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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2310241
Two girls from a world where the Nazis won WW2 arrive at a high school on Earth
#1060957 added December 13, 2023 at 3:51pm
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Chapter Four
r. Morgan paced back and forth in front of the class. Reggie and Josie and now a third student, Kim Lee, were in the depths of Ursula's belly. So far, Mr. Morgan had been unsuccessful in convincing the cruel teen to puke up her tiny captives. The air in Ursula's belly would soon run out, and Mr. Morgan didn't have even a simple plan for getting them out.

"What if I emptied my bank account!" Mr. Morgan pleaded. "I have ten thousand dollars in there! I'll give it all to you if you release my students!"

"Your money is worthless to us," Ursula replied. "It's like toy money to us. Remember, we're from a parallel universe!

"I could convert the cash into gold! I could probably buy several pounds of gold!" "It's too heavy to carry!" Ursula answered, "and besides, gold isn't as valuable to us as it is to you. Where we come from, gold can be created synthetically!"

"He's getting desperate!" Hannah told Ursula.

"Look," Ursula said, "If you can find me two victims for each victim we shrunk, I'll un-shrink all of them! But that's two for every one!"

"I don't think he can do it!" Hannah said.

"Come with me to the computer lab!" Mr. Morgan said. "There's Internet access there! I can find a whole grip of scumbags for you to shrink!"

"Grip?" Ursula asked. "I read a slang dictionary for this time period. Isn't that term a little lowbrow and vulgur for a man of your education?"

"I have relatives who have been to prison!" Mr. Morgan said. "Girls, come with me! The rest of you, stay here and just have some free time! Oh, by the way, Ursula, I need you to un-shrink those students first!"

"But how do I know you're not trying to swindle me?" Ursula asked.

"Just do it," Hannah said, "if he's telling the truth, we'll have a lot more victims!"

Ursula took the vial of Gak from her purse, uncapped it, and drank the contents. She puked all over the teacher's desk, and the three students tumbled out onto the desk. Ursula wiped some vomit from her lip.

"I thought you said you couldn't re-enlarge anyone?" Mr. Morgan asked.

"We lied," Hannah answered.

Ursula adjusted her neutrino dissimilator pistol, and fired three times. One after another, the three students were re-enlarged. Reggie, Josie, and Kim Lee.

"Why aren't they covered with vomit?" Mr. Morgan asked.

"Because!" Hannah replied. "Vomit molecules are normal-sized, when they were shrunk, the neutrino transfer re-enlarged the miniaturized atoms of their clothes and bodies, but the normal-sized vomit molecules stayed the same size! They still have puke on them, but it's covering such a wide area that you can't see it!"

"Yeah!" Ursula agreed. "What's wrong with you? Every school-kid knows that!"

Ursula then set about dumping out the other students she had shrunk, and re-enlarged them, as well. Mr. Morgan put his hand on Reggie's shoulder, and consoled him. One by one, he went to each of the three students, and asked each one if he or she was all right.

"You'd better be right about this," Ursula warned, "or I'm shrinking them again!"

After they went out the door, Reggie, Josie, Kim Lee, and the other students who had been miniaturized exited the room and went home. They never went back to school that day. Meanwhile, The two girls and Mr. Morgan walked to the computer lab.

"It's right here!" Mr. Morgan informed them.

They went inside, and the computer class teacher pointed out a couple of empty spots the two girls could occupy. Mr. Morgan instructed Hannah and Ursula to go to a particular local chatroom on the Internet, and invite men to have sex with them.

"The idea is," Mr. Morgan explained, "you can arrange to meet these creeps somewhere, and when they introduce themselves to you, then you can shrink them!"

"How do you know so much about all this?" Ursula asked suspiciously.

"I have a cousin who works for the FBI, and he handles this area. They bust pedophiles all the time using this chatroom, and somehow, these fools never wise up!"

Mr. Morgan told them the fast food restaurant where they could meet with their potential victims, and told them to say they would be there in 45 minutes. After 25 minutes on the Internet, Ursula and Hannah rounded up 15 invitations for sex. Mr. Morgan drove them to the fast food restaurant not far from the school, and they waited in front of the burger joint while Mr. Morgan waited in his car.

The first guy to show up introduced himself, and Hannah invited him to go behind the restaurant. Hannah and the man walked behind the restaurant together, but only Hannah emerged 20 seconds later, shrink-ray in hand.

This happened over and over again, and because the girls did it so discreetly, none of the victims caught on that they were in danger. In less than 25 minutes, the girls bagged all 15 suspects. On the way back to the school in the car, Mr. Morgan said, "I'm just glad you girls found a creative way to get those creeps off the streets!"

"Glad to do our part, Mr. Morgan!" Ursula replied.

Back at the high school, it was lunch time when they got back. Ursula spotted Jerome, and he offered to buy the girls lunch, and they accepted. Sitting at the popular table, Jerome and a couple of beautiful blonde girls were talking about Hannah and Ursula, saying good things about them.

Hannah looked at her slice of pizza, and took a bite. After chewing and swallowing, she said, "I need something with a little more kick!"

She pulled out a couple of vials of the shrunken sexual predators, and uncapped one. She took a bite of pizza, and tossed the miniaturized man into her mouth, too. Hannah began chewing violently, and muffled screams could be momentarily heard emanating from her mouth until the sounds of his bones and skull being crushed by Hannah's teeth silenced his screams forever.

Ursula smiled. "I want to do one!"

Hannah handed her the second vial. Since there had been exactly fifteen captives from the sexual predator sting, they didn't divide by two evenly, so Hannah didn't want to Bogart the captives. "I just thought of something," Hannah said to Ursula. "Since there were fifteen captives total, we need to give one away, so there's seven for you and seven for me. What do you think, Ursula?"

"I agree," Ursula replied. She turned her head to the side and looked over at the two beautiful blondes who basically ruled the school. "How would one of you like to swallow a little man?"

"Sounds great!" said the green-eyed blonde with long hair.

"I want to swallow one!" said the short-haired blonde with gray eyes.

"Break out a coin," Ursula commanded the girls. One of them produced a quarter, and handed it over to Ursula. She uncapped the vial with the captive, dumped him out onto the table, and just to torment him, said, "One of these girls is going to send you to her belly, and the flip of this coin will determine you fate!"

Ursula flipped the coin high into the air, and it spun as it came back down. The tiny captive looked at the falling quarter with terror in his heart, still trying to understand what was happening to him...
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