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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1068852-Meaning-of-Life
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1068852 added April 15, 2024 at 3:55pm
Restrictions: None
Meaning of Life
Prompt: Meaning of life
What does the term "meaning of life" suggest to you? And how do you find meaning in your life?


To begin with, this term "meaning of life" suggests to me a few song titles. And no wonder, because I'm an oldie, I have old songs circling through my mind, such as Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World," in which he celebrated thankfulness and attention to beauty, cycles of seasons, days and weather, and the kindness and capabilities of humankind.

Then came Mamas and Papas and of course "Make your own kind of Music" By Cass Elliot. Some of the lessons in it I tried to instill in my children.

Next, I recall Dust in the Wind, Bad Day, and Weird World. Is it me or is it that the singers and songwriters became more and more pessimistic through the years! I think they usually reflect the thinking of their time.

This pursuit of trying to find meaning in life through songs or through life itself has to be an innate urge in humankind. While this quest may vary in its interpretations, it transcends cultural and philosophical boundaries. Yet, in its core, it is a deeply personal and introspective search.

This search makes us ask questions such as, "Who am I?", "Why am I here?", and "What is the purpose of my life?"

Speaking for me, I feel the meaning of life depends on finding a sense of connection to something. That something could be the family, friends, social circles, profession, hobbies, interests, or service like Mother Theresa's. Not that most of us can be a Mother Theresa, but there's a good chance of finding satisfaction by following her lead.

In any case, the meaning of life can be found from a pursuit of spirituality and personal growth, which involves setting goals, cultivating talents, and striving for excellence in the chosen areas and aspects of life. This provides us with a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves, so we don't fall into the existential vacuum described by Viktor Frankl as emptiness and aimlessness when life lacks meaning and purpose.

Therefore, while the search for meaning may be full of challenges and uncertainties--through song titles, philosophies, personal experiences etc.-- it will become a deeply enriching and transformative time for us here on earth. This way, our lives will gain depth, meaning, and significance, be it only in our own eyes.

And I admit my mind went all over the place while writing this entry! *Rolling*


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