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Rated: E · Book · Educational · #2307562
Insights on keeping our balance βš–οΈ in an unbalanced world. Even Seagull won't stand up
#1070038 added April 28, 2024 at 5:16pm
Restrictions: None
It's been a few days since the last hello y'all πŸ₯πŸ˜»πŸŽΆ
Hi πŸ€— I've been squeezing in writing while doing chores ( kitties 😻 wash-out litter box and stuff)
Sometimes I mention a situation from my life and see if there's any interaction or interest.
Again I saw someone was talking about faith and I jumped into the conversation ( if folks don't mind I could say who and where. I never assume it's okay until they say so!

Because I thought about my own experiences with religion ☯️ and matters of faith, it brought to mind my days with the Children of God cult in the 1970s.

I thought about how I could share that story. What brought
me to join that day.
What I was doing that year and the year before because if someone had told me that I would, I wouldn't have believed them or the events that led me down that road πŸ›£οΈ...

I started freewriting words on an envelope.
People, places, and things.
An outline is a story ( stories?) that emerges.
I'm hesitant to proceed ( every time I've tried to write any of my memoirs, like the Tower card in the Tarot, things came crashing down.)
In 2019 for example we had 90 days to pack and move.
We had been renting a house for five years with help from the housing office which dealt with developmental disabilities.
They never told us that our grandson became too well for the program or that it only lasted five years and suddenly my sister and I were on our own to get the four of us ( plus our dog and guinea pig moved that fast.)

We did it but over the past four years, my writing hasn't been the same except for the past few months.
I still find myself wondering if it's ok to jump in with both feet.

The encouragement has been overwhelming to me and greatly appreciated πŸ’— πŸ™.

My new blog will be public but only some will see my memoirs in fiction. I will make a passkey!

This is from my list

C.O.G days
New York City
Job at Lemmings 1973
The village Gate
Folk city
Poor boy club ( cog)
3 months in hospital ( nut ward)
Pentagram ( at head shop)
Giving up everything to serve Jesus.
Year and a half later found out what a scam it was in Chicago Park one day.
A free day with " the shepherd"
Taught me not to get fleeced.

I'm adding this to here to keep track until it's an item!
I may tag!
Hopefully, The banana 🍌 bar is

open for business!

Gotta feed kitties 😻 😁!
Bye till next time

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1070038-Its-been-a-few-days-since-the-last-hello-yall-