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I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Ravenfly: "Oklahoma Evening"

Today's poem has been created in response to the challenge from
~ The Poet's Place Cafe~  (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave

According to Abigail Gronway on her website page, https://darksideofthemoon583.com/2018/03/29/10-line-poem-challenge-24-ravenfly/

"the Ravenfly is:

• A decastich (10-line poem) written in 3 stanzas: 2 quatrains and 1 couplet.
• Syllabic count: 8-7-8-7, 8-7-8-7, 10-10
• Rhyme scheme: abab cdcd ee
• Meter is optional

This poem is a trip down memory lane. It's not an actual event, but it is the emotion of a little first-grade boy (me,) who imagined how his life could be forever changed in a moment when he heard the tornado sirens.

As a senior adult, I now think how important Salvation in Jesus Christ is to anyone, who wishes to remain safe forever. (John 6:37,44)

May The Lord's Greatest Gift be yours, today!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
You are so good in these. *Laugh* I keep screwing up the lessons.
Elycia Lee ☮ - Thank you for the kind words, Elycia. Lessons are for learning. Give yourself grace. I'm sure you're better than you think. Blessings Always.
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Haiku: "Blanket of Night"

Night is an interesting time. Sometimes it feels comforting since the quiet without much sound other than crickets and whippoorwills seems peaceful.

One expects the temperature to drop at night, but in humid climes, like mine, sweating can continue well past midnight. Hydration is a must, even at night, for any kind of activity, that requires exertion.

It's summer, y'all.
Be safe out there.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:

These are just a few thoughts about wisdom, and how we interact with life.
I hope you enjoy the poem.

Blessings, All.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "It's Hot in The South, Once Again!

Today's poem is a shorter part #2 for a poem I wrote back in 2016. Here's that link.

How Hot Is It in the City Tonight?  (E)
Hot & dry can seem relatively cool to people from hot & humid climates.
#2090956 by Jay O'Toole

If you live in The South or have friends in The South, then you know, that things can get just a little loopy in our long, hot summers. Folks seem to live in their swimming pools, and when they go to work, they look like they just stepped out of their swimming pools. We still have dress-up careers but between the humidity, and the consistent daily rain showers, we're often working in wet clothes, through nothing we ourselves have done.

If for some reason, we don't seem quite ourselves, then please find us a tall glass of water, and a fan. We'll be alright, directly.

Stay safe, Everybody!
Did I mention it's summertime?

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:

I've been working with polyclay over the the past 24 hours to help my daughter with some props for a play. I hope the end result meets the need, but even if it doesn't, it has been a great learning experience.

The poem is a reminder of some of the joys in my life. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Scallop: "Shows Homage"

Today's poem has been written in response to the challenge from
~ The Poet's Place Cafe~  (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave

According to Dave , "The Scallop is a stanza form invented by Marie L Blanche Adams. Its structure consists of six lines with a syllabic structure of 2, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2 and a rhyme scheme of abccba, deffed, etc."

Two verses make allusion to two of three famous movies and stage shows. The other is a direct reference. Two are from the 1960s, and the third is from the 1940s or 1950s, if memory serves me correctly. These plays shouldn't be hard to identify, especially if you are a fan of grand musicals as I am.

If you know the names of the shows, then send them to me in a private message, if you like. That way we will give everyone a chance to guess. Thanks so much.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "God's Touch

We all know life is tough. Some days more. Some days less.

Who has the ultimate answers about lasting Truth?

John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Pretty straight-forward. Be truly blessed, Everyone!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I don't want to go yet. I would like to hve more energy though.
LinnAnn -book writer - Energy is important. May you be truly blessed. (John 6:37,44)
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Drops of Rain

We got a nice rain in the late afternoon.
This poem seemed to fit the occasion.
I hope you enjoy reading it.

Blessings Always.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Summer in June

The daytime temperatures, here, are now solidly in the 80's, Fahrenheit, while starting to dance around 90 F. Considering some of our past summers, those temperatures are not too bad, but I have started to sweat through my good clothes when I'm needed to "dress up."

Today's poem is one man's observations of summer in the South with guesses about summer in the North.

The rhythmic flow seems a little off, compared to many of the poems I like to write, but you may consider it free form with some anapestic feet thrown in for good measure.

If I were a "snowbird" with a second home in Pennsylvania or upstate New York, then I think I'd be packing for my summer there right about now, until sometime in mid to late September, maybe even October. However, since I've never had a six-digit career, I will do my best to keep hydrated this summer in the Deep South.

Just remember, it's a matter of perspective. Our friends in the far North have to use a great deal of wisdom to survive the winters there, while extreme heat causes people down here to have to use great wisdom to survive the summers here.

The point is this. I cheerfully live in the 30's and 40's, Fahrenheit, during the winter. I hope that gives some hope to those, who live in the 60's through 80's, Fahrenheit, through the summer.

