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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2310241
Two girls from a world where the Nazis won WW2 arrive at a high school on Earth
#1060956 added December 13, 2023 at 3:50pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Three
Light reflected from the spinning quarter as it fell toward Ursula's open palm. When it hit, she popped the quarter over onto the wrist of her other hand, and uncovered the quarter. It was tails!

"You lose, Mr. Morgan!" Ursula shouted, and she uncapped the vial with the miniaturized Mexican girl, and turned the plastic vial upside-down and dumped the captive out onto her open palm. Before Mr. Morgan could protest, Ursula popped the Mexican girl into her mouth, and a moment later, swallowed her. Obviously, Ursula was very skilled at swallowing miniaturized people.

The other students, including Jerome, watched the television screen with morbid fascination. Josie, the Hispanic girl, plunged down Ursula's esophagus into the depths of her belly, right next to Reggie, the miniaturized black student. They watched as she wiped the half-digested food from her face and hair, and saw that she was up past her waist in the vomit-like contents of Ursula's stomach.

"Oh my God!" Josie shouted, and all of the students could hear her words transferred to the speakers of the TV set. "Somebody help me!"

Reggie and Josie put their arms around each other, for support. Mr. Morgan took the microphone and spoke into it.

"Josie! Reggie! We can see you and hear you on the TV! I'm going to try to get the two of you out of there, but I can't make any promises! The girl who swallowed you seems to be incredibly evil!"

"It's hard to breathe in here, Mr. Morgan!" Reggie said. "I'm trying to conserve my air!"

Ursula pulled out her shrink ray-gun, and systematically began shrinking all of the students who weren't white, with the exception of Jerome. Hannah got some plastic vials out of her purse, and began collecting the miniaturized students. One Asian kid was afraid to jump down from his seat. He wanted to escape, but he hesitated too long, and Hannah collected him before he could get away.

All in all, there were five more miniaturized students to add to the one already collected, making a total of six. Hannah lined up the plastic vials on an empty desk behind Ursula. Mr. Morgan felt he had to do something.

"Class," Mr. Morgan said, "Normally, at the end of the school year we focus on the Civil War period, but today, I'd like to tell you about Nazi Germany."

Ursula and Hannah both sat down next to each other in empty seats to hear this. Mr. Morgan continued: "At the end of World War One, Germany was a war-torn, poverty-stricken nation. Adolph Hitler was a man from Austria who came to Germany, and felt he had a rational theory for Germany's woes."

Mr. Morgan wrote the word scapegoat on the chalkboard. "He felt that Jewish people had taken over high positions in the government and in industry, and that they had infested German society. His theory about the Jews is something we have come to call making a scapegoat out of a group of people. He turned Germany against the Jews!"

Ursula raised her hand, something they apparently did in classrooms on the world she came from, too. Mr. Morgan recognized her. "When are you going to get to the part about the master race philosophy?"

"I'm getting to that." Mr. Morgan replied. "Hitler promoted a philosophy about the Aryan race being superior. He believed that all the great achievements of mankind were done by Aryans. The pyramids of Egypt, for example."

Hannah raised her hand. When the teacher called on her, she said: "It happened that way on our world, too! But eventually, Aryans came to realize that we were not responsible for the achievements of the Egyptians, or the Aztecs, or the builders of the great wall of China. Responsible scientists came forward and disputed those theories, and now Aryans in my time only take credit for what we really did."

"That's good," the teacher said, "but how do you condone anti-Semitism?"

Hannah replied, "We're not prejudiced against Jewish people in our time, on our world. A lot of people are Christians, and it doesn't make sense to worship a Jewish God, and at the same time, condemn Jews. We've made amends for what we did to the Jews in World War Two!"

The class erupted in applause. They were clapping for Hannah. Mr. Morgan's gaze shifted to the television. Reggie and Josie could still be seen huddling together in the savage depths of Ursula's unforgiving belly. He didn't know if Reggie and Josie would go to their doom, or if he could find a way to convince the cruel teen to puke Reggie and Josie up.

"I noticed you were looking at the television!" Ursula said.

"Yes," Mr. Morgan replied, "I'm worried about my two students!"

"Well," Ursula replied, "You're white, so you have nothing to worry about. Why waste your time worrying about them? In fact..."

Ursula reached into her purse and pulled out another vial containing another miniaturized student. She popped the lid open, and tossed the vial toward the back of her mouth. When the shrunken student was safely on the surface of her tongue, she swallowed.

"I was in the mood for Chinese food!" Ursula joked.

"Actually," Mr. Morgan corrected, "Kim Lee was Vietnamese!"

The students watched as the new victim, the Vietnamese boy the teacher mentioned, plunged down and hit Reggie and Josie as he descended into Ursula's belly. If Mr. Morgan was going to come up with a plan to save the three students, he'd better do it sooner rather than later, because with three of them, the oxygen supply would soon run out!
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