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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2310241
Two girls from a world where the Nazis won WW2 arrive at a high school on Earth
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#1060958 added December 13, 2023 at 3:52pm
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Chapter Five
The coin spiralled in the air, and came down on Ursula's right palm. "Heads, the long-haired girl gets him, tails, the short-haired girl gets him." She flipped it over onto her left wrist, and uncovered it. "Heads!"

"That's me!" the long-haired girl said to Ursula. "My name is Michelle."

"I'm Stephanie." the other girl said. Michelle and Stephanie took turns shaking hands with Ursula.

The miniaturized pedophile stood on the table top, and Ursula grabbed him, and handed him to Michelle. She took him, and told Stephanie, "How about I bite him in half, and I give you the bottom half?"

"Okay, cool!" Stephanie replied.

The tiny man heard this and cried out, "No!" but it was too late. He was in Michelle's grasp, and she bit him in half at the waist, and handed the bottom half to Stephanie. Blood dripped down on their shirts. Michelle swallowed the top half, and Stephanie swallowed the bottom half of the tiny man. Before Michelle swallowed, the miniaturized man could be heard screaming until his cries were silenced as he plunged into the depths of Michelle's belly.

Michelle and Stephanie high-fived each other, as Hannah and Ursula laughed about the plight of the latest victim. Michelle and Stephanie joined in on the laughter.

"Let's do what they just did!" Hannah told Ursula. Ursula uncapped one of the vials containing a captive, and dumped him out on the table. He was an obese Hispanic man in his early to mid forties, and very unattractive.

"What makes you think a teenager would have sex with someone as ugly as you?" Ursula asked, and the three other girls began laughing at what she said, because they agreed with her.

Ursula lifted him into the air, bit him in half at the waist, and gave the bottom half to Hannah. They both swallowed as the top half that remained of the tiny man screamed, but his tiny cries were silenced when Ursula swallowed. "You get the top half of the next one!" Ursula informed Hannah, as Michelle and Stephanie giggled.

Hannah uncapped another vial, took out a captive, bit him in half, and gave the bottom half to Ursula. "Cheers!" Ursula said, and Hannah and Ursula made a toast with the two halves of the miniaturized man's body. Both girls quickly swallowed their halves.

"That one didn't even scream!" Hannah said. "Let's find one who'll put on a real show!"

She set out each vial, and uncapped them and stood them upright. "I will now hear your pleas for mercy!" Hannah said to the tiny captives.

"This isn't fair!" one of the captives said. "I didn't even do anything!"

Hannah dumped him out onto the table, and said, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm not guilty!" the man pleaded.

Hannah replied, "We shrunk fifteen child molesters, and you were one of them!"

"But I'm not a child molester!" the man argued. "I've never even kissed a girl who was under eighteen!"

"I don't know," Hannah replied, "you're pretty cute! Are you sure you've never been with a teenage girl?"

"Okay, okay!" the man conceded. "When I was about twenty, I dated teenage girls all the time! But I'm in my thirties now, and I haven't messed around with an underage girl in years! And I sure as hell never raped anyone!"

Hannah was almost convinced, but wasn't completely sure. "If you're not a child molester, what were you doing in that chatroom trying to hook up with a fifteen-year-old girl?"

"It was the first time I ever tried that!" the man said. "You have to re-enlarge me and set me free!"

Both Hannah and Ursula laughed at this statement. "We're never setting you free," Hannah informed him, "but I can make sure you don't get swallowed!"

Hannah pulled a crucifix on a silver chain out from under her shirt. There were two clamps on the two horizontal bars sticking out of the crucifix, and Hannah took the left arm of the tiny man, and adjusted the clamp so it was securely fastened to his wrist, then did the same to the right wrist with the clamp on the other side. The man now faced outward, giving the illusion that he had been crucified.

"Since I don't know if your story is true, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," Hannah informed him, "but if I ever find out you were lying to me, I'll swallow you!"

Hannah took the small crucifix, which was attached to the chain around her neck, and stuck it in her mouth, with the tiny captive attached, and began to suck on it.

Michelle looked at Ursula, because Hannah was busy sucking on her tiny captive, and asked: "Can you guys shrink a city?"

"We can construct a model city and fill it with miniaturized captives," Ursula answered, "if that's what you mean."

"No," Michelle replied, "I mean. what's the limitation of your shrink ray-guns? Can you only shrink a whole building, or could you shrink a whole town, if you were high up enough?"

"We could easily shrink a building," Ursula answered. "Why, do you want us to shrink one?"

"Yeah!" Michelle said, "Lunch is almost halfway over, so we still have time to go to the bad side of town! I've got money, I'll call a cab!"

After Michelle called a taxi on her cell-phone, Stephanie, Michelle, Hannah and Ursula waited in the school parking lot for the cab to arrive. Once it did, Michelle directed them to a seedy neighborhood, and told the driver to leave and come back in five minutes. When he was gone, Ursula pulled out a scanning device.

"Yep!" Ursula said, "This scanner says that only minorities are occupying this structure. There are no white people inside!"

Ursula pulled out her shrink-ray and zapped the four-story structure, and it was reduced to the size of a small toy.

"I shrunk it extra-small because we need to hide it in something when we get back in that cab!"

"I brought a backpack!" Stephanie offered.

The tiny occupants of the shrunken building looked up at their new captors, as Ursula reached down to grab the miniaturized structure and rip it out of the ground!
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