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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2310241
Two girls from a world where the Nazis won WW2 arrive at a high school on Earth
#1060955 added December 13, 2023 at 3:49pm
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Chapter Two
Hannah and Ursula stood there with their shrink ray-guns in hand. The girls wore red, black, and white cheerleader uniforms, with ultra-short miniskirts. Both girls wore a futuristic equivalent of leather mid-calf jackboots that were a futuristic gray color. Both girls had small purses that were strapped over their left shoulder, and the purses were the same color and material that their boots were made of.

"I remind you," the teacher said, "the principal is on his way. I didn't inform him of the nature of the problem, I simply told him to come take a look for himself!"

Ursula fumed. "Do you really think your principal can do anything about us being here? We're like goddesses to you, because of our technology! If we wanted, we could shrink the principal, you, and every teacher at this pathetic school!"

"Arroyo Vista High is far from a pathetic school!" the teacher replied. "Some of the best students in Matheson county, true geniuses, are enrolled here!"

That's not the point!" Hannah replied. "To us, your entire civilization is pathetic! If we wanted to, we could shrink everyone on this planet!"

The teacher realized the severity of the situation for the first time. "Can you girls explain to me your value system? What makes the people of your world different from the people of my world?"

Ursula answered. "On our world, the Nazis won World War Two. For the next eighteen thousand years, we went out and conquered the rest of the galaxy, according to our master race philosophy! Down through the centuries, we ran out of inferiors... they had all been sold into slavery, miniaturized, and basically eaten by their captors!"

"Yeah!" Hannah added. "So we came here, during a time in your history when you would be powerless against us! We came here for victims! Black people, Mexicans, Asians... we want to collect enough of them to fill our bellies for at least a good month or two, and then we'll come back for more!"

"So let me get this straight," the teacher asked, "the two of you think it's okay to shrink people, then eat them?"

Ursula and Hannah looked at each other and laughed. "Of course!" Ursula replied. "We eat little people all the time! It's not like they're white!"

"Yeah!" Hannah added. "Swallowing other Aryans would be wrong, but inferiors are okay to swallow!"

Ursula added: "It's not like they're people! They're meant to be slaves... toys! And when they have served their purpose, they are to give pleasure to their Aryan masters by allowing us to consume them!"

Just then, the door opened, and the principal walked in. He looked at Hannah and Ursula, and asked the teacher: "Are these girls causing the problem?"

The teacher said yes, then looked at Hannah and Ursula and asked them: "Girls, can you use your ray-guns again, to demonstrate them for Mr. Hardwood?"

Hannah and Ursula just stood there. The teacher repeated his request. The principal got impatient. The teacher picked up the shrunken desk, and took it over to Mr. Hardwood. "They used their shrink ray-guns on this! They've shrunk several of my students!"

Mr. Hardwood was not convinced. "When you have an actual problem, I'll be glad to assist you, but don't try to convince me these little girls can actually shrink things! You did a good job of creating this little desk replica, though. Do you mind if I keep it?"

The teacher nodded, and the principal walked out of the classroom. "Why did you girls make me look like a fool? Why didn't you demonstrate your shrink-rays? Now he thinks I tried to play a hoax on him!"

"It was just funny watching you squirm!" Ursula answered.

"Yeah, we made you look stupid!" said Hannah. "So we've told you our beliefs, why don't you tell us what makes the beliefs of your people different from ours?"

"Well," the teacher replied, "here in the United States, we believe that all people were created equal in the eyes of God!"

Ursula started giggling. "Equal? But God created my race to be worshipped by all other races! So how can all people be equal?"

"Can you prove your race is superior to other races?" the teacher asked.

"Can you prove it isn't?" Ursula asked, and the two girls high-fived each other.

"Look," Ursula said, "black people evolved from apes, right? Then God came along and created Adam and Eve, and they had blonde hair and blue eyes! They were created in the image of God!"

"And therefore," Hannah added, "that makes us a race of gods! Your theory baffles us! How can anyone dare to say their race is equal to the Aryan race? It's sacrilege, pure and simple!"

"This discussion is over!" Ursula said defiantly, as she walked over to the television and VCR. "I recognize the television from museums, but what is this other device?"

The teacher replied, "That's a VCR. It records television programs, and plays back videotapes."

"I believe our technology is compatible!" Ursula replied, and pulled out a device from her purse. She turned on the TV and VCR by hand, then waved the device over the VCR, then connected it to the VCR. Ursula then pulled out a small transparent sphere about the size of a pill. When she squeezed it between the thumb and index finger of her right hand, the small globe started glowing blue. Ursula swallowed it.

"That was a glow pill!" Ursula explained. "It'll make the contents of my belly visible to a camera built inside the glowpill. The image will be transferred to the device below the television with the three letter acronym. What did you call it?"

"It's a VCR!" the teacher explained.

"Right!" Ursula continued. "A transceiver and video camera built into the glow pill will make the black kid capable of being seen and heard by us!"

"You mean," the teacher asked, "Reggie's still alive?"

"Yes!" Ursula replied. "He'll probably survive a good half hour before he succumbs to the fumes of my stomach acid, then it's bye bye birdie!"

"That's insane!" the teacher responded.

"By the way," Hannah asked, "what's your name? Up until now we've just thought of you as 'the teacher.' Do you have a name?"

"Mr. Morgan," he replied. "I teach history."

Just then, an image of Reggie half-submerged in what resembled vomit appeared on the television screen. Reggie could be seen and heard, but up until now there was no way to communicate with him.

"I want to talk to him!" Mr. Morgan pleaded.

Hannah obliged by pulling out a device that could relay a signal on a frequency the glow pill in Ursula's stomach would pick up. Hannah handed him the device.

"You should be able to speak to him with this!"

Mr. Morgan took the device and spoke into it. "Reggie! Don't worry! We're going to get you out of there!"

"Don't tell him that!" Ursula shouted, as she snatched the device from the teacher. "Why did you lie to him just now?"

"I really want to help him!" Mr. Morgan answered.

"Your desire to help him is genuine," Ursula replied, "but my decision to force him to remain in the depths of my belly is genuine, too! He shall never know freedom! Consider him a fitting human sacrifice to the goddess Ursula!"

"Is there any way you can be reasoned with?" Mr. Morgan asked. "Is there any way to convince you to spare Reggie's life?"

Ursula pondered what Mr. Morgan had said. "Well," Ursula replied, "I guess we can play a game of chance."

Ursula retrieved a plastic jar from her purse containing the miniaturized Mexican girl she had shrunk. She set the jar on an empty desk. Then she pulled out another jar containing translucent purple goo.

"This is Gak!" Ursula explained. It makes people vomit. If you win, I'll drink it and puke Reggie up. If you lose, I swallow another victim, this Mexican girl. Now I understand you people are still using metal disks for currency? Can you pull one out? We'll flip for it!"

"You must mean a quarter!" Mr. Morgan replied. He pulled out some change from his right pocket and isolated a quarter. He handed it to Ursula.

"Heads, you win," Ursula said, "and tails, you lose!"

She flipped the quarter high into the air, and it turned over and over before it started to descend...
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