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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1065097-Appreciating-Nature
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1065097 added February 28, 2024 at 12:12pm
Restrictions: None
Appreciating Nature

Prompt: What are 3 things you appreciate about nature?


Only three things? You drive a hard bargain. At my end, it is a lot of things, and even more than that. Everything!

Yet, still in a general sense, here are the three things I truly appreciate.

Animals. They are cute, innocent, tamed, wild, tiny, huge, smart, stupid and so much more. Their variety on earth is astounding. They help sustain the planet and add a lot of beauty and meaning to it. Starting with my own cat, tamed animals provide companionship, truly original experiences, and love. Then, observing the behavior of animals in their natural habitats is also educational and entertaining. Whether it's the intricate dance of bees pollinating flowers or the majestic migration of birds or the wild cats at play, wildlife shows the wonders of adaptation and survival.

Plants. They are another form of life like the animals as they sustain all life and feed us. They are also very beautiful, interesting, charming, colorful, standing straight or creeping along or even into the ground. Sometimes, when I stand by a tree, I feel as if the tree is talking to me. No wonder there are tree-huggers among us homo sapiens!

Scenery. The scenery on earth, large or small, is breathtaking if I am alert enough to see it. This is because nature grants us with a unique array of landscapes, from grand, magnificent mountains and sparkling blue lakes to spirited green forests and wide, far-reaching oceans. At times, the sheer beauty of larger panoramas or the smaller sights, like that of a single tree or a flower, leave me in awe.

Now that I've listed the three things, I'll also add to them the calming effect of nature on my mind. Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, the cool breeze on my face, or the refreshing touch of water connects me to the basic elements of Earth. The gentle rustling of leaves, the rhythmic sound of ocean waves, or the sound of a birdsong always soothe me and provide a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This is because nature has positive effects on my well-being by serving as a stress-reliever and offering relaxation.

In essence, I cannot contain nature in a blog post, nor can I show its diversity fully. This is because within itself, nature weaves an awesome, intricate, and beautiful web of life on our planet.


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