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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071056-Brain-Dump
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1071056 added May 14, 2024 at 12:17pm
Restrictions: None
Brain Dump
Prompt: Brain Dump
"A brain dump allows you to clear your head and have free space in your mind...writing down ideas with a brain dump is a great way to get the creative juices flowing."

From: https://themindfulpage.com/what-is-brain-dump/
In what ways do you "dump" your brain?


Aren't we people so creative! Remember the days when the word "dump" meant a whole lot of other things? I mean, with every new decade, we find new meanings for old words. So here comes the brain dump.

I guess, in my tiny ways, I have been dumping my brain just about every hour on the hour. That is, if "brain dump" means the transfer or offload or thoughts, ideas, and info into some external storage. Anyway, journaling and writing is what I have been doing throughout my life. This is my method of voicing out my thoughts and clearing mental clutter. I have to say, sitting down quietly and thinking about things do help, too.

Yet, as the link in the prompt and a few Google searches indicate, these are not the only ways a brain can be dumped. Of some of those, I tried mind-mapping, but it wasn't for me. I like drawing only if what I draw shows some kind of a minor artistic talent. Alas!

Yet, mind-mapping is something totally different. Mind mapping begins with a central drawing, say a cat or something, then you draw curved lines from it and around it and write or draw what that word suggests, and if what you wrote suggests other things, you draw lines from it, too. In my case, if I seriously did mind-mapping, I'd need a sheet of paper as large as Mount Rushmore. However, for those willing to mind-map, there are even online tools and software for that. Imagine!

There is also the voice recording of whatever comes to one's mind, brainstorming sessions with others like they sometimes do in company meetings, and meditation and mindfulness. So many ways for a dump, isn't it!

To be fair, I did try meditation during some points in my life, but I had no idea, then, that I was dumping anything. In fact, I thought, at those moments, that I was quieting myself or my mind. How things have changed! Live and learn!


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