307137
A hamlet in a remote region of its island country experiences the effects of the Rapture.
#1060068 added January 4, 2024 at 10:07pm
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Call to Battle
"It's time!" said Governor Wisdom. "Serjeant-at-arms, call your troops to ranks!"

"Aye-aye, Governor," said the serjeant-at-arms. "Troops, report!"

Running in boots could be heard all over the caverns. Three minutes later, all were at attention, ranks upon ranks, and rows upon rows. All stood at attention and absolute silence.

The serjeant-at-arms drew a long breath, then he waxed eloquent. "Men, we've been training for this day for years. His Majesty, Jesus Christ, the Messiah is on His way from Heaven to the final battle with Mankind. He could be here in a moment, but he has chosen to take His time to give us the time we need to deploy from Mercy Island to the Vale of Meggido. We will be taking only ourselves. He is bringing mounts for each of us. These mounts will be with Him when we meet Him, again, as He touches the Mount of Olives. We will join the heavenly troops of our loved ones, who have passed on before us, but we will save the full reunion for the denouement after the battle. When you are dismissed, you are to grab your duffle bags and head over to the transport vessel for immediate departure. Take your bags, but leave your fears. This battle has already been won for The Lord Jesus Himself. When you engage in the battle you will leave your swords sheathed, and watch His Majesty, the Lord Jesus, engage the battle. Do as enjoined. Do nothing until commanded. You have your orders, Troops. Dismissed."

The troops grabbed their things and headed to the transports. The serjeant-at-arms returned to his post, standing to the right of and to the back of Governor Wisdom.

The transport vessel made the trip from Mercy Island to the coast of Israel in a day and a half. The time required remaining undetectable by radar, docking at a private port, equipped with private land transports. They disembarked, and reassembled on the Mount of Olives, waiting for the arrival of His Majesty, The Lord Jesus.

The battle encampment had its HQ inside a cave, that appeared to be the place of the skull. It had been occupied by His Majesty one weekend, but since then it has lain dormant in need of a new occupation. The battle encampment was merely a formality since the battle was already won from the Foundation of the World. The Victory on the field of battle would be won by the One, Who Alone fought every battle, including this one. The troops in his entourage would show the World His trophies of Grace, all of them gifts from Father to Son. (John 6:37, KJV)

The armies of The Lord from among the Tribulation saints, including Bud Best, the former Police Chief of Fairly Same township, were being kept hidden from the eyes of the World by the cloak of Grace and Mercy. They would be seen soon enough by the World as they melded into the grand entourage, that was now coming from Heaven as a great train of His Nobility. When the armies of The Lord were finally seen, the battle would be as good as over at the Sword of the Mouth of His Majesty, Jesus, Messiah, the Sovereign Lord.

Governor Wisdom monitored his Intercelestial Majesty Scope to see the progress of the Lord Jesus and His entourage. As He passed Jupiter, "It's Time!" he commanded as he ordered to have the troops brought into rank and file at attention for His Majesty's arrival. In barely five minutes the stead of His mount touched hooves on the Mount of Olives with every white horse in the entourage in rank and file behind Him.

The Lord Jesus dismounted to stand in front of Governor Wisdom, receiving his humility as he honored The Lord Jesus with his whole heart. "You have done well, Governor Wisdom. Your troops are ready to join my entourage as we head over to the battlefield. This is a glorious day. Victory is Mine. You will all share in the joy of this great victory. Dismiss your troops to mount their white horses, falling in line behind my assembled entourage. I will see you once, again on the other side of the battle. Man your post on the transport vessel, and ready the banquet."

"Aye-aye, Your Majesty," Governor Wisdom said, and backed up toward the vessel.

"Welcome, Saints of the Tribulation. Enjoy the Victory I will have this day along with the rest of my entourage. It's Time!"

The Lord Jesus riding on His white horse, mounted steed, lifted off from the Mount of Olives to engage the Battle of Armageddon. Bud could see unnumbered scores of troops from every part of the globe. The people of China, Iraq, and Iran had marched across the Euphrates River when it dried up. The armies of Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, and myriad other countries from Africa had come up through the Negev. The combined army of Europe came down through Dan. The countries of the West had taken to shipping through the Mediterranean Sea, coming to Meggido from the West.