I do keep up with the weather around the country. Therefore, if you live in the northern line of the 48 contiguous states, and have to deal with the occasional 90 or 100 degrees F, then you have my sympathy.

Summer can just be HOT! No two ways about it.

Be safe and hydrate!

Blessings, All.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Gentle Lights

What a gift it was to learn a few years ago, that the colorful strands of indoor/outdoor lights are not only for decorating at Christmas! They create a wonderful, cozy outdoor room on my front porch, that envelopes the end of the day with warmth for writing poetry, and various other important thoughts.

Someday The Lord Jesus will return in The Rapture to take His Bride away. When He comes, part of the world will be in the sunlight, and part of the world will be in the darkest of night. However, at the moment we are in His Presence, it will be light since He is The Light of the world. I pray we're all ready.

The gentle lights are a testimony to the light His followers shine until His Glorious Light appears.

Blessings, All!
(John 3:16; John 6:37,44; John 14:6)

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Kural: "Poetry"

Today's poem has been created for the weekly challenge from
~ The Poet's Place Cafe~  (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave

According to Dave , "The Kural is an ancient verse form from southern India and Sri Lanka. The structure consists of only two lines, with four words in the first line and three words in the second line."

I have created a poem with ten kurals, which is in agreement with Tinker 's description, "The couplet is named from the original series of 1330 couplets, each a stand alone poem , recorded in a series and contributory to a larger whole. Therefore, at the poet's discretion, a poem could consist of any number of kurals, as long as the couplets could stand alone" on the website Poetry Magnum Opus.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Beautiful Yard in Sunset Glow

Today's creation is another observation poem.

Sunsets are such dynamic canvases. As a sunset begins, long streams of light cause the yard of trees and flowers to purely dance with joy, but as the sun drops over the horizon we're left with a gray glow, that still shows the colors of the flowers and the pinkish Mimosa tassels, that my daughter and I would break off, playing like she was putting on rouge when she was still very small.

They say that night has come when you can no longer see the colors of the plants, but the term, "dark thirty" (or "thirty minutes after the loss of color") was something the seniors used to say when I was a kid to mean, that "night is really here now."

Sunset seemed to be a much longer process when I was a small child in the "Big Sky Country" of the Oklahoma Panhandle. The long rays of the sun were bright until it finally sat on the horizon line, and all-too-quickly vanished out of sight.

Now, I live in a place with many glorious trees. However, they create a liability for the observation of each sunset. the bright light glows through the tree limbs and leaves early in the process, but as the sun sets behind the rows of trees, the bright light becomes more and more dappled through the green cover.

Night doesn't arrive as a wave of the absence of light, but as a marching army of gray pastels, that finally lose their strength for holding onto the day. It is now the gloaming of the day. (Thanks to my wife for teaching me a new word, today.)

I'm looking forward to the everlasting Day in which the Light of the Glorious Son never fades.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:

Today's poem is theologically cerebral. One must have an understanding of the Five Points of Calvinism, which are denoted by the acrostic, "TULIP." I've been studying this belief system, consistently for about a year now. The more I know the more I embrace this understanding of Man's Origins, and the need for eternal Salvation in Jesus Christ.

At first glance, Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints doesn't sit well with what we think of ourselves. Nothing about it seems fair.

However, all five of these points are founded upon the first one of Total Depravity. Perspective is the hinge point of whether this is fair or the Highest Truth of All. (John 14:6)

From the horizontal perspective of human-to-human, we would all cry out, "We're really not all that bad. Human nature is basically good." We help the poor. We protect the weak from harmful humans and animals. We try to be nice to our fellow man.

However, humanitarianism sees nothing of the vertical perspective of how God sees Mankind. Obviously, God sees humans walking about, living their lives in the physical realm, being relatively decent by human standards but he also sees, that the core of each human is blind and unliving with regard to the Perfect Standard of God in His Own Eternal Character.

In God's Eyes, we humans are dead "on the side of the road" after the "car crash" with Sin in The Garden of Eden when our first parents ate the Forbidden Fruit. The only way we can be made alive spiritually is for the everlasting EMT to perform the CPR of Regeneration. (John 3:3; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:13; John 3:16; John 6:37,44; John 14:6) Once alive from spiritual death, we can trust Him, showering Him with gratitude.

Without the work of The Greatest of all EMTs, we remain dead spiritually, unable to save ourselves.

If never before, I pray the Lord regenerates every reader this very day.

Truest Blessings, All.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

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I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "Success in the Little

Here's another poem, that reminds us to be faithful in the small things for great successes are few and far between.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

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I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2:
         "The Life Evermore

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Grace and Faith are both gifts from The Lord. He does the saving. We do not.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3)

Humans do not do anything to birth themselves the first or the second time. The Lord does the birthing and the saving.

The only thing left to humans is gratitude. I'm so glad.

Be blessed, Everyone!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

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