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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1070607-Every-Morning
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1070607 added May 6, 2024 at 11:32am
Restrictions: None
Every Morning
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Meister Eckhart
Where do you see this quote being most relevant in your life? In your family, home, work, or creativity?


Where do I see this quote's relevance to my life? Just about in everything and everywhere and hopefully with everyone close to me. If I didn't take each day on its own value, I would be living in the past, wouldn't I!

This doesn't mean I'd throw the past out the window, either. My past or rather my past experiences have had great teaching value and I accept them with gratitude. On the other hand, I try not to dwell on them. This is because the present is the most valuable asset of the moment. Maybe because I'm old, I believe I have learned to live in the present moment, present day, present week. Life has also taught me, at this stage, not to make big future plans.

This "not making big future plans" has some comfort in them. It lets me off the hook and avoids tension and worry in my life and each morning becomes a fresh opportunity.

As for the fresh opportunity, I may not make long distance plans, but I make a plan or rather a to-do list for the day, which is adaptable should surprises pop up. Each day, then becomes manageable with my morning routine and at the end of the day, I write a list of things I was grateful for that day, which also means I am celebrating my progress.


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