All were furious at the Rider on the White Horse as the prophetic psalm quoth so many years ago. "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 'Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." (Psalm 2:1-3, KJV)

At that moment His Majesty chuckled, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision." (Psalm 2:4, KJV)

What must He have been thinking? Bud wondered. What was behind that chuckle? Majesty knows His Own mind, and He needs tell His thoughts to no other since His Father and the Holy Spirit already know.

The human heart is so filled with rage until it bends to the Will of The Almighty. The Almighty knows what is best for each and every one of His Chosen Ones, The Elect. As long as they go it on their own, they fail. Once they give up to the Will of The Lord, they finally find their purpose.

In the Gospels, The Heavenly Father spoke over Jesus at His baptism, "This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17, KJV) In Psalm 2:5-7, KJV, He said, "Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee."

The armies of the World should beware. When God starts to speak audibly, that is a time for terror to those, who have refused His rule. God, The Father knows only One Ruler for Planet Earth, and that is His Son, Jesus, the Christ. He will countenance no other.

Jesus will have the Earth as the realm He rules. "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psalm 2:8, KJV)

What will happen at The Battle of Armageddon is found in Psalm 2:9-12, KJV, "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him."

The Sword of His Mouth will cut like a blade of two edges. It will beat like a rod of iron, and like a pot made by a potter, it will be smashed because it is completely marred.

If the kings of the earth were to take the advice of God, The Father, then they would be wise. If they were to serve the Lord Jesus, then they could prevent their ignominious death at Armageddon. If only, they would "Kiss The Son," but alas, that is beyond their abilities.

What will happen because they refuse to serve The Lord Jesus? He will be angry with them. They will perish from the way, while His wrath is still small.

Wisdom is found in people, who put their trust in The Lord Jesus.

Though warnings are often heard, and sometimes heeded, Man is a dumb ass. Man will follow his own thought all the way to Hell unless he has been arrested by The Lord Jesus as Elect to serve Him, now and forever.

The fury of Man works foolishness, ALWAYS.

His Majesty leads the entourage to the Vale of Meggido. As they make their descent, the swords of Mankind rattle, and surface-to-air missiles are launched. Cannons are fired. Tanks send barrages of artillery, and they target their explosives as if by one mind. The Rider on the White Horse smiles, continuing to descend toward the battlefield, unfazed by the explosions all around Him. Nothing can harm Him. He died once, never to die, again.

At the moment of His Own Choosing, He unleashed the full fury of the Sword of His Mouth. Slashing to the right thousands of soldiers, officers, and their mounts lay fallen on the field. Slashing to the left another swath of armies go down. Slashing back and forth as His entourage looks on doing nothing as was His command, The Lord Jesus finished the armies of the world and the Battle of Armageddon in His Own Massive Attack.

A lake of blood has turned the Valley of Meggido into something unworldy. "Come, Birds! Come, Fowl! Come and feast as never before," the angels called. Their Master had feasted His Wrath upon the armies of the Earth, and they are no more. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Dragon were all arrested, and thrown into the Lake that burns with brimstone for a thousand years. (Revelation 19:17-21, KJV)

Now it is time for the Earth to find out what it's like to know a Monarchy by a Monarch, Who has never sinned, and Who has never acted foolishly. This Monarch lived His Perfect Life. He was beaten, died on a cruel cross, He was buried, and He rose on the third day, never to die again.

Surely, the Monarchy of Jesus Christ, the Messiah would be completely perfect for a thousand years. Or would it? The Scriptures tell another unbelievable story.

"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season." (Revelation 20:1-3, KJV)

What'd you think about that? Nearly a thousand years of virtually perfect rule by The Only One, Who is Perfect, and able to have a perfect Rulership. The Trinity of God ruled perfectly in Heaven. Yet, there was a rebellion, and one-third of the angels had to be banished out of The Lord's Perfect Realm. Jesus will preside over the most perfect Monarchy in human HIStory, and His enemy will be loosed for a time, a season to show, that even in the presence of Perfection humans will still choose their own way, rather than The Lord's Way.

The TULIP is the only way for any of us to ever be saved, both now and forever. We are Totally Depraved, absolutely needy of the Lord's Unconditional Election, which is anointed by Limited Atonement, through Irresistible Grace, keeping and preserving The Elect with the Perseverance of the Saints.

We humans are so hopelessly self-centered, that even in the Present of Perfection we choose imperfection. We humans can only be saved through the gracious intervention of The One, Who chooses us for His own Purposes.

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