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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2259246
Girl in 2008 receives shrink ray from shrunken time travelers
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#1072925 added June 20, 2024 at 2:12am
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Chapter 11: Wednesday June 18th /Thursday June 19th, 2008
Chapter 11: Wednesday June 18th /Thursday June 19th, 2008

Megan and Shelly were in Shelly’s bedroom on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 18th 2008. Shelly set the books down she brought from school. “We’d better start reading through these books and find out about Achilles and Odysseus!”

“I’ll read the Iliad, and you read the Odyssey,” said Megan, “that way we don’t need to read both!”

At 11 pm that evening, Margaret called Megan on her cell phone asking where she was.

“I’m working on an essay about the Odyssey at Shelly’s,” said Megan. “The first draft is due tomorrow, and the final draft is due Friday.”

“You should’ve started sooner!” said Margaret. “Come home and eat dinner and go to bed.”

The next day, the students were seated in their chairs in the classroom when Scrapper entered, carrying a Manila envelope with concert tickets for a concert at the grange hall that Friday night. He passed out the tickets to the students.

Megan looked over the list of bands. There were three of them. Decimatrix, Hammer & Mace, and the headliner: “The vomit vampires?” Megan asked out loud.

“They’re a local band,” said Shelly. “My brother knows the bass player!”

On Thursday afternoon after school, Megan showed her mother the concert ticket Scrapper had given her.

“Can I go to this?” Megan asked.

“I think you’re old enough to go to a concert, as long as Shelly goes with you,” said Margaret.

Megan came over to Shelly’s after school and Shelly ushered her into the garage. The plaster block had been carved into a life sized statue of Shelly.

“Shelly, I can’t believe what a megalomaniac you are!” said Megan.

“Well, one of us had to pose for the statue, so don’t judge me! They carved it with lasers in just a few seconds!”

Megan walked around the statue. It resembled Shelly to a T, the arms were at the sides and its face was looking straight forward. It was clothed in a short skirt and a tee shirt, and sneakers and ankle socks.

“I think we should keep them here,” said Shelly.

“The shrunken people from the future?” Megan asked.

“Yes, if we invent that transtator device we can rule the world together! I printed out the schematics, I burned through all of our printer cartridges!”

“What could we do differently if we ruled the world?” Megan asked.

“We could clean up the environment and end world hunger,” Shelly replied. “Maybe we could forge an empire!”

“Who would be empress?” Megan asked. “You or me?”

“The shrink ray only responds to your DNA pattern, so you could be empress, and I can be your second in command!” said Shelly. “Like in the book of Esther in the Old Testament, Artaxerxes was the Persian Emperor and Haman was his second in command. All we have to do is figure out who will be the slave class.”

“Haman was evil, somehow I’m not surprised you would compare yourself to him, Shelly! How about Mexicans and Asians as the slaves?” said Megan. “Blacks have had it bad enough throughout history, so we could give them a break. If a slave serves in the military for a certain time period, they become free, but they still can’t vote.”

Megan and Shelly high fived each other.

“Are you going to that concert tomorrow night?” Megan asked.

“My parents are out of town, so I can do whatever I want,” Shelly replied. “What about you?”

“Yeah, my Mon said I can go to the concert if we go together.” said Megan.

Shelly pulled out a handful of concert tickets. “I stole more tickets from Scrapper while I was putting his flash drive back. Now we can invite Leila Landa and Paisley Pryor!”

“Good plan!” Megan replied. “We can bring them here after the concert and have another captive swallowing contest!”

To Be Continued!

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